Aug 27, 2005 20:46
So I drank lastnight. A lot. Got pretty plastered, enough to feel shitty when I woke up. But I just went back to sleep and I was okay again.
My known experience with drinking is if I drink too much I'll become angry and violent. Well, only when something annoys me. Tonight someone annoyed me. Guess who? Yep; darling Mother again. Talking her shit, telling me how horrible of a person my dad is because he wouldn't drive to my brother's house and then to my moms house to get clothes so I could go down to Janesville and work. eh, I just blew that over my shoulder. I didn't really care that he wouldn't get me, I just need a good nights sleep since lastnight I passed out drunk as fuck and when I'm at my dad's I don't get hardly any sleep at all.
Then she reminds me that school starts on Thursday. I tell her I need clothes, but she says "what the fuck is all that shit at the bottom of the stairs then?!" well for you who don't know, I sleep in the basement (there's nomore rooms in this stupid house) and I'm a messy person. Therefore, the basement = messy. What do I care? Yeah. I don't give a fuck, and neither should she. So I told her it's a bunch of old shitty clothes I still need to get rid of so I could make room for the new clothes I was going to buy with the $130 she was supposed to give Hannah and I. Psh. Bullshit. We owe our $1300 rent by Tuesday. It's 9pm on Saturday. Where is the money? We ain't got SHIT. Our landlord is going to kick us out of this house and we will be homeless or living down on allied fuckin' drive with all the other poor people. Then how is she going to be able to work? She needs a computer for that. She does all her work from the computer and phone - in her home office. it's been this way for years. She is just so... I don't know. She's too over-confident in herself that she can't see how what she's doing is NOT working and it hasn't been working for 6 years.
you know, I'm fucking sick of this low class bullshit. the only reason we've lived in nice houses (houses we can't afford) is to hide that we're BROKE AS FUCK. If I wanted to go to the Shell a little bit away to buy a water because we don't have any, I couldn't. How much does a bottle of water usually cost? Well it ranges from a buck .35-.40
but we can't pay for that.
What the fuck are broke ass mother fuckers doing living in COTTAGE GROVE?!?! For all of you who don't know, CG is for all the happy people with real nice lives and don't don't know what it feels like to be broke as fuck.
Nobody in my family is like that. Sure, my aunt and uncle up near Milwaukee are rich and have big fancy cars and a big fancy house - but they're not happy. My 16 year old cousin Katrina is a bimbo whore who gets everything her little heart desires. For her 16th birthday she got her license AND a new car. My cousin Amanda is a few months younger than me. She's a fucking NERD to the fullest. I don't like her just because she's really weird and has an underbite and breathes heavily and talks like her nose is plugged. Would you like some drano? I bet you can figure out and reconstruct all the chemicals in it and make a cure for AIDs, you fucking nerdy ass weirdo.
anyways, their parents (my aunt and uncle... I guess that's what they are. they don't seem like family) always fight... and their mom is like, super NO DON'T SAY HATE fuckshit and is just your "I want to do the right thing and be the best mom and housewife EVER" but she fucks everything up and fails at life. As does my uncle.
And my other family members, well they're just annoying and always pick fights with each other about money. My mom, me, hannah, and my dad though.. we stand out. My mom's the only sibling of her parents to get divorced, have both of her kids go through drug issues/mental issues, and well all the other shit that goes on. It stands out and makes a REALLY bad impression. haha, The only reason I'm getting married is so my last name changes.
But anyway, my family - not only the 4 of who I talk about - are all fucked up in their own ways. How am I not to be fucked up then? It runs in both sides of my family (except I only know 4 people on my dad's side. Strange huh?)
My little sister Emily is going to be that way too. My dad and this one chick he met at a - get this - NA (narcotics anomynous) meeting. So Michelle (the baby mama) has some fucked up things in her bloodstream relating to breast cancer, heart disease, and the big one: addiction. So basically Emily's fucked, but she's got another 8 or so years til it happens. (she's only 5)
I have no idea why I'm writing this. Alcohol gets me thinking and obviously I'm thinking too much and it'll be poisoning my veins for a few days to come, then the depression to follow later for yet another few days... which means I'll be fucked up when school starts and most likely an insomniac or manic depressive and that'll be really bad for getting around the school and whatnot...
Can you tell I've had experience with this before? And yet I keep drinking. Your mild minor alcoholic at her finest! *Bows*
Maybe I'll do something stupid so I don't have to go to school for a while.
God damn that would be amazing.
Welp. I'm out. This has been a still hungover rampage by yours truly, Miss Worthless herself.
fuck off.