This Is What A Real Go-GeTtA Looks Like ♥

Apr 19, 2007 12:48

It's been awhile... But all that shit seems to disappear when Im with youuuu. Lol sorry, Stain moment. :-)

So Benny's birthday was a blast.. Well.. We went to Albert's that night, everyone & their mom found it necessary to do a shot w/ him because it was his Bday, so I had to stop drinking because I knew I had to drive home.. We ended up leaving early, and when we got home he PUKED all over the bathroom. Hahaha. It was gross, but thats the only time it has ever happened, and it was his Bday so I gave him a free time. I said if he ever does it again Im wiping his face in it, lol.
The next night we had our WHITE TRASH BASH Kegger party! It was a blast! We had like 30 people in our apartment, but it was very fun!! :-) Keg stands, beer bongs, drinking games, guitar hero, peeing outside, FUN! Lol
Here is a link to a ton of new pics! Its from the White trash bash, Albert's on his birthday, the Tiger game, St. Patty's Day, Randoms & Such!

Soo.. We started looking at houses.. But now we're not sure if we want to buy a house yet. I dunno, it's all up in the air! We really don't want to stay in our apartment another year, but were not sure if we are quite ready for a house, and our lease is up next month.. So we either have to be out or sign a new year lease within 5 weeks! So we will see! We did find a house we like, there just SO much to think about!

Besides that, just hangin out.. Bowling league is goin good.. Goin to Albert's.. Beer Pong at Joel's.. Hangin with the girlies..  AND SCHOOL IS JUST ABOUT DONE! I have 2 finals next week and its OVER! Woo Hoo. Celebration is in the air! :-)

I'll update again soon.. When we figure out if were moving, and all that cool stuff!

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