Jan 26, 2006 11:29

It seems I have developed a slight case of the sniffles.

Divination was actually quite eventful today as we were studying our crystal balls seeing absolutely nothing but smoke and elephants when I had the sudden urge to sneeze. I just couldn’t hold it in for that would be a complete injustice for my poor nose, so I let it erupt. What was to be one seemingly non-existent blast of air from my nasal passages turned into several high-pitched staccato sneezes that had to have lasted a good two minutes. My nose was all tingly afterwards and it started to rain in our ball. Poor Elephants, what if they didn’t want a bath? Ha, that’s a good one, who wouldn’t want a bath? I want a bath.

What were the chances? I feel so special right now because of all the people that that could have happened to it happened to me. I wouldn’t mind it happening again, I could create a one-woman show with it! "Sneeze Please"

Oh, I could have it a duet and ask Sirius if he would join me. It would be perfect, I mean I have the kitty cat sneeze and he has that really loud barkish one which is always fun to hear. He should sneeze more often.

Hey, Sirius, would you like to join a Sneezing duet with me? Heehee I promise it will be great fun!
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