アリス九號 / Alice Nine - GEMINI [ENG + KANJI + ROMAJI]

Sep 22, 2013 17:25

I finally made it!! Yay! Only took me ca. 6 hours.. (^_^')

So yes, I finished subbing. I was already done tonight (around 3am, haha), but it was too late to upload it, so I did it now.
As I said before, I really love the lyrics.
And let me explain, why I subbed these "3 songs" together as one.
Shou mentioned before (not that it's really obvious), that Gemini 0, 1 and 2 belong together.
And yes, they really do. In lyrics and in sounds.
So I treatened them as one single song right from the beginning. It's one song of 12 minutes.
Don't even know, why I explain it, you should all feel the same, right? (:

The lyrics of GEMINI are associated with the story of the sign of zodiac gemini.
To be honest, I didn't know it until yesterday.
I knew "Yeah, okay, Gemini is a sign of zodiac", but I didn't even know the story behind it.

So I looked it up and found this page.
It's german, so I will translate it below.
If you don't know the story either, click on the spoiler.

[The story of Gemini]
The story of Gemini

In the greek mythology there was a beautiful woman named Leda, who was married to king Tyndareos.
Once, she took a bath in the river, when Zeus approached her in the shape of a swan and had sexual intercourse with her.
On the same night, she also slept with her husband, Tyndareos.
From this followed the birth of twins, two boys named Kastor and Pollux.

Pollux was the child of Zeus, therefore he was immortal.
However Kastor was Tyndareos' child and mortal.

The twin brothers were known as inseperable.
They were heroes; Kastor became a boxer, Kastor tamed steeds.
Both were well-known all around.

But one day, when they kidnapped Phoibe and Hilaeria, their uncle Leukippos' daughters, mortal Kastor died in the battle.
His immortal brother Pollux in despair begged Zeus, that he could share his immortality with his brother Kastor.
Zeus agreed and since that time, Kastor and Pollux share their fate.
In turns each is living one day in Olympus, the other day in Hades (underworld).

Therefore the constallation of Gemini is known as a sign for deep love, especially between siblings.

So here's the preview for Gemini:


Band: アリス九號 [Alice Nine]
Song: GEMINI-0-eternal, -1- the void, -2- the luv [GEMINI complete]
Subtitles: Eng + Kanji + Romaji, Hardsub
Translation: By Myrkul
Size: 1280 x 720, 95 - 185 MB
Format: .avi / .mp4
Background picture: Credits to arisulove84 @Blogspot for Gemini pamphlet



.avi [185MB], .mp4 [95MB] //Fixed.

[Click here for Kanji lyrics]

-0- eternal

ただ 流れてゆく 風景
何も 感じなくなっていた
思い焦がれゆく 君の音
今は 過去に置き忘れていた
あぁ 影絵さえ 消えた

ただ 流れてゆく情景
何故に 人は行き交うのかと
そっと 胸に手、当ててみても
虚しく 刻まれていく実感

宛てなく 生まれ落ちた 数億の生の中

零れ 落ちた雫、涙 永久の途中
透明な 其の君の笑顔が 心の底に 消えない炎を 点けたまま

Absolutely opposed elements.
They resembled each other like twins.
Light and shadow.
You and I.
永遠は 君のもと沈み落ちる
落日の鳥達 明日へ向かいに
愛した記憶だけ 僅かに僕を繋ぐ

金色に染められた 世界は暮れ

-1- the void

Floating in the void

What are you staring at your place?

Floating in the void

What are you staring at your place?

回り続ける視界で 退路を断たれて

もう終わりだと 知った時
月の色は ただ紅く 美しく 闇へ沈む
感じない心は やがて 今生きる喜びをまた 叫ぶ

昨日までの明日と 君が知っていた僕
遥かに 再生されてく[マインドスケープ」
途切れそうな声で 君に届いてますか?

in the void, in the void

-2- the luv

まだ 聴こえてくる 残響
耳を澄まし 抱かれている
寄せて 引いてゆく 波の音
褪せた記憶の ほとりへと
宛てなく 生まれ落ちた 数億の生の中

零れ 落ちた雫、涙 永久の途中
透明な 其の君の笑顔が
心の底に 消えない炎 点けたまま


今も 流れてゆく風景
闇が光を 切り取る様に
君が僕を かたどってゆく

Sources: 0, 1, 2

[Click here for translation]

-0- eternal

The scenery merely keeps on streaming.
I became unable to feel anything.
I keep on longing for your voice.
Now that I left it behind in the past,
your voice won't get through.
Ah, even your shadow picture disappeared.

The view merely keeps on streaming.
For what reason do people come and go?
Gently placing their hand on the chest, calling and looking after each other,
but then just vainly mincing feelings.

Amongst several hundred million other individuals
I met you.

Drops welled out and fell - tears on the way to eternity.
But an answer won't come out,
because that clear smile of yours
lit the eternal flame at the bottom of my heart
in my memories.

Absolutely opposed elements.
They resembled each other like twins.
Light and shadow.
You and I.

Eternity sinks and falls to your side.
The birds of the setting sun are heading towards tomorrow on the other side.
Only the memories I loved, only I am tied.

Dyed in gold,
the world ends.

-1- the void

Floating in the void

What are you staring at your place?

Floating in the void

What are you staring at your place?

The surroundings continue in the field of vision, the path of retreat is cut off,
I can't turn back.

It has already ended by the time I realized,
the color of the moon is merely red, sinking beautifully into the darkness.
"Goodbye", "Thank you", everything changed.
Soon, the numb heart, now alive, cries of joy again.

Tomorrow until yesterday and me, who knew you,
will be brought back to life in the distance - "Mindscape"
With uninterrupted voice, will I reach you?

I love you.
I love you.
With all my heart.

In the void, in the void.

-2- the luv

The echo can still be heared.
I clean my ears to embrace it.
The roar of waves comes nearer and keeps pulling me
to my faded memories.
Amongst several hundred million other individuals
I met you.

Drops welled out and fell - tears on the way to eternity.
I won't avert my eyes,
because that clear smile of yours
lit the eternal flame at the bottom of my heart.

Other than a neverending story,
shoot out this moment,
at this place
I want to be with you.

The scenery still keeps on flowing.
It looks like cutting off darkness from the light.
You will be representing me
in the eternal Gemini.

[Click for translation side notes]
  • For what reason do people come and go? - He's even saying it a bit more severe. More like "Why the hell do they do that??", but it wouldn't fit the rest, if I'd write it like that.
  • your voice won't get through. - Not sure, if it's "your" or "my". It's just "the voice" in the kanji lyrics.
  • Absolutely opposed elements [...] - Haha, omg, it was SO HARD to understand. I'm so glad I found lyrics with these english expressions.
  • will be brought back to life in the distance - "Mindscape" - Don't know how to integrate this "mindscape" in the sentence o_O'  "in mindscape"? Random english words *yatta*
  • I love you. [...]  - The difference between these two "I love you" 's is the Japanese writing. The first one is in kanji + kana, just how you would normally write it. The second one is in katakana, which is not a usual writing for this expression. So the second one is more straight forward, maybe? Anyways, they are not the same.
  • Gemini - Sign of zodiac / constellation (^_^)

music, alice nine, jrock, download, translation, subtitles

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