And it's telling me "Go forward and walk under a brighter sky." Every nerve glowing like a firefly.

Sep 29, 2003 10:27

This Entry ICly Mansion-Ally Access Only

Yay for custom friends groups

A day in the life of Dr. Grey...

First off, Scott, you'd better darn well treat Madelyne right if she's the one who's convinced you to make Sunday a day off training. Madelyne, expect a fruit basket. And a big bottle of whiskey and a crate of chocolate. My sanity is saved.

Busybusy day, but it started off right. Snuck in to curl up with Logan and eat breakfast in bed and watch Sunday morning cartoons, and just that little bit of relaxing set the mood for the whole hectic day.

After that? Chatted with a student who'll kill me if I discuss them and what was said in a vaguely-public LJ entry which they're going to read, so... I won't say anything. Except that I'm making progress as quick as I can, and come see me any time.

Just enough time after that to run and get lunch with a potential new student. Adorable little thing, but the complications, on top of the usual mutant genes, are that she's only 9, and part of a very traditional wealthy Arab household. I'm arranging a meeting with the guardian, but it's suggested that it would be best if I had a male escort me. Must brush up on my Arab culture, it wouldn't do to screw our chances by eating with the wrong hand or something, even if allowances will likely be made for Western ignorance of custom. And then there are different branches of Arab society. Bleah, I hate being the one sent out to handle PR sometimes... like I need more reading? But Asiah's adorable, and is one of those rare mutants who seems to absolutely love her gift from day one.

More errands, picked up a new student, everyone be nice to Jenny and help her settle in. Finally got to talk to the mayor, but with it getting colder now, my ideas for a Mutant Pride Parade are going to have to wait for spring.

And finally...?

God, I miss being in college sometimes. Finally got to catch up with Sabby Melcross, and got given free rein to prattle on about evolutionary genetics until her head was spinning. She conterpointed with her own major, which is History, and there's now a vague thesis in the works regarding possible historical figures having been mutants. Moira? Hank? Professor? Is it all right if I pass her on to you, as well, to help her with the genetics knowledge and access to papers that she'll need?

OOC: And the logs! Log the first is sheer Jean and Logan snuggliness and catching up after not really seeing much of each other for a few days. Cuteness alert.
X-Men MUCK - Sunday, September 28, 2003, 10:26 AM

<< XS >> Logan's Room - Lv3
A fairly large room, though, in looks only. Instead of the double beds installed, for students, there's only one bed in the room, giving the illusion of a bigger room. A large queen sized bed rests against the middle of one wall. The only covering seen on the bed, is a large, white fur blanket. There's a mahogany dresser, and armoire, to hold his belongings. As well, there's a small entertainment stand, containing a Tv, stereo, and dvd player. Through a door flush with the wall, is the bathroom, equipped with the essentials of maintaining personal hygiene, shower stall, bathtub, as well as a large closet, to store any other clothes or supplies he needs. Along one wall, there are several, large, bay windows, letting in outside light. Several items, in his room, stand out from the other wise school like decor of the room; An old WW1 knife, A Conquistador's helmet, a set of Japanese Daisho, or Wakasashi and Katana. On his nightstand, is a ancient looking book, looking to be made of delicate rice paper, a collection of Japanese Haiku.
[Exits : [O]ut]
[Players : Logan]

The room is quiet at the moment, except for the sounds of a sleeping Logan behind the door. With Jean off to dinner last night, Logan made it an early night, after a quick session in the danger room for the first time since that thing that happened that he can't remember happened, but that everyone still asks about how he's feeling after what happened...

Jean doesn't need to ask how Logan's feeling, Jean already knows. But Jean's sneaking in with breakfast in bed again anyways, sensing that Logan's asleep and not wanting to startle him with a knock. This time it's simple toast, cereal and juice, for two, and instead of slinky silk dressing gowns, the tall redhead is cozy in plaid flannel pyjama pants and an oversized (On her.) t-shirt of Logan's that she's unashamedly 'borrowed'. Floating the trays of breakfast over to the bedside table, the woman pauses a moment to 'awww' silently at the dozing Canuck, and then removes her slippers and slides under the covers beside him, wriggling around to get comfortable.

Logan writes off the shuffling sounds coming in to his brain from his ears as some sort of background noise in his dreams. As an alarm clock, or telephone may ring, and the sleeping person's brain simply assimilates it. Though as Jeans slender and warm body shuffles next to Logan, his mind slips halfway towards conciousness, and he knows that he's not just hearing things. A quiet grunt of contentment and appreciation greets Jean, as well as a muscular arm around her waist as he shifts, pulling her close to him from behind her. Fortunately for Jean, this time Logan is Zest fresh and still smells faintly of toothpaste and Scope, having made sure he was clean going to bed after training. Groggily, he blinks his eyes open, only to bury his face in the back of Jean's red and auburn tinged hair. "Mm, can you wake me up this way every morning Red?"

Jean smiles to herself and hooks one of her ankles around Logan's, making it a mutual capture as he hugs her, and covering his arm with her own. "I think we can arrange that... at least on Sundays." is offered, as she leans her head back against his shoulder and gives a good-morning peck on the cheek. "I have," A little yawn, as the sheer coziness and warmth of the bed and the company induces further relaxation, "Been run off my feet this week, but I figured I'd come by with breakfast and catch up with my guy."

Logan situates his other hand under Jean's neck, up until she moves to kiss his cheek. His arm is held out now though, for Jean to rest her head on when she re-situates herself. A strong grasp pulls her tight against him as he nods. "Maybe you could use a nice training session in the hot tub, take some of the tension out." His hand massages her stomach, his fingers' touch firm, but not painful. "I couldn't wait for Sunday to come any sooner then babe. So how was your night out last night anyhow?"

Jean mmms contentedly, and snuggles in once again, lifting a hand and fetching herself a triangle of toast to nibble on as she replies that "The hot tub sounds very good... I've got a new student to bring in this afternoon, and a coffee to have with Sabby Melcross this evening, but for the morning?" A lazy grin, unseen thanks to their respective positions. "This morning, I'm all yours. Remind me to send Madelyne a fruit basket for somehow getting Scott to drop the morning training sessions." she quips, measuring her length against his, and offering a bite of the toast. "And last night was... interesting... I've got the account up in my LJ, but to make it short, Rogue and I didn't dine alone, because Magneto strolled over as arrogant as ever, so we sat around and debated philosophies over good wine, made a few digs at each other, changed neither side's mind, and didn't make a single threat on either side. Surreal."

Logan says, "Now or later? It'd be pointless to just repeat the request back to you, you realize. Oh wait, that was a rhetorical statement, wasn't it?" Giving his head a shake, he's still half unconcious. Shaking the rest of his sleep addled brain awake, he nods, the movement captured by Jean's soft red hair. "Wasn't she supposed to be involved with Sabella or something before? I forget." Taking a bite of the offered toast, there's no danger of tossing this morning, so she could have brought all the sausages and bacon she wanted and Logan would have been fine. "What, another rugrat? We seem to be collecting a lot of them lately..."

Jean smiles and continues to feed Logan toast, the pleasure similar to feeding a pet, except, y'know, larger, human, and the whole Wolverines-are-not-pets thing. Right, so perhaps it's not that good of an analogy. "Yes, rhetorical question. I'll make a note to avoid them this early," she promises, giving another kiss and a grin. "And Sabby? Yeah, although not by choice. Sabella kidnapped her and grafted her into a body double, like Madelyne is to me. She was crazy enough at the time to think she could somehow make Bella live inside Sabby's body. Which... was impossible. Bella took over as the dominant personality enough for me to get Sabby out, and she's back at school at Emerson now. Same residence as Rachael, actually." Jean fills Logan in on the news from away, sitting up now to get herself one of the glasses of juice, and turn on the television to reruns of Looney Tunes. "And yep, another one. Girl named Jenny, uncontrolled healing touch, mute, but a friend of Wesley, our newest kid."

Logan nods along blithely, listening as Jean explains Sabby's situation. "So you managed to save at least one person from Sabella's clutches eh? That's my girl." Giving a soft smile he hugs her close, before he's duely kissed, he giving another soft grunt of affection at her lips' touch. "Rachael moved out?...I guess I don't blame her. I still haven't seen her, since that...that...thing that I can't remember happened." He looks frustrated, affected by this recent memory block, but simply shrugs, realizing that it's probably a good thing, considering other things he's remembered, that he had forgotten previously. "Alright, new kids, old kids leaving. We should send Rachael some sort of house warming gift or something eh?" His train of thought leading back to Rachael again. Sitting up, he props himself against the wall with his pillow, he giving a scratch to his bare chest, as the tv squeals out various finely crafted foley sound effects, mimicking the cartoon actions portrayed on screen.

Jean nods solemnly over the edge of her glass of juice, the oversized t-shirt sliding off one shoulder before she twitches it back up again. The room may be temperate, but it's still a chill on skin that's been recently buried under a comforter, pyjamas, and nestled against another warm body, particularly when you're as thin as Jean is. "I did, and she did... but it wasn't anything to do with the incident in the danger room. Rach is just a college girl like any other, so she's living in the dorms, just like millions of others around the world. Peter Rasputin's in the same dorm too, although on a different floor. They seem to hang out together, which is just what Rachael needs. Rogue seems to be making friends too..." Trailing off, Jean watches the cartoons, laughing appreciatively at Bugs Bunny versus the Fat Opera Singer. "The kids are doing good." she sums up. "And yeah, housewarming gifts are always good. A crate of Kraft Dinner?" she jokes, thinking back to her own student days.

Logan looks at Jean, noticing the goose bumps riding up her arm and underneath the shirt sleeve. He grins, "My shirt. Looks good on you, if you don't mind it being about 2 sizes too big." He leans over, this time, he the one giving comfort through a small kiss on her cheek, and wrapping a warm arm around her shoulders, once again pulling her securely against him. "Peter who? And Rogue makings friends is good, yes." Mmm, crappy dinner, a staple of many of Logan's nights spent alone in his camper. "Well, as long as you send her something to make up for the gag food, like chocolates or something." He smiles a bit, watching Jean laugh, a feeling of relief on his face, as much as it's felt between the two telepathically. "You look better when you smile babe, I hate to see a woman down..."

"Peter... Piotr Nikolaievitch Rasputin." Jean elaborates. "Colossus. Another of the recent grads. Big, Russian, gifted artist, changes his skin into metal when he feels like it." Only at Mutant High are someone's powers a casual part of their shorthand identification... Wrapping her arm around Logan's waist, she grins and gives a nod. "Your shirt." is confirmed. "It got left in my room a couple weeks ago, and hey, it's comfortable. I could wear it as a shirt dress if I wanted." the redhead jokes, finished with her juice and now reaching for the cereal. "No cheerios, but the kids left some Lucky Charms... And I haven't been down, Logan," she assures, leaning her head on his shoulder before taking a good heaping spoonful of the cereal. << I've been busy, but I've been happy. And knowing that I've got you in my life is a big part of that. >>

Logan grins and nods. "Yeah. I knew that. Wait, no I didn't. Erk, that's frustrating, but you know that already. Swiss cheese memory is not fun sometimes." Pondering the corralation for a moment, he quirks an eyebrow at Jean, "What, you think they're like an item or something?" Giving a nod at his shirt, he grins, "Yeah, I remember, but if you enjoy it more than I do you might as well keep it." Cereal's never been much of his thing, preferring Meat, over grains any day. His hand lifts from her shoulder, to casually stroke her fiery red hair back as he nods slowly, settling closer with her arm around his waist. "Thanks Red, I can't count how many you've probably saved my life by now, healing powers or not. I owe you so much."

Jean laughs again, and shakes her head a little. "An item? Only if that's happened in the time since I last saw Rachael. For a telepath, she can't hide a -thing- sometimes." Jean recounts, having swallowed her cereal and with another spoonful halway between her bowl and her mouth. "Of course, that could also be because I'm her aunt." While cereal might not be Logan's thing, the teeny-tiny marshmallows in Jean's bowl are apparently too many for her, because she leans over and sticks a red balloon, left tacky by exposure to milk, to the tip of Logan's nose. Apparently the kids cereal and the cartoons are combining to bring out Jean's playful side, although the man's last comment earns him a gentle smile. "You don't owe me a thing, mister. You're my friend, and you're my teammate, and you're the man I love. Those first two would be enough, the third just clinches the deal."

Logan shakes his head for a moment, and purses his lips. "I guess not, you've seen her more recently than I have, so." He pauses for a moment, going cross-eyed to peer at the marshmallow red balloon on the end of his nose, before he turns back to Jean, then in two swift motions, drops his head, dislodging the piece of cereal, and then tipping his head back up to catch it in his mouth, and chew, grinning. "Well, fine, I owe you my heart at least, as per the third option there. You'll always have that Jean." He leans over, finally kissing her properly, head tipped to allow a deeper kiss, holding her tight against him in a rough embrace.

Good thing that Bugs and company can't peer through the screen and see what two of their viewers are up to. Chuckling low in her throat, Jean's smiling as Logan reaches over to kiss her, and returns the embrace eagerly, her nose brushed beside his as she watches him from behind the veil of her eyelashes, the bowl of cereal hovering itself safely out of the way. << I can accept that offer, then. >> she replies mind to mind, while lips are engaged with better things. << So long as you remember that you've got the controlling share of mine. >> The economics of love? Breaking the embrace as some time-sense that's more Busy Career Woman than mutant power starts prodding at her, she gives a brief secondary kiss, and then slides out of the bed. "And somehow, the morning's already slipped away. I've gotta knock off a few errands and actually get dressed, but do you want to catch a movie or something later?"
Log the second is Jubilee finally deciding she's got to tell someone in charge about the wierdness in her life, and Jean gets to be that someone.
X-Men MUCK - Sunday, September 28, 2003, 12:55 PM

<< XS >> Jean's Room - Lv3
Large and airy this end of the hall room; the door from the hallway bisects one wall. To the right, an office area complete with overstuffed bookshelves and a desk with computer, docking stations for peripherals, and piles of papers both research and student. To the left, privacy screens in black lacquered wood and white rice paper enclose a sleeping area containing a bedside table and lamp, and a double futon with many pillows and an addictively comfortable duvet. The outer wall features two bay windows with cushioned window seats on either side of a small fieldstone fireplace. An oriental rug stands in front of the hearth, with a small cream coloured sofa perfectly placed for a quiet evening in. There are two additional rugs in the sleeping and office areas, otherwise the parquet floor is bare. Walls hung with gray-blue wallpaper and with acccents in black and white, the simple empty space allows for both visual and mental tranquility, aided and abetted by candles scattered about on black worked-metal stands. A door on the left wall leads to a fairly nice bathroom, and a matching one on the right opens into a large walk-in closet.
[Exits : [O]ut]
[Players : Jubilee]

The sound of a shower has passed, the sound of a hairdryer has just recently finished too, and stepping out of her bathroom into the main space of her bedroom is one Dr. Jean Grey, donning the Donna Karan uniform of the wealthy academic, and getting ready to face another day of running errands. Weekend? What's -that-? Hopping on one foot as she attempts to get her heels on, hands lifted to try and coif her hair into its' usual bun, Jean's got her blazer jacket as yet unfastened, and is generally looking somewhat ridiculous.

Jubilee drags down the hallway, her costumed self looks even more ridiculous that the elegant Dr. Grey could ever hope to achieve. There is a weariness in her stance and eyes as she nears the door and pauses, taking a deep breath before lifting a hand to rap smartly against the door. "Jeannie? It's me... You busy?" she says through the door, rather hoping she'd missed her with her deliberate oversleeping.

Just wait until Jean gets around to keeping her third of the dares set during the last All-Girl Margarita Fest. Ridiculous will take on a new meaning. In the meantime, though, the Grey running on the clock hears the knock, glances at her watch, takes a quick check of Jubilee's mental state, and then comes to the conclusion that... the mayor's aide can wait. "Not at the moment, and you feel like you could use a talk. C'mon in and have a seat." she directs, hopping a little more, but opening the door with a touch of teke.

Jubilee blinks and straightens from her position with ear pressed to wood as the wood moves, the knob clicking softly. She pushes it open, and hesitates in the the doorframe before taking a sliding half-step in. Professional garb is noted. "You sure? I can come back... later..." Much, much later. "It's..." Well... It -is- important, but... "It can wait," she finishes, already turning to slip back out the door and down the hall at a run. Assuming her shoes would allow that.

"Jubilee..." Jean calls out steadyingly. "I don't think it can. Sit." she directs, the chair from her desk scooting over to pause expectantly by the teen. "You're wound so tightly that I have to look at your mental presence sideways, or it'll make -me- nervous. What's up?" she asks again, getting her heels on and click-clacking over to the cabinet under her window seat, opening it to get access to a tiny fridge, from which a Really Good Swiss chocolate bar is removed and handed over.

Jubilee wrinkles her nose and turns back, ducking her head with a guilty? expression. Why was she here again? SHe twists her lips into a wry grimace and flipflops across the room to drop heavily into the indicated chair, her hand reaching out for the chocolate on auto-scrounge. "What's not up? -Everything- has gone screwy and I can't make heads or tails of anything anymore..." she grumps, curling up and picking carefully at the wrapper, focusing on that instead of Jean's eyes. "I just need... to talk. To someone I trust..." Aw! She trusts Jean. *sniif* "Promise me you won't go all teacherish and stuff?"

Chocolate makes it all better. Or at least gives you something to fidget with. Leaning against the back of her couch now, Jean fidgets with adjusting the ruffle collar of her blouse just-so, but gives Jubilee a reassuring smile all the same. "Scout's honour." she promises. "I'll just listen, and save any helpful ideas 'til after. How's that?"

Jubilee lifts a brow and sneeks a peek at Jean over her knees. "Well... since ya've promised not ta go teacherish on me, I think it's okay ta tell you I've decided never ta leave my room again..." She pauses, a twinkle reasserting itself in her eye as she looks around the room with a tiny smile. "Or maybe your room. Lot easier ta hole up in here," she snerks with a jerk of her chin at the concealed refrigerator. She breaks off a tiny piece of the chocolate and pops it in her mouth, sucking on it thoughtfully as she gathers her thoughts. "Well... remember that night Rogue 'n I came back from the city? Freaked out?...mmm... was that before or after Mercy showed up..." she wonders aloud.

Tug, tug, tug at the collar, Jean at last despairing and abandoning the couch to go stand in front of her mirror and fidget there. "Well, even if I was going teacherish, which I'm not, I could point out that you could just have your schoolwork slipped under the door," she points out, at last giving a small noise of satisfaction and turning herself to fuss with her blazer instead. "And yeah, I remember that. And I -think- it was shortly before, although I'd have to double check." she replies on the Mercy-thing. "Go on?"

Jubilee rolls her eyes ceiling-ward, shredding a section of the chocolate wrapper into long strips. "Well..." she begins, wincing and shutting her eyes. "I'verunintohimandhesaysheknowsmeandIthinkhe'samutanttooandIthinkhe'sinthesamestoryweareand..." she ends her ramble with a gasp for breath, cracking one eye and peeking at Jean. "He said stuff... 'bout my parents..."

Jean just... blinks... for a moment at that rapid-fire delivery, follwed by an almost plaintive "Say -what-?" as she tries to figure out just what she got told, the blazer forgotten as she wanders back closer, and lowers herself to a seat on one of her rugs. "Hang on, slow down a bit, kiddo... So, a mutant, in the same fairytale as you, says he knows you, and he knows things about your parents... who is 'he'? Can you think of an image, if you can't describe him?"

Jubilee nods and fastens onto the image of Byron from yesterday, sitting across from her, dressed in the unmistakeble attire of a fourteenth-century politician, ala Disney. "I don't know who he is... Never've even gotten a name. But last week at Coney Island, he nearly took my arm off. Ran away when Drake came back with the food. Then yesterday... he started actin' all...nice. Until he started talking 'bout his brother. And... somethin' he'd done..."
In a page-pose to you, Magneto facepalms. I can't believe that I didn't question you about your new son last night!!

Jean half-lids her eyes to concentrate on the offered image, taking the time to check the surface of Jubilee's brain for Mimi's mental fingerprints at the same time. Or... at least take a record of it to compare to all the other brains she's been imaging lately. And hopefully find fingerprints. Brainprints? Thoughtprints? "I know that man." she states unequivocally. "He's the one I tangled with when we interrupted the Brotherhood robbery of that jewellry store. But his brother, huh? What did he say?"

Jubilee growls and tosses the candy bar at the coffee table as she slides off and behind the chiar, along the perimeter of the room in agitation. "Stuff. Crazy stuff..." she stops and turns to face Jean across the room, her hands clenching at her side. "Jean... ya know 'bout my... parents, right? That information was turned over to the school with the rest of my records. Well... as far as I know, no one but Rogue and Drake know anything. But... this... -guy- says his brother knew me. Described me. From a break in... in California. One where... where people... got hurt."

Jean catches the chocolate bar in midair and guides it more gently to the coffee table, treating good Swiss chocolate with the respect it deserves. She doesn't make a move to stop Jubilee's roaming, simply taking a seat on the couch now and following her around the room with her eyes. "Yes," she confirms gently. "I know about your parents. But... just stop and listen to yourself a minute, Jubilee," she directs, head cocked to one side as she tries to grasp something that was niggling at her about the statement given so far. "This guy's brother, who has absolutely no way of knowing that this guy will ever meet you, not only bares his soul, but does it in such detail that he's able to recognize a young asian girl years later as the teen she's grown into?"

Jubilee shrugs at Jean's comment, a hand waving dismissively. "I never said I believed him... I mean, he said his brother was able ta describe a little girl cause she was there. Saw the whole thing. It can't be me. I wasn't..." she pauses, taking a deep breath and giving her head a shake before plunging on. "in the room. I was anywhere near the room. But isn't it way too coincidental that this... guy shows up out of no where and starts spillin' a story 'bout somethin' his brother did that to someone that...that -had- it happen? I mean... between ex-dead ex-girlfriends, goats, costumes, psycho's yammering on about fear, freaky men grabbing me at the carney... This is why I'm not leavin' my room ever again," she huffs, leaning against the wall and folding her arms across her chest. "Jeannie... I thought this wacked out stuff only happened to you guys."

Jean has an eyebrow clearly raised by the time Jubilee gets to the end of her denials of place, but senses that now is -not- the time to press the girl in search of buried truths. Instead, she just gets to her feet again, crosses teh room, and gives Jubilee a firm hug whether she wants one or not. "Unfortunately, it seems that the fates have decided you're old enough to start getting hit with your own dose of the Really Wierd Stuff that seems to dog my heels." she replies dryly, giving a back-pat. "But you've got a choice. Just like I have a choice. You -can- stay in your room, I'll bring you food in, or you can just say 'screw the bastards' and live life anyways."

Jubilee closes her eyes and rests her forehead against Jean's shoulder for just a moment before pulling away, her face reassuming the classic 'Jubilee Look of Disgust'. "Jeanniekins... That may be the choices, and you may have decided ta "live life anyways," But -I'm- still underage, so's -I- don't have the option of 'Life's Little Helper' that -you- get ta use when things get hairy..." she says, mouth twisting wryly. (shh... don't mention the stash of wine coolers Drake stumbled on a while back.) She sighs and bites her lower lip, looking up at the teacher with wistful eyes. "Don't ya have any more -practical- suggestions? I really wouldn't mind you getting a teensy bit teacherish..."

"Actually, my favourite version of 'Life's Little Helper' actually involves going down to the gym and tearing apart a couple punching bags... but you didn't hear that from me." Jean notes, stepping back enough to give Jubilee her space, but without backing off out of reach. "And you want practical? Well, first off, the Mercy thing and the costume thing will all be resolved once I can find this rogue dreamweaver and deal with them. There's two problems gone." she ticks off on her fingers. "As for the figure from your past? He's with the Brotherhood, and he's wanted in connection with a jewel heist. I'd be happy to go after him too, albeit with a little backup. So really, everything -will- get taken care of," she promises. "And that's my teacherish take on things. In the meantime? Try and spend as much time as possible with friends, and take some 'me time'. Do things for no reason at all except that they feel good and make you happy, and let yourself forget the outside world for just those little slices of time." A beat and a wry look. "S'how -I- stay mostly sane."

Jubilee wrinkles her nose and points down, a foot lifting to flap merrily at Jean. "Normally that's where I'd be, but my current wardrobe isn't 'zactly -conducive- ta tumbling routines or balance beams," she smirks, clasping hands behind her back and rocking up and down on the balls of her feet. "As for my problems... You're the one who should be in costume, cause it sounds like you're my hero..." she croons, giving a sincere, if brittle sounding laugh that trails off into a hushed, "Thanks, Jeannie. For just... letting me vent. Without gettin' defensive or hurt or laughing..." Hmm... tells you something of the typical reactions she -has- been getting.

"Oh, I don't know," Jean drawls, teasing just a little and raising her hands in pre-emptive self-defence. "Weren't gypsy women noted dancers back around the time period your costume's from? Dance, gymnastics... and I already have a costume, and it's thankfully not spandex like the first couple design prototypes thought up." she grins in allusion to the X-Uniforms. The teasing drops at the last statement from Jubilee, and Jean looks like she's about ready to give another hug as she replies quietly that "Everyone needs to vent, Jubilee. And no-one should ever feel embarassed or ashamed about needing to do so. If you need to vent again, you know ehere to find me."

Jubilee narrows her eyes, the corners of her mouth lifting up gently as she lifts a brow. "Good thing you ain't a guy, Jeanniekins. I swore next one who said somethin' like that was gonna get decked..." Hard on the heels of her words, she slips forward and wraps arms around Jean for a squeeze before spinning away and toward the door with a flourish. "mph... I might not have any answers, but at least I got the world ta stop spinning for a few minutes," she says rather cryptically, her lips twitching again into a smirk as she lifts a hand to them and presses a kiss that is promptly blown toward Jean, heading out the door only to poke her head right back in. "Though... considerin'... maybe I could check out one of those panic button thingys? Seein' as I do have a creepy BoMer on my tail... Ya know... just in case I decide -not- ta spend the rest of my life in my room..."

Jean meets the narrowed eyes with an unrepentant smirk, pointing out that "Sure, but unlike those poor guys, -I- have no interest in hitting on you. And at least you don't have a goat?" she offers, before wheezing at a sudden lack of air, hugging back, and then turning to go hunt down her leather courier bag once it seems that Jubilee's pattered away. Hence why she's forced to turn around and straighten up as the girl's head pokes in again. "Mmm? Sure. Just go talk to whoever's down on comsys duty and they'll sign one out to you."

Jubilee nods and disappears. For good. You hope.

jubilee, logan

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