licenseartistic: Feb Prompt #5: Joy

Mar 25, 2007 16:14

1. Title / Prompt: February Prompt 005: Joy
2. Character: Meg Manning.
3. Warnings: Nothing specific.
4. Pairings: None
5. Your character's fandom: Veronica Mars.
6. Word count:312
7. Rating: G/PG
8. Disclaimer: Not mine. Just having fun. All belongs to Rob Thomas, Slave Rat Productions, Warner Bros., the CW, etc.


It seems like such a simple thing, such a routine, every day thing - to experience joy, doesn't it?

And it should be. Probably is for most people. But at my house, my dad tends to think the worst of his daughters if they seem too happy. Basically squishes any shreds of joy right out of us. Like there's something wrong we being happy? Apparently it's all automatically slutty, amoral behaviour. Though I'm not sure for the life of me how, but I couldn't really explain my dad's logic about most things. Maybe life would be simpler if I could.

Maybe? Yeah, scratch that. They would be. Because if I understood why, I could explain it to Grace in a way where she wouldn't feel like she's constantly in trouble. Then maybe I could feel like she could handle all of this without me. Lizzie's gone the second she's old enough. If not before. And if I go to Aunt Chris's... to Washington for school, where does that leave Gracie? Here, in this house. Alone by herself to deal with a father who by all rights shouldn't have been allowed to keep us. But who'd believe Stewart Manning was anything but a God-fearing but great dad? Well, the first part of that statement is true. I just wish the later was, too.

I've basically got to take the joy where I can find it. The satisfaction of landing an audition, coming up with a new cheer that the squad loves, of doing something that makes my sisters smile. Basically silly things that I can't be too happy about in front of my Dad, but that make me happy. That I know I'm good at. I know it might not seem like much, but last I checked there wasn't anything that said the small things can't be a source of joy, too.

la, license artistic, licenseartistic

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