This is what it looks like when I avoid doing HW

Jun 16, 2006 21:46

1)What stickers do you have on your car, if any? None, but I do have a breast cancer ribbon on the back of my car

2) What posters do you have in your room? One my mom bought me a long time ago to put in a frame

3) What do you hear right now? Me munching on cherrios, the computer buzzing, me typing and my mom talking to Angel

4) If you could drink anything right this second, what would it be? Either Water or Chocolate Milk

5) Does anything hurt on your body right now? Surprisingly no

6) If someone you hated died, would you laugh and spit on their grave? Absolutely not

7) What's your job position called? Operator

8) What size ring do you wear? Not sure, I guess it depends on what finger

9) Do you own a camera phone? Yep

10) What's your bf/gf birthday? December 22, 1985

11) What was your elementary school's mascot? Crissman Cougars

12) What's your favorite bottled water? Ice Mountain.. Aquafina is good too.

13) What's the next concert/show you're going to and when? No clue

14) What were you doing at 9 pm last night? Working

15) What's your favorite Starbucks drink? Mint Cocoa Cappucino

16) Do you exercise as much as you should? No way

17) Did you attend your High School prom? Unfortunately

18) Did you go to someone else's prom? Nope

19) Would you give your bf/gf a second chance if they cheated on you? Depends on the circumstances


20)Something purple within 5 feet of you? Yes, its one of those stuffed animals that are stuffed with sand.. its a purple lizard that sits on top of the computer

21) How long can you hold your breath underwater? Maybe a minute?

22)Your nails were last painted? Fingernails- too long to remember.. Toenails- like a week ago

23) The weirdest thing you've ever heated in the microwave? Ice Cream

24) How much Japanese do you know? Just the words from Mr. Roboto!

25) Sparkly things? ... what about them?

26)Ever crash a car, been in accidents? no, but I did get in a fender bender with someone.

27)Do you look good in yellow? Not sure, I don't wear yellow

28) Do you sing? Yes! All the time!

29) Ever sang in front of a crowd? Never

30)Do you dance? I am a terrible dancer

31) Is your hair long enough to chew on? Sure is

32) Least favorite color? Brownish- Green

33) Favorite kind of pizza? Bacon and Mushroom

34) Ever had Dippin' Dots? Yes and they are amazing!

35) Ever played an instrument? Yes.. trumpet.

36) How old were you when you got a cell phone? 16

37) How old were you when you got your first car? 18

38) How many tickets do you have? 0

39) How long have you been driving? 2 years in August

40)How many parking tickets? 0

41) Do you own your own car? No.. just a lease

42) What kind of car is it? 2004 Navy Blue Grand Am SE 1

43) Do you want to get married? Yes

44) At what age do you want to get married? 23 or 24ish

45) Have you ever been married? no

46) At what age do you want to have kids? 28- 30ish

47) How many kids? 2



48) The sexiest item of clothing you own? no comment

49 Ever danced naked in front of a crowd? um no!

51 Ever had a H2O massage? nope

52) Do you believe in Big Foot? no way

53) Ever been to a palm reader? only at my HS senior all night party

54) Last Pez dispenser you purchased? no clue

55) Have you had sex in your current car? no

56) Did you have a good weekend? yea it was alright

57) Have you ever had a black eye? no

58) How is today going for you? boring

59) Any plans for tonight? none :-(

60) Ever photograph something that was dead? no

61) Are you ready for Christmas? definately not

62) Ever given someone a Full-Body oil massage? can't say I have

63) Do you find Smurfette sexy? what kind of question is that?!

64) Current disappointment: not seeing Eric tonight


65) Do you have an air freshener in your car? I did.. it was Fruit Smoothie by Yankee Candle

66) Do you have plants in your room? Just a fake one

67) Last piece of mail opened? Junk Mail from some college

68) What city was your last taxi cab ride in? I've never been in a taxi before

69) Last alcoholic drink you had? Um, K-zoo last summer

70) Did you do the deed on prom night? Nope, I was dropped off at home so he could go hang out with his friend
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