QUIZ ___

Dec 03, 2004 19:31

F . I . R . S . T . S
First best friend: jEnI _nIcOlE_KArIn_bRiT_rAcHeLlE-aBbY_
First car: cAnT dRivE yEt bUt i gEt mY dAdS bMw
First crush: l0l NicK cArTeR 4Rm BacKstReEt bOys _ hAhA
!First self-purchased CD: uMm ... dOnT rEaLy ReM
First funeral: neVeR bEeN 2 oNe
First pet: sAmMy _ mY oLd dOg
First piercing/tattoo: eArs WeN i wAs A bAbY
First credit card:dOnT hAvE OnE
First enemy: dOnT rEm .. iVe hAd AlOt'

L . A . S . T . S
Last cigarette: dOnT dO cIgS
Last car ride: bRyAn __

Last good cry: liKe 5 sEcOnDs aGo _ oVeR fUkIn waDe
Last library book checked out: dOnT rEm
Last movie seen: a CindEreLlA sTOrY_<3
Last beverage drank: wAtEr
Last food consumed: aPpLe sAuSe _ LuV tHaT sHiT
Last phone call: jArId S
Last CD played: stOrY oF tHe YeAr
Last disappointment: i CoUlDnT gEt A rIDe 2 sKaTe zOnE

F . u . t . u . r . e
Where do you want to go?: UCF _ UF _ oR cAlIfOrNiA bAbY !! HeL yEaH
Your career going to be?: dUnO_ dEsIgNeR oR sIciAtRiSts
Where are you going to live?: cAlIfOrNiA <3
Do you want any kids?: nOt nOw _wEn iM mArRiEd

C . U . R . R . E . N . T . S
Current mood: bOaRd
Current crush: cOnFuSeD
Current clothes: a&f sHoRtZ_ n a HoLlIsTeR tAnKToP
Current longing: a 6 pAk oF sMiRrnOfF lol
Current favorite artist: yElLoW cArD_lInKiN pArK _ kEnNy cHeSnEy _ n AloT mOrE
Current book you're reading: uhh n0ne
Current time-wasting wish: hUh???
Current Word: sPLiT _ dUnO y i SaY tHaT

W . H . A . T . S
What's in your CD player?: a MiX
What color socks are you wearing?: nOnE
What color of underwear are you wearing: uMmMm....?
What's under your bed?: nAdA
What time did you wake up today?: 6 3o

Twelve People I Enjoy The Company Of (in no particular order lol):
1. hUnTeR
2. wAdE
3. NiCoLe
4. jEnI
5. kArIn
6. BrIt
7. RoByN
8. rAcHeLlE
9. aBbEy
10. JaClYn
12. jAnIcE

sorry if i forgot you this is only 12 i love you all <3

Three Things I Want To Do Before I Die:
1. sKy dIVe
2. gEt mArRieD
3. iMpAcT sOmEoNeS LiFe ( jaclyn i stole that 1 4rm u _lol)

Seven Things On My Mind:
1. wAdE
2. BUZZ bAkE sAlE
3. WaT Im GuNa Do ToNIgHt
4. I wAnA gO tO thE bEaCh
5. i WiSh i CoUlD dRiVe
6. i WiSh tHe dRiNkIng AgE wAs 14 lol
7. wAt r Me N jEnI dOiNg tHiS wEeKeNd

five things that annoy you:
1. fAke BiTcHeS
2. mY mOtHeR _ tHe sUpeR bItcH
3. JuSt PeOpLe
4.fUkIn waDe _ hEs pIsSinG mE ofF
5. wAdEs gAy AsS fRiEnD wHo iS aNnOyInG mE mOrE

Five Things I Do Everyday:
1. sHoWeR
2. tAlK oN tHe fOnE
3. gO oNliNe
4. StRaIgHtEn mY hAiR at NigHt
5. wAit fOr fUkIn wAdE!!!!!! n Im GeTtInG sIcK oF iT!!

Four Songs On My Mind:
1. lOvErS n FrIeNdS _ uShEr _ LiL jOhN_ LuDacRis
2. BoUlAvArD oF bRoKeN dReAmS _ gReEndAy
3. HaNgInG bY a MoMeNt _ LiFeHoUsE
4. tHeRe gOeS mY liFe_ KeNnY cHeSnEy

Two Of My Favorite Foods:
1. BeRrY sAuSe <3 _ tHaTs SoMe gOoD sHiT
2. PiNaPpLe

One Person I Love:
1. wAdE <3 _ sAd BuT tRuE _ i NeEd tO gEt oVeR HyM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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