"God help me if they ever build a time machine."

Aug 06, 2009 17:54

For my birthday, I had originally asked for two Harrison Ford movies: The Mosquito Coast and Sabrina. I ended up with six. My mom and brother surprised me with the Indiana Jones box set containing all four films--possibly the best complete surprise gift I've received in a long time.

Anyway, I watched Temple of Doom last night. Aw, remember when that used to be the "bad" one? Compared to Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, Temple of Doom is a fucking masterpiece.

Oh, man. I have so much I want to say about Harrison Ford in that movie but I should really stop embarrassing myself on LJ. Picspam beneath, with politely restrained commentary.

OMG! I thought that was Dan Aykroyd but I was like, "Nah, they would have showed his face!"

Willie so did not deserve him. :|

I love a hero with a crippling weakness. ♥ It makes me feel better about myself. :)



I can do anything I want / Because I look good in leather...


I didn't like the weird family vibe I sometimes got from those scenes.


When I first finished Stephen King's Salem's Lot some years ago, I naturally rented the 1979 miniseries. However, at over three hours, I found the cinematic adaption gratingly insipid, so I never made it to the end.

It wasn't until just yesterday that I learned that James Mason was in the cast, so of course I had to torrent it again. I am presently an hour in; we'll see if I can finish it this time.

To its credit, this movie has what is possibly the creepiest vampire kids of all time.

picspam, books, indiana jones, horror movie, harrison ford

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