May 14, 2004 23:00
So, wohooo. I'm DONE. And home:) In a word: it's glorious *heee*
Last night was heavenly with dinner and playoff watching with the whole family. It has been a while since we were all together. And the first day/night? Everyone is so extra happy to see you - it's cozy and nice:)
Today was spent doing/running pleasant errands [after being woken up way too early @ 9 by the lawn mower people!] - i.e. setting up appointments to open the pool this weekend, picking up my mom's sunglasses, getting a present for my grandpa to send with my Dad, and going out to dinner and to the movies [for the first time in what feels like years] to see Troy. Mmmm no spoilers here but while the movie was good but not spectacular, Brad Pitt's fine a$s was... fine;) hehe and he did the complex warrior thing well while really looking like a Greek god. There were so many yummy men in that one. A very compressed Iliad but it's the way of Hollywood.
I've yet to unpack my mountain of stuff of course.
And I need to see my best friend before she leaves early in the week for vacation... may head to Manhattan to see Dina tomorrow (and possibly Cirque de Soleil!!) too. God I love having time off. I know that's not like a world revelation or anything *G*.
I can't believe that the Jossverse is coming to a TV end in less than a week. I seriously can't imagine my routine without it but surprisingly, I am not devastated by this (yet). Maybe it's because Angel, frankly, did not mean nearly as much to me as BtVS, it wasn't completely *me*, my show like Buffy was... but oh, I will miss Spike. . . He is so much one of those amazing forever characters that only come by once in a lifetime. And I'm serious when I say that those who did not discover him and/or understand him have been missing out. Same for the show. I hope even relative newcomers can maybe see the finale next week and be wowed. Cause I hope we will be!
Night kitties:)