Root Beer and hardships at Austin High

Jan 05, 2005 09:20

This entry is long overdue and could spin out of control into 10 different entries; reader beware.

New Years snuck up quicker than expected. Started off by going to Shayna's party with Tara, Junkyard Jay and some girl whose name is really out of control -inieascia or something. The party was really neat. Set up like a vegas casino with workers in outfit and all. Wine, liquor and beer out the ass (as customary thanks to Shayna's older sister). The only problem is that I was under the impression that I was just another guest. Apparently lost in some IM's and phone calls Shayna was hitting on me and i guess i responded as if i liked it or something...i dont know... Anyways after promising to go to her party she waited until i was almost there and asked if i would spend the night with her, then begged me to. I used work as my excuse so she begged for a call-in, which um, you cant do at the austin american statesman (which is okay since i pride my vegetarian self on never being sick--2 years running). When I showed up with 3 people with me both Shayna and her sister looked really pissed off. I guess I was supposed to ask if my friends could come too, even though they had been shayna's best friends at one point. So were there and it becomes really obvious that im not just another partygoer. Champagne is brought and forced on me, I get Tara to go to a blackjack table upstairs with me and then Shayna shows up, has Tara move from the seat next to me and sits with her legs in constant touch of mine. A couple of drinks, a shitload of solo pics of me, and lots more obviously advertant touches later, I got rescued. Sam called and was ready to head out so I carefully danced around with words to leave the party with every seeming intention to come back. We never went back to Shayna's party. She text msgd and called throughout the night trying to get me to come back and figure out why i wasnt. She finally gave up around 5:30 am and then called leaving a message cussing me out bc im an asshole. Now females, and im not trying to be derrogatory but i dont think males do this, what the hell is up with the explicit name-calling voicemails. If you want a return call, know that its not going to happen if you leave a yelling/screaming/crying (unless its sensitive) etc. message. Maybe you ladies know this, maybe you just dont think twice. But seriously, you arent going to get the call back. Whats funny is that just like everytime any girl has ever called and done that to me, Shayna regretted it. I was content with never messaging her again after the voicemail, but in trying to have some fun, hammer msgd her a couple nights later asking if she was mad at me. No response at the time, but when I woke in my car for work early this morning I saw I had a text message, low and behold, Shayna wants to know if I'll hangout with her this weekend. Well, thanks to the biological father, im extremely sensitive to yelling and I dont forget or let it go easily. Tough luck Shayna, if i do hangout with her this weekend it will be out of complete boredom with no offers from anyone to do anything and nothing exciting on tv.

Continuing on with New Years, we went to 2 different parties, both gay in their own way. First we went to a couple of gay guys' party, which was really fun. A bit strange and a bit touchy for my taste...but i expected it with gay guys. Second we went to a big party in Hutto, which was gay. I guess I've grown out of land parties that revolve around kickers and kegs. Lost inbetween the parties was the countdown that we never got to have, sorry Sperm. Overall New Years was really fun. It was a lot better than I had expected it to be. Probably the best new years ive had since...well i dont even remember when. My previous new years havent been the most fun.

Life since new years has been peachy. More fun than I'd expected to be having since my nightlife is kind of limited with the AAS job. It's kind of like groundhog day, how every single day he rolls over and the same damn thing happens. Every single day I show up at the same place, with the same people, to do the same thing at 2:30 am. Its like at the end of the day I just hit the reset button and start playing the game over. I do like the job though. Ive accomplished much there in my first 2 weeks. I've quickly become one of the best, and most well-known deliverers. I got told that someone had a huge crush on me...then the person who told me said dont worry i let him know that u werent gay. Perhaps I should stop with the tight fitting shirts? I dont get it, I mean yeah I where the small shirts...but i dont tuck them in. I dont have a really neat appearance. My hair is always some awkward fluff ball. I'm never cleanshaven by the time I make it to AAS. There arent any rainbows on my car. I have a wimpy voice, but not quite a feminine one. Oh well, like Aldo says, Bro, if you got gay guys hitting on you then you're the shit, gay guys know what its about bro, if you could swing a gay guy you could swing anyone.

Work at Sams has been fun too. I feel weird going in there thanks to Nickel and Dimed...but ill write about Nickel and Dimed later as i havent quite finished it yet. It's doubtful but they might be moving me to be a meatcutter. Kind of sick, but better pay. I'm not sure that theyre going to give it to me...but being as hopeless as I am i requested to use some of my paid personal time for Feb. 14. I'm not sure if theyre going to catch that its valentines day or not before they sign supervisor isnt too savvy. Wes laughed and called me an ass since he has a gf who is expecting and the other produce worker is married...oh well...a guy can hope and i thought of requesting the day off first.

That leaves me with GIRLS. All i really want is GIRLS. Two in the morning something something GIRLS. (/end Beastie Boys). Although this is one of those topics that is kind of sticky to write about in a public journal, i will atleast say that I didnt last as long as I thought I would without being truly attracted to one. See the Heather vs. Emily debates if you have ever talked to me about them or i posted them in my lj. If I havent and you havent...i'll explain some other time..its kind of a classification system that we sat up at Sam's to make girl discussions more easy to understand.

I didnt ever get around to really making a full list of resolutions. I did make one the other night though. Or maybe it was sometime yesterday. Hell i dont really distinguish too much in memory when it comes to time frames anymore...its either dark or light. But I did tag onto the list that I wanted to be more aggressive. More aggressive in all aspects. I think so much ahead of time before doing anything its ridiculous. It may be good in some instances, but its probably for the worse in others. Hmmm, for example, if I found out I was going out with a girl on sunday...i would start worrying about what i would wear and what movie and such today. Or another example, when it comes time to write an away msg ill write 10 different ones before deciding they might be taken wrong and then i'll put up something less relevant. Ok well maybe that was a bit exaggerated...but thats okay it helps to get the point across. I've gotta stop being so quiet too...

A couple of weird moments worth mentioning -
1.this morning while showering at Gold's gym this guy started talking in the shower. I dont think I have seen anyone talk in public showers since i played football. It was actually a good convo though. At my promise to myself to be less passive I jumped right in the convo when I knew that the 2 talking were both wrong about something. It turned into a pretty good discussion. It was pretty humorous too...4 naked guys standing in the shower all facing each other and debating about Norm Chow's future, a 5th guy came to the shower, looked puzzled and then walked off and came back later.
2.yesterday at Sam's, Thomas (often mistakenly gay, but happily married floral associate) asked if I was sexually frustrated because I looked really tired and had kind of cut loose in an argument which he overheard. He goes- I know you havent had a gf in forever and you dont like to freely associate like most people so i was going to say id give you one of these if you want --then he holds up this special floral sponge type of thing used for well i dont really know what. Its this green sponge that gets huge when you leave it in water and then its really soft but you can leave imprints in it? Oh well i dont first I thought he meant like a pillow bc i had seemed tired. When he started laughing (and i cued my laughing right after as if i knew what was funny) I kind of got the idea that he had meant for self-sex. Later on he was like--seriously you can make them warm or cold... LOL DISGUSTING

Welp, big gulps huh? I told you it would be a longass entry. Pat yourself on the back if you read the whole thing, the average attention span of americans has to be tiny...i mean i didnt even add any pictures. Although I have a link to a new years pic if anyone wants to see it. Thank god for Schlotzkey's and their free internet...i woke up in my car pretty early this morning and kind of felt like getting online but not bad enough to go here ive resided with a drink for about 90 minutes. Hope everyone else had a fantabulous new years and is doing well. Adios
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