Poll Name my fish! This is what he looks like:
Or see
this entry for more photos. =)
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I did end up sleeping over James's house on Saturday night. It was a nice time. Not that it was terrible before, but our relationship has gotten a lot stronger since I started spending nights at his place sometimes. We try to do it once a week and we usually succeed, so I've been spending maybe 3 nights a month there. It's not much when you think about it, but the staying up late and talking and holding is all we need sometimes.
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I worked at The Shoe Department again tonight. I only sold like 2 pairs of shoes but it was a weeknight and it was slow, so no biggie. We got this huge order of purses and handbags though, and some of them were those terrible dog ones. You know the kind. They're like a stuffed dog but they're purses and they're kinda scary looking? Yeah, those. They're terrible, lol!
I vaccuumed the whole store tonight. It was a huge accomplishment for me because I hate vaccuuming so much and am so afraid and anxious while doing it that I sweat and my heart beats really quickly and everything. I also only tripped over the cord once tonight.
It's an okay job. I still like Sears more.
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There is so much due this week for school. It's not a surprise though really, because it's the week before spring break. You need to cram everything in you know? *sigh*
Everyone needs to vote in the poll so I know what to name my fish! PLEASE! =D