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Jul 07, 2010 19:03

Last updated July 2010 (INCOMPLETE)


Kuchiki Hisana                                                                                                                                              

Kuchiki Rukia 

Ukitake Jyuushirou 

Kusajishi Yachiru 

Shiba Kaien 

Kurosaki Ichigo 

Zaraki Kenpachi 

Tousen Kaname 

Ichimaru Gin 

Aizen Sousuke


Haruno Sakura 

Hawkeye, Riza 

Jeevas, Mail

Keehl, Mihael

Kengamine Nagi The ramen shop owner. It's been a while since they last spoke, but Byakuya find Nagi one of the least irritating people in Anatole.

Jim Standfast
(David Webb)

A member of the Police Division. They hardly speak, but he knows Jim will carry out his assigned duty. This is all that matters to Byakuya. The fact that he responded so quickly to the Remus Lupin incident was enough to show he is reliable.


Leader of the Patrol and Byakuya's boss. The two of them constantly butt heads. Byakuya believes she's much too emotional to properly lead, despite her strengths. He does report to her, but even then it can be a chore. Their 'creative differences' seem to get in the way far too often, yet, they make it work. He at least knows she's dedicated to her job and she will at least fulfill her duties. He would not still be with the Patrol had he any doubts.

Dawn Summers

An annoying and excitable girl. She seems to be one of those that simply will not go away. The most troublesome incident when nearly the whole of Anatole turned into children. He has not forgotten the things they said to each other and, ever since then, they've had small conversations that might be considered 'idle chatter'. She is also an attendee of the Calligraphy Society. He does try to avoid her as much as possible. She doesn't seem like one to listen to what he says and he is very wary of hugs flying out of no where.

Riful of the West

On the Execution List. Byakuya holds disdain for this woman, if only because he cannot carry out his duty and eliminate her. As those who die simply return, it seems like a pointless objective, but that is not why he hasn't moved. It would be as futile as attacking Aizen or Yamamoto. Byakuya refuses to waste lives in an attempt he knows will fail and knowing what she does to people she dislikes, he will not risk anything on a chance.

Allen Walker

A bit of a foolish boy, really. Byakuya hasn't had much time to talk with him, but when he has, he has considered him a bit... well, foolish. However, the boy has expressed some interest in the Policing Division. As short-handed as they are, Byakuya won't turn down those qualified, even if he's had to... lax them a bit.

Bellatrix Lestrange

A criminal. There's not much more to it than that. After her most recent rampage (attacked Sakura and a native child), she was detained under his authority. There is nothing else he can do. She will, however, be on his watch list.

Remus Lupin A civilian who was recently raised under suspicion of being the 'wolf' that attacked people. He volunteered himself for detainment to clear his name, of which Byakuya agreed to to eliminate the role of the Police in the matter. After that overnight imprisonment, he was cleared of all charges and released. He is notable for being one of the few people to make the job run smoothly.


A member of the Policing Division and the Calligraphy Society. Their meeting happened at Joker's first gathering of the club. Byakuya agreed to teach him how to write well, and, being short-handed, offered him a job on the Police.Despite Joker's rough speech and odd state-of-dress, combined with his personality, Byakuya has not had any particular problems with him.

Uzumaki Naruto

Byakuya's boss at the dojo and an annoying brat, on par with Ichigo. Getting along seemed impossible in the beginning. However, as things turned bad for the people at large, Byakuya volunteered his services. It was not something he intended to do full-time, yet he still works there, only part-time now. Since then, Naruto has come to him regarding the demon inside and sealing it and even volunteered to join the Calligraphy Society, of which, Byakuya will not let him forget after calling him a 'friend'. Byakuya asked Naruto, after Hisana arrived, to look after her, but after a recent attack on her Naruto did not prevent, he's not the happiest guy around.

Sasori of the Red Sand Byakuya knows little about Sasori, aside Sasori being a friend of Kaien's. Sasori, however, is worthy to note due to his interest in calligraphy, and being an attendee of the Calligraphy Society meetings that Byakuya holds. He doesn't care to know any more than that.


The second-in-command of the Policing Subdivision. It was, only recently, that Byakuya appointed him as his second seat. Their talks have been few, but Byakuya knows that, if, for some reason, he cannot fulfill his duty, Gesicht will surely do what he was unable.

Utena Tenjo

One of Byakuya's students at the dojo and an overall meddlesome girl. It was by chance he was working the morning she came in and, after a quick session to decide if she was worthy to join his classes, allowed her to become his student. They don't talk much outside of class, and when they do, it is rarely something one would consider pleasant conversation. Still, there is something to say when Byakuya takes you on as a student.

ooc, cr

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