I have chinese food. I think this is the highlight of my day, besides the one person Xenosaga marathon i'm planning for myself tonight because I have the house to myself. Brandon took me out to lunch yesterday. That was really sweet of him to do that. Ha, he got a steering wheel cover that has tinkerbell on it. It's pretty. I quit my job on wednesday so I've been home a lot more lately. I need to call the theater because Baker told me that they are going to need people.. hmm.. *makes note to self* Anyways, back to my programming notes.
And this is why I love my friends..
CarcinogenicHaze: i keep having insane dreams
mercuryrsngxx: about?
CarcinogenicHaze: about having a batsuit on and either saving people or fighting crime in some hispanic country at a mansion by the sea
CarcinogenicHaze: its insane
CarcinogenicHaze: my uncle just got married to a colombian woman, so like the entire plot of the last dream i had was set in columbia at a mansion
CarcinogenicHaze: it felt like desperado/batman returns, without the circus
CarcinogenicHaze: craaazy.
CarcinogenicHaze: it felt like it went on for forever
CarcinogenicHaze: and it was all through my eyes
CarcinogenicHaze: but when it was over, the credits still rolled.
CarcinogenicHaze: in my head i saw "Tom Abate/Batman- Tom Abate" and i was like 'Thats MEEE!!!"
CarcinogenicHaze: thats when i woke up though
CarcinogenicHaze: the other dream was that vance high school went on fire for like 2 days and i saved EVERYONE
CarcinogenicHaze: wearing...a batmask.
CarcinogenicHaze: which i have one now...i bought it before halloween.
CarcinogenicHaze: of course, i was perturbed at why i kept showing up as batman
CarcinogenicHaze: but it was awesome too.
CarcinogenicHaze: it just scared me, my second dream was SOOO violent
CarcinogenicHaze: i shot some really big villian guy with a batgrapple in the spine so he couldnt use his arms or legs anymore, and then kicked him off of a balcony on a bunch of sharp rocks, and saw every minute detail of it
CarcinogenicHaze: theme music and all.
thank you tom
New layout. What do you think?