Title: Child Like to Hostile in 3.5
Pairing: William and Gabe
Rating: pg-13
Summary: I ran my hands through his cropped short curly hair. It felt greasy on my fingers, but not the ew gross you haven’t showered in a week greasy, more like comforting morning after sleeping on it greasy.
Warnings: boy kissing, hints of sex
AN: Um this is a one-shot/drabble type thing. I don't really know what else to say. It sort of just popped into my head so I typed it up.
I ran my hands through his cropped short curly hair. It felt greasy on my fingers, but not the ew gross you haven’t showered in a week greasy, more like comforting morning after sleeping on it greasy. Gabe grabbed my neck, pulling my face closer. I gently nibbled on his bottom lip.
“Bill,” he groaned. I broke our kiss gasping. Gabe opened his eyes and stared into mine.
“What’s wrong?” he asked; his eyes like a child who wants to know why they are being punished.
“We can’t Gabe,” I muttered breaking eye contact. I wanted him but I didn’t want him like this.
“Gabe,” I started again, “you're drunk and I’m definitely...at best buzzed.”
“You think I’m going to regret this in the morning,” Gabe hissed his emotions changing from child like to hostile very quickly. He turned away walking in the general direction of his bus. I ran after him.
“Gabe,” I put a hand on his shoulder but he shrugged it off and kept walking, “I’m sorry!” I called after him. I was sorry too. I was sorry because not only did I hurt drunken Gabe but I hurt myself by letting him walk away from me. I held back the tears and turned walking toward my bus alone. God only ten minutes ago I had been giggling like a school girl with my best friend and secret crush.
Gabe pushed me back against his bus and kissed up my neck.
“Gabe,” I muttered getting ready for the same hurt as the night before. Gabe pulled back and grabbed my chin forcing me to look at him.
“I’m not drunk tonight Bilvy,” Gabe whispered maintaining eye contact, “well unless you count being intoxicated by your presence as drunk.” His eyes sparkled with the stars and humor as I took in his words.
“I want this,” he murmured nuzzling his head into my neck and laying another set of kisses there, “I want you.” I grabbed his face, pulling it to mine as quickly as I possibly could. And I kissed him. Not just a sex kiss, but an I love you kiss. The distinction is that this kiss wasn’t playful like the one we shared last night; it was instead long, drawn out, and meaningful.
“Fuck,” I said as we broke away for breath. Gabe’s head bounced enthusiastically and he reached around me unlocking his bus before grabbing my hand and pulling me behind him. The door to the bus clicked shut behind us.
AN 2: Review. Please. I promise to love you forever. Okay well that's not really something I can promise what with being creatively spacey (cough ADD cough cough) and be a really fast thinker (cough cough random cough). But I will really love any input you give.