
Jun 22, 2006 23:17

[T.h.e. W.h.o.s]

Who is in the house with you? Angel and my mom... both sleeping.

Who was the last person to IM you? Shemmy

Who are you thinking about now? <3 Eric <3

Who did you last talk to on the phone? <3 Eric <3

Who's house did you last go to? Eric.. to practice my self defense moves!

Who is you favorite teacher? sure as hell wasn't my Speech teacher

Who's birthday is next? Me! :-).. the big 2-0!. August 2nd!

Who was the last person you told you love them? <3 Eric <3

Who do you wish you were with right now? Eric, of course.

Who's you favorite relative? Hm, I don't have one.

Who gets on your nerves the most from your school? No one really

Who do you hope will take this survey? Whoever is as bored as I am

T.h.e. W.h.e.r.e.s.

Where do you go to school? MCC- south campus, MCC- center campus and OCC.

Where do you live? Shelby Twp.

Where is your phone? On the computer desk right in front of me

Where are your parents? Moms sleeping.

Where do you sleep? In my bed, duh.

Where do you shop the most? Target!

Where did you get the shirt you're wearing? Salty Dog Cafe in Hilton Head Island, South Carolina

Where did you last take a car ride to? Home from work

Where in your house are you? My sisters room where the computer is at

T.h.e. W.h.a.t.s

What was the last thing you ate? Candy Necklace

What was the last thing you drank? Dasani Water

What color pants are you wearing? Adorable Pink Capri PJ's (target- $10.99)

What kind of cell phone do you have? Samsung Flip phone (cingular)

What is the closest item near you that is blue? The blue light from the computer monitor on/off button

What do you like about school? keeps me occupied, and I like learning new stuff.

What is your gender preference (guy or girl)? Guys

What are you wearing on your feet? My pink comfy slippers

messaging service do you use? AIM

What is your favorite color? Pink!

What is your screen name? xobaby143dollox

What is your most used away message? "just got home from school- eating, doing hw, showering and going to work."

What is your favorite website? I don't really have one.

What is your favorite shoe brand? doesn't matter as long as their cute

What do you wear more; jeans or skirts?  I guess it depends on the weather so for summer I'd say skirts

What is the last movie watched? Dawn of the Dead (amazing!)

What song do you currently hear? none

T.h.e. W.h.y.s

Why are you taking this survey? Bored.. and avoiding HW.

Why does basically half the world have a myspace? good question.. I wouldn't know, maybe because they want to connect with everyone and its a fast and easy way to do it?

Why do we have to go to school? To get an education, and with a good education you get a good job and makes lots of money to support your family.

Why are (some) guys jerks: (Eric disregard this) Good question. That's something I'll never understand.

Why did you take this particular survey? Because I had it saved on my computer and never had the time to do it.

Why are your best friends your best friends? Because she knows every little detail about me.

Why are people labeled (like emo, goth, prep etc.)? so they can feel superior

Why do the people on the news repeat the same stuff over and over? So that people just tuning in don't miss anything.

Why is everyone obsessed over the olympics? I didn't realize they were

T.h.e W.h.e.n.s

When did you meet your best friend? 9 years ago. band. 7th grade. gold and silver. bangs. master.

When is your birthday? August 2nd

When did you last go to the mall? about 3 weeks ago for no longer than 10 minutes. couldn't stand being there.. one of the reasons I wanted to quit hellmark in the first place.

When did you last buy a new pair of pants? like a week and a half ago.. black gouchos at Target.. soooo cute.

When did you last burn a candle? couple days ago at Eric's

When were you last at school? This morning from 8am- 12:15pm for chemistry

When did you last see your dad? Last saturday for Father's Day
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