This Entry ICly Mansion-Only
Dammit, dammit, dammit, this is very not good.
Right, so somewhere along the lines my medical good sense and concern for a friend overrode common sense which would tell me that antagonizing a storm goddess who thinks she's a spoiled princess is a Very Bad Idea.
Have I mentioned how much it tingles walking around inside a teke shield?
Fucking Dreamweaver. This is gone beyond amusing and is just starting to get scary. But I had to break the control, even for a few hours, try and keep Ororo's dream plane and real plane forms from mingling that much more. So, I knocked her out. Dreamless sleep for the night. Well within my rights and rank as chief medical officer.
Obviously, she's not agreeing with me.
Just as obviously, unhappy weather witches seem to want to spread it around.
I'm going to try speaking to her, or at least offer to take a couple lightning bolts, but until then, please keep indoors as much as possible?
OOC: Teehee. What hapens when you mix Phoenixes and Pretty Pretty Princess Storms? Find out over at
xmm_storm's journal, 'cause I'm at work.