On a Cold Wednesday

Mar 11, 2009 16:32

It is 4:33 on a cold Wednesday. I hope you are all well. I'm am currently "doing Honors BIO homework" meaning that I'm really listening to music, watching stupid you tube videos. Anyone seen that Ninja Cat video? It was AMAZING.

So what has happened in the last few days? Hmm...

Well this weekend I sat around and did nothing, so that was pretty cool.

On Monday we disscussed the imporatance of vegetables in Creative Cuisine and then wrote a pursuasive speach on which category of veggies was the best. I picked fruits that are veggies because...well I don't remeber right now but I'll get to that later.  I did yoga in gym. LOVE IT!

On Tuesday in BIO we discussed eco-systems through the lense of yellowstone national park and the problems the grizzly are encountering - sooooo really I paid no attention what so ever and drew a bunch of pictures which I'll consider putting up. Oo and I got to take a nap in choir.

On Wednesday/Today we were suposed to give our speachs over veggies in Creative Cuisine but my teacher is a bitch and changed things around so that we were doing a lab instead. Twice Baked Potatoes. Yeah. Exactly what I want to eat, after I've already had breakfast. Carbs and fat. Nice. What is ironic about this lab is that we are doing it for our nutrition unit and those things aren't exactly the most healthy thing you could eat. Whatever the point is I did not participate in this lab. In math today I realized that I left my math stuff in my locker so I asked my teacher if I could get it and instead I ended up talking to my wonderful, charming, beautiful friend Heather (I'm not being sarcastic she really is all of those things) for like fifteen minutes. So yeah I skipped class for like fifteen minutes. I'm a rebel. Suck It!

So I think that, that pretty much sums it up. I'm going to go do something pointless to waist my time before dinner. I might take some pics of my drawing so I can post them. If I do I probably won't post until my insomia takes over, so late, because I won't have anything better to do.

Until next time: It's not over, It's never over unless you let it break you, It's not over.

I'm not listening so Secondhand Serenade so it's weird that I typed those lyrics.

Yeah wierd, alright...

Later homies.


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