well , today i was sick and didn't go to school. ehhh , i'm feeling okay now , but i will be @ school tomorrow. I was looking through all my picture files on my computer today and i saw that i have alot more pictures that i thought , so i'll post them all on here. It's going to be a really big picture update .. if you know what i'm saying. They are from awhile ago , well some of them , but what - the - hay.. i'll post them all anyways .. alright ?
comment , please.
these are from the time me , chavez , and leah went to the mall.
i'm not sure if i ever posted them , but whatever.
^ chavez , leah , and me .. we are thug.
^ leah in pac sun with that damn poncho .. lmao
^ chavez , leah , and me .. LMAO leah wtf is up with ur face <33
^ leah , and THE FAT MEXi in the backgrizzle <3
^leah , peeeeeejeeee ( works in hot topic ) <3 and chavez .. aint they hawt ?
just random's of me and a lollipop ? idk where i am.. lmao
^ holy shit , i look horrible , my hair is a mess and my cheek is the size
of that fat mexican guy ( lmao ) .. yum , lollipop.
^ ? my tounge is purple.. sweet.
^ really bad picture , ehhhh whatever.