Glee/X-Men: Kitty & Quinn/Nightcrawler & Rogue/Cyclops: "Kitty's New Mission"

Mar 03, 2011 14:05

Title: Kitty's New Mission
Fandoms: Glee and X-Men: Evolution
Pairings: Quinn/Nightcrawler & Scott/Rogue
Rating: G
Warnings/Spoilers: AU!XME/Glee World. Takes place in a slightly altered XME S2. Quinn joined in Growing Pains. Post S1 for Glee, in which Quinn’s powers emerged after giving birth to Beth.
Summary: Thanks to Rogue, Kitty's on a new mission to get Quinn and Nightcrawler together.
Notes: Written for crossovers50 prompt Writer's choice and written for galorechallenge prompt Nightcrawler/Quinn - crush/friends. This completely just randomly came to me when I was trying to think of what new Quinn crossover I could write, and I’m glad it did because it has several things I like… including Scogue, which if you dislike - I’m sorry but then I’m not as well. Just try and enjoy the drabble anyway. I might make more of this… because well, I really like this storyline… and I would like more Quinn/Kurt scenes.
[ ...Table... ]

“He’s got it real bad,” Kitty stated to Rogue, motioning to Kurt Wagner. Glancing up from her book, Rogue studied her brother and smiled.

“Yes, he does… but then so does she.” Rogue stated quietly so the only one that heard her was Kitty.

“Wait; hold up, like Quinn actually like, likes Kurt like that?” Kitty’s eyes widened and stared over at Quinn, who was sitting beside Kurt laughing.

“Wow, Kitty, I thought you had a sixth sense about these things. If I can see it, why can’t you?”

“Never mind about that! If it’s true, like we so need to get them together!” Rogue winced at Kitty’s excitement. She instantly regretted saying something to Kitty about Quinn’s crush.

“Kitty, don’t you think you should let them have a chance to get together by themselves?”

“No.” Kitty stared at her in shock, “Why would we do that? They’d never get together then!”

Rogue shook her head and let out a groan. When Kitty started one of these ‘missions’, she never stops until she gets the results she wants.

“What are you two talking about?” Scott asked, sitting down beside Rogue, who instantly blushed in embarrassment because she knew there was no way Kitty would keep her ‘mission’ a secret, or at least to anyone but her victims.

Kitty giggled in excitement as she explained what she planned to do for Quinn and Kurt. At Scott’s grimace, Rogue could tell he felt the same way she did about this. After Kitty decided to get some help from the others, she left Scott and Rogue alone.

“Think Quinn’s going to hurt me once she finds out that I blabbed?”

Scott let out a laugh, and put his arm around Rogue’s shoulders, causing her to blush for a completely different reason than before. “I’m sure she’ll be angry that everyone knew, but I’m sure she and Kurt will eventually thank you.”

“Right, I’ll be sure to hide behind you, when those two find out.” Rogue promised, grinning.

Scott laughed, “I’ll protect you from those two then.”

Rogue let out a small laugh, “You better, because Kurt might seem like a lovable blue fur-ball, but he’s sneaky and I don’t want to be teleported anywhere. And I know Quinn enough to know that she’ll be scary if she’s angered.”


Quinn stared at Rogue for several minutes without speaking, causing the older teen to grimace. Scott was nowhere to be found, nor was anyone else in the hallway besides them, which was probably why Quinn choose now to get revenge.

Finally, Quinn’s lips quirked and she let out a laugh at Rogue’s grimace and pulled the surprised woman in for a hug - which was a rarity in itself for several reasons. For one, Quinn didn’t hug people, for second, hardly anyone besides Scott, Kurt, or Logan ever touched her like this… most people avoided touching Rogue in fear of her skin. For one brief moment, nothing made Rogue more scared and happier at the same time.

“Thanks Rogue,” Quinn stated, letting go of her. Rogue stared at her in surprise.

“You’re not angry?”

“Well, I was, but then I thought about it and if it wasn’t for Kitty’s meddling, than I would probably still be only friends with Kurt. I didn’t think I was ready for a new relationship, but she made me see that I was, and I was only holding back because I was afraid - of being rejected, of losing him, and of a relationship by itself. My first two went down the drain and through hell, for several reasons but even if I don’t know what’s going to happen to this one, I at least have a chance to find out.” Quinn explained, and smiled and winked. “Besides, I can always pay you back.”

“What do you mean?” Rogue questioned, not quite sure how she felt about Quinn’s wink.

Quinn let out an amused laugh and gestured to behind Rogue. Turning around quickly, she saw a flash of blue before darkness.

“I think we’re in the Danger Room… but someone changed the settings, nothing I’ve said worked to let us out and my powers weren’t able to penetrate the door,” Scott explained, frowning.

“So I guess we’re stuck here until someone goes looking for us?” Rogue questioned, glancing around the barely lit room. They were currently in a small room with only a loveseat in the middle and a door to one side that wouldn’t open. Scott studied the walls and nodded. Rogue let out a laugh… “Why do I feel like this wasn’t just Quinn’s plan?”

Scott glanced over at Rogue and smiled slightly. “Because only Kitty would know how to hack into the Danger Room… that is, unless she got the Professor to do it.”

“Hmm, you never know… maybe he likes to be a matchmaker as well.” Scott laughed at the thought.

“Yeah, maybe he’s a regular old telepathic cupid.” Scott stated, causing both to laugh.


glee, x-men: cyclops, -2011, x-men: shadowcat, x-men, x-men: crossover, x-men: nightcrawler, x-men: cyclops/rogue, x-men: rogue, -rated g, glee: quinn, glee: crossover

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