(no subject)

Jul 23, 2003 02:26

tomorrow i'm waking up at 10 so i can be ready to leave by 12 or 1 for The Cape with Alex. i'm supposed to be getting Mapquest directs right now, but i got side tracked. Jen didn't callme today so i don't have directections to her house up there. but i'll call her when we leave tomorrow and when we get up there. my folks gave me $200, which will last me all week and then some. that will probably last me the rest of the summer if i tried hard enough.

today was a busy day. we went to get Alex's oil changed. then to Walgreens. then back to Alex's house. then to my house to pick up some stuff for Renee. we went down to West Haven so i could get Ashley's bathing suit top and borrow her skirt and get my smokes that she owed me. i ran inside with Renee and Alex stayed in the car. Renee offered me a hit off of her bowl so i took it. only one though. and lemmie tell you... it fucked me up. not to the point where it was obvious, but i was in my old little world. she warned me that there was hash in there. and oh boy, there was. Alex didn't know though. and even though i told him i would tell him when i smoke, this was only one hit and i didn't feel like causing a commotion or anything. so i just kept it to myself.

my mom did my laundry for me, even though i didn't ask her to. then she wouldn't make me dinner cause she did my laundry for me and felt like that was enough. okay, so let me go hungry and then tell me that i don't eat right. it's not my fault. i don't cook. never have, probably never will. so it's not my fucking fault if i'm not eating right. she's cooked me one meal since we've moved in here. but when i go to The Cape i'm going to try to eat right. i'm bringing my skirt and i nice shirt so maybe me and Alex can go somewhere nice to eat.

i gotta ask Jen if there's anywhere up there to shop. cause now that i have money, i wanna shop. i haven't done that in a long time. the last piece of clothing i bought was my Kelly Osbourne-ish capri's. so maybe me, Jen, and her sister can go shopping one day and Ryan, Vin, and Alex can hang out. i hope Alex would be okay with that...

i can't find my toothbrush. it was there this morning. and now it's not there. and i kind of need it... you know... ro brush my teeth and all.

i'm not gonna sleep at all tonight. i'm just going to be thinking of the next week and how awesome it's gonna be spending the nights with Alex. i love being able to sleep next to him. it just makes me feel really good inside. and i have permission to smoke once or twice while i'm up there. so that will be cool. i haven't smoked with Jen since summer started. which has been a month and a half. she said the beaches are pretty chill. so needless to say, i'm looking forward to this week.

so here's to a week of having fun with the boy i love and a few of my friends. it's gonna rock.
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