thats just the way it is - things will never be the same

Jan 02, 2006 22:34

Im pretty sure
I dont remember what happened
Wednesday through monday that well

I know that I cried a lot & I was a big bitch
and I was mostly with the same people lmao
oh yeah and im back to not talking to anyone.

other than that I'll try my best.

Wednesday oh boy. Well I know I went back to Mirs house. omfg I dont remember.

Thursday- well I know that Ali & Megan went home. So it was Me Mir Britt Brenda & Paige. Cant remember exactly what we did. But I know that we went outside by her bon fire pit and I through everything that had to do with me and Tyler inside and burned it. Yes, I enjoyed it. K after that I think we all went to my house. Watched some movies, ate, && I got pissed. Then we went back to Mirs around 11. I dont remember the rest of the night.

Friday-Hmm I know that Jena & Michell took us to the cemetery to umm smoke. Then we went and ordered Mc.Donalds. When we got home im pretty sure we smoked again. ooh I dont know, oh wait. I think i stayed up until 6 talking to Greg. Holy shit it was awesome.

New Years- Well Ali Came over with the rest of us. We all got ready then went to Paiges house. When Lane got home he drove us ( drunk off his ass ) over to Gregs. Well we ended up leaving and Chad & Nik came and picked us up and took us back to chads. There were people there I didnt know but it was alright. The countdown was pretty sweet. All the DF's minus Megan Kissed each other. My first was Brittany. After that we watched some movies and then I fell asleep. Then I woke back up around 4:30 because Nik was making a shit load of noise. Almost everyone woke up. So yeah I realized that I got over somethings pretty fast. Thanks to Nik. I also realized im going through a lust at first sight phase. I dont mind it though. But yeah me and Nik ended up going to bed around ... 10. Yeah I was tired. Then Mom came and picked us up, and right when I got to Mirs I went to sleep. I didnt wake up until 7:30. Ordered pizza, blah blah. Ali went home. Then out of know where all of us sat in a room, talked about EVERYTHING, and cried about it. I realized how messed up things are for me, and I cant stop. I know what my other friends think, but I just dont care. I want to, and I talk about it, But I never do it. Oh well. A little later like at 11 we went for a " walk " and smoked. lmfao this was an awesome time. wow oh wow. But yeah when we got home we made some phone calls. Wow Guys can be really desperate sometimes. But besides that. I stayed up for awhile with Madi and his friends. Then I went to sleep.

Today- We all woke up around 2:30. Derek called. I went home around 5. Derek Called. Then he came over and we chilled in his car. lmao CAR. haha I missed my lover. But yeah today was the last day of christmas break. Tomorrow is school. Im not looking forward to it, but oh well. I guess im going to have to live with it.

idk. idk. never will. ( anymore )
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