StolE From Jess*

Mar 01, 2005 23:40

>[Nicknames] Ash, Al Sped Bundy (thanks to Joshie*)
>[Screen name] xx0xAshx0xx
>[give me presents on] 7/31
>[Age] 15
>[Astrological sign?] LeO
>[Chinese zodiac sign?] SnaKe (whatever jess said!)
>[I am stuck in] Dungannon
>[Sexual Preference] maLe
>[Marital Status] siNglE!

>[Eye color] Blue
>[Height] 5'6
>[Pets?] dOg,cats, fish!
>[Color] piNk and blue
>[Number] 16
>[Animal] dolphin
>[Flower] roSe
>[Scent] hOlliSter aUguSt
>[Drinks] WaTeR
>[Soda] Mt. Dew
>[Band] raScal flaTTs, 3 doors down, green day
>[Song] Boulevard of broken dreams, god bless the broken road

>Do you...
>[Color your hair?] no
>[Twirl your hair?] uh huh
>[Have tattoos?] nope
>[Piercings?] yEs
>[Smoke?] nope
>[Roller coasters?] Fun Fun!
>[Wish you could live somewhere else?] But of course!
>[Want more piercings?] yep
>[Like cleaning?] heck no!

>[Write in cursive or print?] cursive most of the time
>[Own a web cam?] yeppers!
>[Know how to drive?] yeah
>[Diet?] on it now.. lost 20 lbs.! YaY~!!!!!
>[Own a cell phone?] yeAh.. call me!
>[Ever get off the computer?] yea.. i have a life of come sort
>[Habla Espanol?] Si!

>Have you ever...
>[Gotten a speeding ticket?] nO
>[Been in a wreck?] nO
>[Been arrested?] nO
>[Been in a fist fight?] yeppers!
>[Kicked someone in the nuts?] yeah!
>[Stolen anything?] no
>[Considered a life of crime?] haha* of course
>[Considered being a hooker?] hahah, out on the street 24-7 lmao*
>[Cheated on someone?] no
>[Cried over a boy?] many of times!

>[Lied to someone?] a few times,but for good reasons!
>[Fallen for your best friend?] yes
>[Made out with JUST a friend?] yes
>[Been rejected?] yup
>[Been in lust?] yEs
>[Been used?] Yeah
>[Been cheated on?] no
>[Been kissed?] duh!

>The last time
>[Last movie you saw] Malibu's Most Wanted today!
>[Last thing you had to drink] mr. pibb
>[Last thing you ate] a piece of cookie dough mom had
>[Last person you talked to on the phone] hunter
>[Have a dream that keeps coming back?] unfortunately
>[Play an instrument?] i can play the flute.. haha*

>[Remember your first love?] yeS.. =)
>[Read the newspaper?] I did today!
>[Consider yourself tolerant of others?] some ppl!
>[Consider love a mistake?] most of the time.. yes!
>[Have a favorite candy?] starburst
>[Believe in astrology?] i'm meant to be single..
>[Believe in magic?] nope
>[Believe in God?] yes of course i do!
>[Do well in school?] if a's and b's and a c count.. lol*

>[Go to or plan to go to college] yep at UVA@Wise
>[Wear hats?] nO
>[Hate yourself?] sometimes
>[Have an obsession?] yeah i do*
>[Have a secret crush?] maybe ;)
>[Do they know yet?] I don't think so!
>[Collect anything?] yeah
>[Have a best friend?] yEs.. i haVe a fEw :)
>[Close friends?] Hunter, Crystal, Breana and a few others!
>[Care about looks?] mine yes, others no!

>Love life
>[First crush] Dj*
>[Single or attached?] siNglE
>[Ever been in love?] yEp
>[Do you believe in love at first sight?] yeaH
>[Do you believe in "the one?"] yEs, just not for me!

>[Do you have a best friend?] yeS
>[Who knows the most about you?] Hunter Brooke
>[Favorite inside joke?] haha I don't know where to begin!
>[Thing your picked on most about?] Blondeness*
>[Who's the person you've known the longest?] Hunter and Breana
>[Newest?] Brandon
>[Shyest?] nOne Of us are shy!
>[Funniest?] Hunter and Crystal
>[Weirdest?] Leah... haha
>[Smartest] Hunter
>[Ditziest] Breana.. most def.
>[Friend you miss being close with the most] Sarah
>[Last person you talked to online] Daniel
>[Talk to online the most?] Brandon or Dustin or maybe Joshie*
>[Who are you on the phone with the most?] Hunter prolly!
>[Trust the most?] Hunter
>[Who listens to your problems] all Of ThEm
>[Who do you fight the most with?] Leah or Crystal
>[Who's the nicest?] aLLLLL of TheM
>[Who's the most outgoing?] Hunter

>[Who's the best singer?] nOt sUre..
>[Who's your second family] Hunter's
>[Who's your loudest friends?] wE're all loUd
>[Do you trust others easily?] heck no!
>[Whose house were you last at?] Hunter's
>[Tell me one person who's arms you feel safe in] haha, I'm not really sure!

>[Friend that lives farthest away] hmm.. Leah maybe?! lol* We are all so close
>[What is best about the opposite sex?] whEn theY'rE sweeT* =)
>[What is the worst thing about the opposite sex?] Cockyness!
>[What's the last present someone gave you?] Valentines day gifts: Cards, Flowers, Teddy Bear and Money!
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