Title: Kitty's New Mission
Fandoms: Glee and X-Men: Evolution
Pairings: Quinn/Nightcrawler & Scott/Rogue
Rating: G
Warnings/Spoilers: AU!XME/Glee World. Takes place in a slightly altered XME S2. Quinn joined in Growing Pains. Post S1 for Glee, in which Quinn’s powers emerged after giving birth to Beth.
Summary: Thanks to Rogue, Kitty's on a new mission to get Quinn and Nightcrawler together.
Notes: Written for
crossovers50 prompt Writer's choice and written for
galorechallenge prompt Nightcrawler/Quinn - crush/friends. This completely just randomly came to me when I was trying to think of what new Quinn crossover I could write, and I’m glad it did because it has several things I like… including Scogue, which if you dislike - I’m sorry but then I’m not as well. Just try and enjoy the drabble anyway. I might make more of this… because well, I really like this storyline… and I would like more Quinn/Kurt scenes.
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kitty's new mission........ )