May 11, 2007 17:02
1. Title / Prompt: March 002 Spirits
2. Character: Meg Manning.
3. Warnings: Nothing specific.
4. Pairings: None
5. Your character's fandom: Veronica Mars.
6. Word count:282
7. Rating: G/PG
8. Disclaimer: Not mine. Just having fun. All belongs to Rob Thomas, Slave Rat Productions, Warner Bros., the CW, etc.
I don’t talk about religion much. Mostly because growing up in the Manning house it’s just this fact. It’s a part of life. Full stop. No discussion, it just is. We’re expected to go to church, bible study, whatever else might be expected depending on the occasion.
It’s not a bad thing. I’m not trying to make it sound like that, just explaining that Christianity is as much a part of my every day life as talking to my sisters. It’s impossible to separate it from who am.
One of the things I’ve loved since I was a little girl in Sunday School was the stories we’d get told about the Saints. And about how we could pray to a specific Saint for help with specific things… that their spirits would listen. Like how if you’re going on a trip, you pray to Saint Christopher to keep you safe.
I know it probably sounds odd, dorky or whatever to a lot of people, but the idea that there were these Saints out there that could help us. I used to pray to Saint Nicholas a lot as a child, but I think I’m probably too old for him now. Gracie still could, though.
I guess it’s just part of faith, trusting that your prayers are being heard by the spirit of someone who died centuries ago even though you can’t see them and there’s no tangible evidence to prove that they’re out there, isn’t it?
I’ve just always found the idea immensely comforting. That praying to them meant they were praying to God with us. When you feel so lost and alone and like no one hears you, that’s a big deal.
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