Sep 22, 2002 16:47
yeah so
mass this morning
consisted of a homily that said the following:
" jesus mary and joseph are the perfect family. we should model ourselves after this family. we should not listen to these people who say kids can have two moms or two dads because thats not what was meant. it was meant to be a mother a father and children. that is the right structure."
well i was full of rage
so i took my grandmother home after communion
sped back to church found the priest
and said
hey can i talk to you?
and we sat in the confessional face to face
and i said
that his homily was more like a hate mantra
he didnt bring up single parent homes
and " im willing to bet you dont know
anyone who was the product of gay parents"
and i was of course right
i told him about bridget and he said
he didnt mean to offend me personally
but the bible says "woe to those who call evil good and
good evil"
and i said how if i love a woman and we adopt kids and raise them
how is that bad?
he said
homosexuality the act is bad
because it is not procreative
i said
how many people in your audience today have sex to have sex
and are on birth control until they are finacially and emotionally ready to have kids
i said what would you do if you were me
he said it wouldnt change my affection for "bridget"
but i would not feel right having genital contact with her
i thought to myself
so many smart @ss things at this point but
i said he should think more outside the conventional circle next time
cos how would he like it if i generalized saying all priests are upper class
rich white fat momma's boys
thats not true, is it? no.
generalizations are never true. there are only individuals.
if you want to email him your opinion
go to or .org i forget which one
his name is in this entry
he ended with
god bless you
i never meant to hurt you personall