just a quick update

Jun 01, 2008 17:01

Just a few things.

It went quite well. I didn't pass out, even though it was pretty hot. Our speaker (Dwight D. Eisenhower's grandson) was pretty boring and just really talked about the upcoming election and proverbs. Not really appropriate for a graduation ceremony.

Going very well. I'm at Geisinger South Wilkes-Barre in foodservice for now. I'll be taking the civil service exam so I can get a job at Children and Youth or something.

Family & friends:
My parents were in Virginia on vacation last week. I had an awesome party while they were gone. Then Brad's third Vomitfest was two nights ago, which had me completely obliterated. Pat's graduation party was last week, which was a good time. Molly, my mom's new puppy, is being a good girl. Potty training is coming along nicely.

I'll be going to Ashley's tonight for the second time in like two weeks. One of the kittens died yesterday--the one I had named Patches. She said it was all wet and like chewed on, so they think their chocolate lab did it. Prudence, the lab, wasn't ever aggressive with the kittens or anything though so we're thinking she just like played too rough and broke its neck or something. Also, one of Aly's dogs died this morning. He was an awesome German Shepherd therapy dog named Ivan. He had caner. So RIP Patches and Ivan. =(

Family reunion next Saturday for my mom's side. It's usually in August, so it's a bit early this year. It's always a good time.

Sadie and I are trying to work things out so that she and Aiden can come stay here at the end of July. If it doesn't work out with them coming here, I might go out there for a week again, that way my week off isn't "wasted".

He might be moving out sooner than we initially thought, so I don't know what's going to go on with that. We're going well, though. He got me this gorgeous diamond necklace for my graduation. It's white gold, and it's a heart with diamonds on the one side. I have a similar one in yellow gold that he bought me like 4 years or so ago, but one of the diamonds got lost so he's had it for a long time to take it to be fixed.

Still kicking. =) I'm calling the vet tomorrow for another appointment but everything is looking good!

james, melanie, school, work, friends, family

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