yes i'm sure you're on the road

Dec 21, 2007 12:03

My tattoo is almost healed. It might need to be touched up, which would be free, but James wants me to go to a reputable tattoo parlor if I'm going to get any more. I guess I can understand his worry. I'd think getting a tattoo in someone's house was skeevy, too, but I was there and I saw how everything was cleaned and sterilized. Also, the needles were disposable. He also wants me to get tested for infections, so I need some bloodwork. I don't know whether to go to my regular doctor (probably not since my parents would be weird about this) or like Planned Parenthood, because they test.

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I hung out with Marisa last night. I love her. We exchanged presents and hers was way more awesome than mine. She got me a jewelry armoire! She kept saying how it was something I'd like but not something I'd ask for or buy for myself, and she was right. =)

I just got her an AE gift card I made a pair of earrings. It worked though because she had just seen some tops at AE that she liked, but didn't have the money for. And she LOVED the earrings. I was pretty proud of them--I think they were my nicest pair I've made to date. [I posted them here in case you're interested.]

We had a really nice conversation about the fight I got into with my grandmother last week, and about Brian, and about how I can stay the night with her if I ever need to. =)

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I've had like no money lately because my job SUCKS and I'm getting hardly any hours. So James has started buying me stuff again. He loves to do it, but it always makes me feel a little bad when he's buying me food and shaving cream and cat food, all things I should be able to provide for myself. He says it's not my fault, and it isn't, and he makes enough money now to do it, but still. I guess I've got to get used to being spoiled like that.

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Sara, Ange, and Calista are in for the holidays. Ange had work in the morning so she wasn't there, but we all hung out at Katie's apartment a few nights ago. Sara and Calista were there, and James and I went over. We just sat around and talked and had a nice time.

The thing about my girls is that nothing ever changes. We can go for months without seeing each other, then just pick right back up where we left off. Never an awkward moment, and most certainly never a dull moment!

james, marisa, subway, friends, money, family

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