Journal to follow when I'm not so sleepy...
Of all the junior members, it is quite likely that Umbra is the one who is most grateful to be back on Brotherhood island. She's practically been in hiding since the return, appearing only when training or chores demanded. Currently she's hidden in her room, the door closed tightly to the rest of the world. More importantly, to the few rays of light remaining. She's lying on her side, facing away from the door, possibly sleeping. Possibly not.
Syphon slips into the dorm hallways quietly, sporting as always his twin pistols in their shoulder holsters. He is no longer wearing the eye patch that he had in the desert, and his eye is fully healed. A few steps past Amara's door, he stops and turns back, keeping a watchful eye out for passers-by. He knocks quietly on the door to get her attention.
Luckily for Syphon, Amara is awake. Or, at the very least, a light sleeper. "Enter," she calls out, her voice semi strained. The greeting's not overly warm or inviting, as she's expecting another round with Toxin. She doesn't even budge an inch, mostly because her hand is already underneath her pillow.
Syphon reaches out for the handle, pausing before entering to draw a pistol in his right hand. Call it a nervous habit. Her voice just doesn't make it sound like she's in the mood for company and he'd rather be able to get a shot off before dying. He opens the door with his left hand and stays behind it, putting his DE in front of him. "It's me." Those tired words are the only other sound he makes, apart from the sound his gun makes as he flexes his fingers around the grip.
One of these days, these two might stop the constant drawing of weapons. Today is not one of those days. Amara's fingers release from the firm grasp she has on her own pistol, located underneath the pillow of course, and she slowly moves her hand away from the weapon. "Oh, hey," she says softly, rolling onto her back to get a look at the person at the door. "You have no idea how happy I am that it is you standing there."
Syphon stares at her in the faint light from the doorway before closing the heavy door behind him. He holsters his gun and stands quietly, half smiling at her words. "You were expecting someone else?" He remains standing where he is until his eyes can adjust enough to allow him to see at least something in the room, no small feat in this particular room.
The room was not designed for others to see well in. Umbra sits up and angles herself so that her feet are off of the bed. A candle on a nearby stand is lit, adding a bit of light. Even after returning, she still looks like death. Not quite that bad, but it's obvious she's not been well. "I was hoping for no one else. Especially Toxin." Odd words, for one who cares about Toxin so. The faintest of smiles graces her lips as she pats the bed, signalling him to sit.
Syphon winces a bit as that candle is lit, a miniature sun in the blackness of this space. His eyes had just started to adjust but he shrugs it off anyway and makes his way toward her bed to sit. His hand immediately moves to rest on her waist on the far side of her body. "Funny, I figured you would be happy to see Toxin." The comment is disregarded and he changes the subject almost instantly. "I just stopped by to see how you were doing, and to say I toldja so." He reaches out with his index finger and taps the tip of her nose.
The light isn't all that strong for Amara. Normally it is, but she's used to it by now. At least, until she spends more time in the darkness. She looks down as the hand touches her waist, and her smile grows. If only slightly. "The last we spoke, the conversation did not go well. I simply do not wish for a repeat." There, no need to say why it didn't go well, especially since he's changing the subject. She looks to him, curious, but rubs her nose when it's tapped. "Told me what?"
Syphon nods solemnly at her words about her last discussion with Toxin. He absently rubs his hand on her side and begins to smirk. "You should know what I'm talking about. Before we left you told me you wouldn't make it through this mission." He leans forward, a mere inch or two from her face, and sticks his tongue out. "You're alive and so now I get to say I toldja so."
He's doing what? Oh, two can play this game. Amara leans in, very slightly, her head angeled as if she were going to kiss him. Or his exposed tongue, as the case may be. Instead she brings a hand up to try and grab it, not to cause pain, just to be silly. "I would be dead if rules had not been broken, and I had been granted my desire." Hrm. Wonder what that means.
Syphon playfully snaps at her fingers when she grabs at his tongue. He is fully smiling now, and in a good mood. "Just remember, the rules aren't broken if the rulemaker changes them." He sticks his thumb into her side in a tickling kind of way, still keeping his face very close to hers.
Oh now that's just evil. The soft laughter echos in the room as Amara, for the first time in days, allows herself to forget about her problems. "Evil," she manages to say between laughs. See, someone is ticklish. Who'd have known? "Either way, it is wonderful to be alive." She thinks. Both hands press against his cheeks and she tries to draw him into a kiss.
Syphon stops tickling her long enough to be drawn into the kiss. It is a gentle but firm kiss and he allows himself to linger there if he isn't pushed away from her. "I thought we were going to be found out while we were out there." He brings his free hand up to brush some hair away from her face.
She doesn't push him away, or pull away. She's actually quite content being close to him. "Unless you know something that I do not, I do not see how any would have found out," Amara replies, closing her eyes at the touch. "I know that friendship is a weakness, though I do not understand why we must completely avoid each other in public. That is not what I want."
Syphon shakes his head. "All it takes is one person seeing the most innocent of gestures, or a look to make them begin to question." He slowly backs his face away from hers and sits back up straight. "I don't want you getting hurt because someone is trying to get to me." At this point he goes silent, closing his eyes in thought.
"All it takes is for one person to listen into my room and they would know for a fact what they could suspect. Yet, you do not see me asking you to leave, nor will I." As he pulls away, Amara follows, laying her head against his chest. "I am not afraid of what other people may think of me. I am who I am. I like who I like. It takes a lot for a person to be able to harm me, but I am willing to face that to stand up for what I believe in. Is that not why we are here, fighting for the cause?"
Syphon chuckles a bit and nods in agreement somewhere in that statement. "For some reason, I have a hard time justifying you and I being together by using The Cause as an example. But I do understand what you are saying." He wraps one arm around her, stroking her hair with the other hand and leaning his head down to hers. "Don't get me wrong, I'm not worried about what anyone here thinks of me. What worries me is the fact that anyone on this island will use anything they can to get ahead. And if that means exploiting any kind of relationship that we have, one of us will end up hurt. I could care less what they try to do to me. Do you remember after we landed in the desert?" He kisses the top of her head. "It's a toss up between drunken depression and murderous rampage."
Now this, this is comfortable, and Amara lets that fact be known. She's just a lot more relaxed than she normally is, without use of any alcohol. "Quite frankly, and I cannot believe that I am saying this, Fuck the others." That's the first time she's really cussed. It does happen. "If all we have is friendship, than nothing ill can come from it. No matter how hard others might try. And I am not so convinced that any harm will come from anything more than that." She pauses. No, she's not trying to hint at that. "If there had been a chance for such a thing, I mean."
Syphon feels her relax more and warms to it. He listens to her words and squeezes her a bit. At her last statement and it's following qualification, he takes in a sharp breath and then sighs. "Yeah, if there had been a chance." His words are very quiet and almost mumbled, and his mood seems to have dropped a notch or two.
Such things are easily noticed, even by Amara. She pulls away enough to look up at him, causing a few strands of hair to mess and fall before her face. "Tommy?" Her voice is quiet, but full of concern, as a hand finds a cheek once more. "What's wrong?"
Syphon doesn't look down at her, instead stares at the candle. "Nothing." After a moment, he looks down at her and kisses her forhead. "Don't worry about it. It's not important." After all, they're better off just as friends, right?
No, dammit. When something gets into Amara's head, it's there. And right now she wants an answer. "Tommy." Uh, oh. He's getting the look. "It is important that you do not keep things bottled up inside. If I have said something to offend you, please, tell me."
Syphon shakes his head. "Remember our deal?" Yes, he's pulling /that/ card now. "If I don't want to answer something, I don't have to. Just like you don't have to if you don't want to." Oh, how childish can we get? This is pathetic. "And had you offended me, I most certainly would have told you." He sets his jaw and steels himself for any onslaught of words she may try to use.
Umbra pulls away from him completely, even her gaze at the last minute. "The only information I have kept from you is that of which I am not permitted to repeat," Umbra explains slowly, keeping her anger in check. She's able to do that far better than most on island, it would seem. "However, I respect your decision, and I am sorry to have pressed the issue." Great. Now there's no hope. Defeated, she plaches her head in her hands and her elbows on her legs.
The room suddenly has gone very, very cold and Tommy shivers slightly. He looks at her and then stands up, walking toward the gunrack. "I remember when I was a kid, I had this hat that I considered my favorite hat in the world. I never wore it in public. Do you know why?" His gaze left her as he started walking, and hasn't returned to her yet.
No matter how much she tells herself she won't look at him, she does as soon as he stands. Her nose wrinkles somewhat at his comparison, but Amara doesn't say anything about that. "Enlighten me," she finally says, rolling over to lay on her belly to watch him.
Syphon nods and continues his story while checking whatever gun may be up there. "If I had something that I really cared about, loved even, one of my brothers would take it. Either my younger brother would cry until he got it, or my older brother would just take it. If I left the hat inside on the shelf, I wouldn't lose it because nobody would know that I really loved it." He still hasn't looked at her the entire time, and continues to heft and sight the gun in his hands.
With a good majority of her personal selection on the rack, he could be holding a quality gun. Amara doesn't blink at all as he touches her weapons. She has no issues at all with him touching her weapons. "I never have had any siblings," she states flatly, practically ruining his words. "So I would know little about that. I am confused, though. Are you keeping our friendship secret because you are afraid it will end, or someone might steal it? That is rediculous." Because you can't steal a friendship.
Syphon shakes his head and puts the gun back on the rack. "Never mind. You missed the point." He turns back and walks toward her, stopping at one of the chairs to sit. He doesn't say much, figuring he's said too much already and looks up at the ceiling.
Umbra lowers her head. "No, I did not." She moves again, this time to stand. He's approached, and she takes a seat on him. Facing him. No, she's not shy. "You know that I would never ask for a public display," she tries to explain. "That is not what I have been thinking about."
Syphon blinks as he hears her stand and walk over to him. He finally looks at her as she sits on him, as he doesn't have much of a choice. His hands find their way to her waist and he listens to her words. "I wasn't refering to public displays of anything." He stops talking to let her finish.
The half raised brow is Amara's way of asking if she should stand. She will, if need be. "Nor do I believe myself to be the most... trusting... individual." She's a spy and a thief, with a pretty powerful reputation. "I know that it can be difficult for any to trust me. But I cannot keep lying to you. Or myself." Her eyes search his out as she pauses to make sure she has his attention, and that she doesn't have to stand.
Syphon locks his hands around her waist, enough of a signal that she isn't going anywhere. "I told you before that I trust you. We agreed on trust when we first started talking." He looks right into her eyes and swallows the lump in his throat. "What do you need to tell me?"
Quite the powerful sign it is, too. Looks like it really is now or never for Umbra. "We did agree on trust, and I am thankful for that. It means more to me than you know." Despite the brief desire to look away, to pull away, she continues to look into his eyes. "Syphon. Tommy. I do not want to be friends with you. I want more than that. I am sorry."
As she appologizes, Tommy puts his index finger on her lips to stop her from doing so and speaks softly. "What do you want?" Oh this is just cruelty. He wants to hear the words from her though. He needs her to tell him. "What do you want?" Barely a whisper.
When was the last time someone actually quietted Amara? This is odd, even for her. For a moment her gaze threatens to harden, as she is unsure how to take it, but finally she relaxes that tension. "I want to be with you," she further explains, feeling foolish but speaking anyway. "I want to be more than just a friend with an occassional benefit. I want for you to have some claim to me." To bury her head under her pillow...
Syphon smiles. His hands unlock from behind you and move to her face where he pulls her down into a deep kiss. A moment and a breath later, he pulls away and looks up at her. "I do /not/ want to /claim/ you. You aren't property to be staked out and inhabited. But I do want to be with you, as friends, and as more. Much more." So maybe his words aren't right, but the sentiment is there.
His actions actually catch Amara off guard, and she has to actually try not to fall over. Balance, though, happens to be one of her strong points. "I did not mean it like that," she tries to explain at the first opportunity. Yet, the rest of his words finally sink in, and she tilts her head to look at him. Several strands of hair fall as she takes in the moment. "Then you are not angry with me for feeling as such?" she finally says, her voice still whispers. Perhaps she's still rather flustered by that hell of a kiss.
Syphon laughs out loud, actually almost snorting at the same time. "Tell me, Amara. How could I justify being angry with you for having the same kind of feelings I'm having? That was what I was trying to tell you with that story." He probably didn't need to explain that, but he does anyway. "My feelings for you are only getting stronger. If I held them in much longer, I think my head would have exploded."
Now she does allow her expression to chill over a bit. She could very well be joking. Or not. Hard to tell. "I had a feeling," she admits freely, allowing a minimal smile at this point. "Although, being foreign to such things as admitting to feelings, I found it hard to sit back and wait for you to confess."
Syphon nods and lets his hands slide down her arms to her hands, where he takes hold of them. "I couldn't confess because I didn't want to accept what I was feeling as the truth. I've taught myself not to feel those things, and if I do to ignore them." He pulls both of the hands to his face and kisses them. "Watching you over the last week made me realize that I don't want to lose you."
Eyes watch his every movement now, more out of keeping better control on her balance than anything. "Before I came to the island, I would rather stake a man than have feelings for him." Perhaps her own.. flattering.. way of admitting to the same thing. Her head lowers, however. Everything goes back to that. "I was weak. Am weak. Many apologies. I hope it did not cause anything to happen that you will regret."
Syphon shakes his head. "You are not weak. You were out of your element. If you appologize to me again for something, I'm going to give you something to be sorry for." He smirks evilly at that comment and gets a mischevious look in his eyes. "And nothing that happens where you and I are concerned will ever cause me regret. Understand?" He pulls her hands, trying to force her closer to him for another kiss.
She's not exactly in the best of moods, as she can't help but reflect back on the last week. So horrible. Something never to be done again. Her shudder might be a clue as to her thought pattern. The playful threat is ignored, as deemed best at the moment. "I understand," she finally replies, looking at him squarely. Blink. Why hesitate now? She leans forward and touches her lips to his, for something a little less than a soft kiss.
Syphon accepts the kiss for what it is and releases her hands. He rests his hands on her legs and watches her. "What's wrong?" The shudder was a dead give away, as well as the off look.
Umbra shakes her head. "My mind was in the wrong place. Just thinking about how much I hate the desert." Although, some good things came from it. For the first time this evening, she gives him a real smile. "I should get back to bed." Pause. "Care to join?"
Syphon stands up and at the same time picks her up. "Yes, you definitely need to get back to bed." He kisses her quickly and walks over to the bed with her in his arms. "And do you really need to ask?" He lays her back on the bed and follows shortly afterward, kicking his boots off his feet and to the floor.