today was absolutly awsome. i'm really suprised because i was in school the whole day , but it was one of the best days in forever. School was boring , all my classes were easy tho :)) so that was good. and jakki and matty broke up :(( not cool man. he keeps on following me around .. at the mall , and then he sat next to me at lunch , and walked me to cartooning , and it was really wierd ? idk , he's really mean to jakki tho.. i don't understand. he tryed to explain it to me , but i'll just let it go , i <3 my jakki. Phil went home sick today * 2 thumbs down * i gave him a great big hug before he left , so i hope that made him better <33 .. hrm , what else ? elise + dan are a couple :)) flippin sweet.. me + roman kept on running into each other , it was funny. i saw jesska <3 and then holtz and joesh came down .. and then mr. big ass wolf came down and told them to go back .. man , i hate him .. i wanted to say hi to my buddies <3 . anyways on the bus montez got shut the fuck down by me.. yeahhh bitch. that's what i thought. he keeps spreadin shit that he hit it ( me ) and that i'm his baby's momma. yeah fucking right black ass ugly crusty mother fucker.. in your dreams. so then he was telling me who to talk to // not to talk to and i got up and was like WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THiNK YOU ARE ? i'LL TALK TO WHOEVER THE FUCK i WANT , WHEN i WANT , OKAY BiTCH ?! and he was like damn , you wanna start shit ? and i'm like yeah , GET UP.. and he just put his hands up and was like nawww.
ahahahahahah. i love it 0;) woo. so anyways i got home and then talked to my mother. tonight no idea what i'm doing tonight .. i might be going somewhere with my dad. sorry for the lack of the pictures yesterday .. i intended for there to be more , but i just got tired of uploading them , so i decided not to. so me and holtz exchanged pictures. so i'll post his on here that he sent me , just cause they are sexy and you know you want him.. props to holtz for the pictures.
blink 182 broke up , i cryed. yes , cryed. that was my favorite band .. well at least one of them. i am so pissed man.. anyways , last night i started to talk to mike again , and holy shit , i haven't talked to him in like forever .. no , NOT MIKE Z .. he's done with , gone , and i haven't talked to him since last month .. so whatever. MiKE J. ( haha ) man , i love that kid .. you guys dont understand. we are getting together this summer and hitting up all the concerts , just because we can <3 cannot wait mannnn :D ahhh.
haven't talked to jacob in a few days.. i miss him <3 i love that kid for as long as i live. for serious cuhh.. :-P i also need to call gary because i haven't talked to him in years. i hope he's coming up this weekend so maybe we can chill 8-D woo.
some things fall apart so other things can come together.
i just realized how much j.graz is into other people's personal life's. man , he cracks me up. me & jess want to go to his hockey game sometime. that kid is a beast.. and he's the greatest out there
^ mily , i love her <3
^ holtz in his sexy rows haha
^ m to the ily.
^ massaro playing something ?
^ jonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
^ jody lizzle.
^ jenna and B - RANDi <3
^ massaro with his pants down
^ what a sexy beast.
^ this is what all 3 shelves of my fridge looks like :) true player.