Backdated a buttload of days

Aug 25, 2005 22:37

Entry to follow soon.

Early evening on the island and surprise surprise, Syphon's at the shooting range. He's played with his new toys all day, modifying the triggers and sighting them in. One of his new Desert Eagles is in his hands in the process of being used, while his other one is in its place in his shoulder holster under a black canvas coat that's almost light enough to be a shirt. His brown/blonde hair is slicked back as he draws down on a target set at 50 yards. The report of the gun is actually quite loud for a pistol.

Isn't that cute. He likes his new toys. A catty smile on her face, Toxin slips in at the back of the range. Her hands over her ears, she slides over and grabs the earmuffs, as she likes to call them. Sneaking up on Syphon isn't hard at all, with her skills and the *bang* of the gun every few seconds. She slides in behind him and waits for him to fire before her fingers make their way up his neck and into his hair. Meanie.

Thomas obviously can't hear a damn thing with his ear plugs in and his gun blasting away at the target. Every shot is within a 4 inch grouping on the heart of the target. Not bad for a new gun. The target sitting on the counter to the left of him shows what he was doing with the other one. Very similar results actually. He doesn't even notice anything until the fingers snake up his neck and into his hair at which point he flinches just as he squeezes the trigger and sends a semi-uncontrolled shot right into the forehead of the silhouette target. He spins around as the gun locks in the open position showing that it's out of ammo. "Jesus Titty-fucking Christ."

And the next thing he can see or hear is Toxin nearly collapsing from laughter, pulling the earcovers off and dropping them on the floor. Leaning against the side of the booth, she doubles over for a moment, but manages to regain her control. Dressed in her catsuit, she manages to look girlish, her hair loose and falling around her face. Still not trusting herself to speak, she looks up at Syphon with her eyes almost a bright gold and dancing, her entire face bubbling with laughter. Can he really get mad at her when she looks so cute?

Thomas is legitimately pissed off, for the moment. He sets the gun down on the counter and stares down at her, trying to compose himself. The earplugs come out and he points a finger at her. "What the hell is wrong with you, girl? You realize that you could have gotten yourself or me seriously hurt?" The anger is quickly draining as his glare slowly begins to melt into a smirk. "This isn't funny. You put both of us in danger." His smirk is now a full grin and he realizes the futility of his words. He gives into the woman and begins to chuckle a bit. "I hope you're enjoying yourself?"

Toxin resists the urge to stick her tongue out, instead arching an eyebrow and giving him a mischevious grin. "Oh please, I waited until your clip was almost empty, and you couldn't have hit me if you had wanted to." She straightens up and nips at the finger that's pointed at her. "Put that away before you poke my eye out. You aren't mad, are you?" Tilting her head to one side, she gives him a brilliant smile that has nothing but innocence in it. No, he can't be mad at her.

Thomas pokes her nose with his finger teasingly before turning back to his gun. He flips the switch on the lane that holds his target and it slides toward them. He reaches out and pulls the target down and stares at it for a minute. "You know, that was almost a perfect clip." A sidelong glance and a playful nudge of his elbow should be enough for her to know he's not really all that mad, more frustrated at the loss of a perfect shoot. "So what brings you out to the range, other than the chance to spend time in the presence of me?" He shoots a smirk at her with a slight wink.

Toxin returns the wink with one of her own and her tongue flashes out, licking her lips. She goes from innocent to sexy and back again rather easily. She steps close, peering around his shoulder at the target. "Forehead is still a killing shot." she points out, glancing up at him with a smirk on her face. Holding one hand out, she makes a reach for the empty gun. "Never fired one this big before. Too big for a little one like me." Her voice is still teasing.

Thomas smirks, his attention full on the target. His eyes glance down at the gun and watch as she goes for it. "I'm not sure you could handle one that big. Maybe you should stick to something a bit smaller. I'm sure there's a smaller one on this island somewhere." Wait, what were they just talking about? Tommy sets the target next to him on top of the other one before he finally looks at her. "I thought you said you weren't much for guns."

Toxin picks up the gun and hefts it, getting the feel for the large weapon. "You'd be surprised. I'm fairly strong for a girl my size." Ah, the fun of innuendo. Sliding in front of him, she lifts the gun and aims at a random spot on the far wall. "I'm not. That doesn't mean that I don't know how to use one. Someone who's only good in close combat is no good to us here." She looks over her shoulder at him and grins, hitting the switch to bring out another target. "Show me?"

Thomas reaches around her back and closes his hands over the gun. "First things first," he takes the gun away, "you need a loaded gun." He reaches into his shouldder holster and pulls out the twin gun and puts it in her hands. He slides his hands back, letting his fingers lightly brush her arms before he puts his hands on her shoulders. "With this one you need to be loose, but stiff. Let your knees bend slightly, feet shoulder width apart." Almost as an after thought, he puts his earplugs in and even applies her ear muffs for her. The beauty of these ear muffs is that when the speaker is close enough, you can still hear what he or she is saying. "Keep your arms bent, but rigid and lightly squeeze the trigger." He moves his hands down her arms again to support them at the elbows.

Toxin does stick her tongue out at him this time. Shaking her head, she gets into the proper stance easily, with the attitude of one who is used to handling guns. She smirks at him, leaning back a little to rest against his chest as she aims and fires. The resulting hole doesn't hit perfectly, but it's in the chest area. "Thing pulls up and to the right. Did you modify it that way?"

Thomas nods. "It's the way I hold the gun. I have a tendency to point down and to the left a bit with the barrel when I shoot a pistol." He sticks his tongue out at her following his response. He moves his hands to hers to show her what he means, effectively pointing the gun down and to the left a hair. "Now shoot. Aim for the center of his chest." He brings his arms back, resting them on her upper arms this time, to give her more freedom with her shot. Is his grip a bit more firm this time? Must be the imagination.

Toxin shakes her head. "You should learn to aim better." she chides, adjusting her stance a little bit. Did she take a step back to get closer? Nah. She rolls her eyes at his instructions, but grins and fires once more. The shot is closer this time, but still isn't a bullseye. Her lips are pursed, and she lets out a soft sigh. "So, think you can teach me how to shoot a big gun, or should I leave the big ones to you?"

Thomas shrugs slighly. "I don't know. If you think you can handle a big one, I'm sure I can help you out." His hands absently slide back to her shoulders, then off of her completely. "How big do you think you can go?" The question is in reference to handguns and rifles, right? Yes, pervert, it is. Or is it?

"You could?" Toxin asks quietly, setting the gun down and turning around, sliding the earmuffs off and setting them to one side. She slips by him and out of the booth, her eyes sparkling with mischeif. "I'm not really into sniper rifles. Do you have any suggestions?" Her voice drops a little, and one eye closes in a wink. Or maybe it wasn't a wink.

Thomas picks up the gun and slides it into the open holster before turning around to face Toxin. "Well . . . " If it was a come-on, Tommy's completely blown the mark, because he begins to walk over to the munitions shed near the range. When he gets there he calls back to Toxin. "There are a bunch of options. You've got your standards like the M-16 and AK-47 for rifles, your compact SMG's like the MP5K-PDW, and then your different gauges in shotguns. It really all depends on what you want." Oh, so he /was/ talking about shooting irons.

Toxin can't help but laugh. "I think I'll stick to the pistols, thank you." she calls out, turning her back to Syphon and heading back into the booth. A smaller gun is pulled out of the front of her skinsuit, looks like a modified 9 mm. She sights down the barrel, then puts it down. Funny, it's awfully light. Stepping back out of the booth, she starts to head over to the munitions shed and pokes her head in. "You -are- in here, right?"

Thomas looks at her standing in the doorway from where he is sitting on a stack of steel ammo boxes. He watches her carefully as he fiddles with a random rifle he pulled off the wall. "I'm right here." He stands after a bit and walks toward the door where she is standing after putting up the gun. "Can I get something for you?"

Toxin smiles at him. "There's a sight you don't see every day. Why don't you come back into the range? I've got something to show you." Without waiting for a response, she trots back in and heads for the booth, waiting for him. When he shows up, she points to the smaller gun. "Squeeze off a few." She doesn't bother putting on earmuffs, the gun is almost silent.

Thomas walks over and picks up the gun, examining it. "This better not be one of those electrocuting toys." He hefts the gun and finds it light before sighting it on the center of the target. He squeezes the trigger two or three times in quick succession.

Toxin grins and lets him shoot off a few. Instead of bullets, the gun shoots what appears to be darts. It fires well, but completely straight, and so his shots go slightly down and to the left. "That is what I usually carry around. It doesn't kill, and for good reason. I use it on people we want for interrogation. Eject the mag."

Thomas looks at the gun with a smirk. "It's like a child's toy." He drops the clip into his hand and turns to face her. A bullet is slid out of the clip and he examines it closely. He notices instantly the yellowish-green fluid inside and grins at her. "Something of your own creation?" The round is slid back into the clip and he slides the clip back into the gun before handing it back to her. "I like it. It's definite purpose and potentially very effective."

Toxin nods. "Yes. That little bullet, if I shot you with it, would have you spilling all your deepest darkest secrets to me if I wanted to hear it. A sort of truth serum, but not exactly. It lowers inhibitions." Which could potentially do more than have him tell her what she wants to hear. She gives him an evil grin and takes the gun, sliding it back into place. "I could make a fortune selling this on the black market. But that's never really interested me."

Thomas chuckles. "I've always preferred the 'Answer me or I start breaking things' method of interrogation." His eyes go a little wide at the lowered inhibitions part and the grin that follows, but he quickly recovers. "If you ever did, I have a few contacts that would pay quite the large sum for any quantity of that you'd sell." He shrugs and crosses his arms over his chest. "What does interest you?"

Toxin smirks. "I prefer more subtle methods of doing things. It's my way." She supresses a chuckle at the look on his face, shrugging. "I have plenty of my own. You know, I have to get these chemicals to mix the things up -somewhere-." she says, a slight teasing note to her voice. Mimicking him, she crosses her arms over her chest too and leans back against the wall. "At the moment? You."

Thomas blinks and swallows that lump that suddenly appeared in his throat. "Me?" What in the blue hell is so interesting about a guy who plays with guns and can breathe in hazardous environments. He sits up and shakes his head. His back is turned on her as he begins to roll up his targets. "There's nothing really all that special about me. " He turns back to her with a shrug and his targets in his left hand.

Toxin arches an eyebrow, watching him silently as he turns away and then back. "Then why can't you look me in the eye when you say so?" She -does- find him interesting, because he's new, and because he's kinda cute. "I know a little bit about you, from the dossier we got from the prison. But I am interested. Does that bother you?"

Thomas shrugs and basically ignores the part about him not being able to look her in the eye. "Not really." That's about all he says. He hops up and sits on the counter of the range and absently plays with the targets in his left hand. Talk about an awkward silence.

Toxin slides forward and reaches up, her gloved hand brushing across his cheek, then down to his jaw. Her movements are not quite possessive, but they come close enough. "Good." she responds, then turns to go.

Thomas looks at her and stands up off the counter. He is half tempted to stop her from going, but can't seem to bring himself to do it. He watches her walk away and smacks himself in the head a few times with the rolled targets.
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