Everybody Likes a Challenge 4

Nov 04, 2007 20:28

Title: Everybody Likes a Challenge  4/?

Author: Meg-chan (xme_chanx)

Pairing: Tora/ ? , SagaxShou,

Bands: アリス九號, bis,

Rating: NC-17

Genre: yaoi, AU, some angst

Warnings: man sex, angst, hot boys, test anxiety, gratuitous fluff, no beta.

Disclaimer: I do not own these boys, I wish I did. I do own the story and will use brute force if you steal it. I have no money. At all. So if you sue me I’ll be really sad.

Summary: Tora likes a challenge; his comes in the form of an attractive man.

X-Posted: My journal, Alice in Loveland

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Ch 1


Ch 2


Ch 3


Chapter 4

Half of Saga wanted to bolt, the other half wanted to just ignore the guy. He knew he couldn’t do that, because since they were in the same band, they had to get along. Saga sighed, steeled his courage, and opened the door of the doughnut shop.

“Good morning!” The shop lady called. Saga nodded at her, and walked over to Tora.

“Hi.” He said. Tora looked up from the newspaper he had been reading. He had glasses on, which made him even more attractive. Tora looked startled to see Saga, especially Saga being civil.

“Oh, hi.” Tora replied.

“I didn’t know you wore glasses.” Saga said lamely. Tora nodded, feeling awkward. As far as he knew, the bassist hated him.

“What are you doing here?” Saga asked.

“Eating breakfast.” Tora said. Saga nodded.

“I’m picking up doughnuts.” Saga said.

“That’s nice. It’s what people usually do at a doughnut shop.” Tora smiled. Saga nodded.

“Tora, how do you like the band so far?” Saga asked.

“You guys are good. I’m really happy with it. I’m glad to have the chance to play again.” Tora said honestly. Saga nodded. He moved closer to Tora, before leaning down to Tora ‘s eye level.

“What do you think about me? I remember that night. You were looking for me weren’t you? That’s why you came to try out.” Saga’s lips brushed the shell of Tora’s ear, causing the guitarist’s body to go rigid, his hair standing on end.

“M-m-maybe.” Tora whimpered. Saga grinned at him.

“Why ever would you do that?” Saga smirked. Tora gulped. Why? He knew why.

“Why are you asking me that? You have Shou.” He sighed, placing his head in his hands. Saga grinned and shook his head.

“That’s rather complicated. You couldn’t handle me anyway.” Saga smirked again. Tora looked at Saga in shock.

“What are you-”

Tora was interrupted as the bell over the door of the shop rang. They both glanced at the door as it opened and a small figure with black and blonde hair slipped inside.

“Hey Tora!” The intruder grinned. Saga frowned at him.

“Hey Tsukasa, this is Saga, the bassist for the band I joined.” Tora said.

“I’m Tsukasa.” Tsukasa waved and plopped down next to Tora.

“Did you get me anything?” He asked.

“No, I didn’t. Get your own.” Tora snorted.

“Well, it was nice meeting you Tsukasa, and good to see you Tora.” Saga said, heading for the counter to pick up his doughnuts and leave.

“You could eat with us.” Tora suggested. Saga shook his head.

“I really can’t, Shou’s waiting for me.” Saga replied, grinning viciously at Tora.

As soon as Saga was gone Tora turned to Tsukasa.

“What happened?” Tsukasa asked, noticing Tora’s amazed expression.

“I have no idea!” Tora exclaimed, letting his head fall to the table with a ‘thwock’.

“Ouch!” he hissed, rubbing the small bump on his forehead.

“That was stupid.” Tsukasa remarked. Tora glared.

“But you have good taste, that Saga’s hot.” Tsukasa grinned. Tora glared at him and bit savagely into a doughnut.

“He’s psychotic.” Tora mumbled. Tsukasa blinked at him.

“Explain. I have a feeling this is interesting. I have some time to kill until Maru gets off work.” Tsukasa said cheerfully after checking the time on his cell phone. Tora rolled his eyes.

“Ok, so I saw this guy outside the Union, he was chalking the ad for the band I’m now a member of. I go, audition, get the part, meet the sociopath bassist whom I was searching for, find out he’s already attached, he hates me, and now he’s flirting with me in public places. Any ideas?” Tora snapped. Tsukasa giggled.

“Nope, you’re fucked! He is really pretty, though.”

“You are absolutely useless. I’m going home to drown my sorrows in the principles of macroeconomics.” Tora sighed.

“Yuck, have ‘fun’ with that. I’m going to go meet up with Seika and some new guy he found. See you Monday morning, Tiger.” Tsukasa’s enthusiasm made Tora smile. He waved and headed towards campus and his dorm. He wondered if his roommate was still there.


Saga opened the door of the apartment, still grinning.

“Shou baby!” He called.

“Uh.” Shou’s grunt came from the bedroom. Saga set the food down on the table, and went to rouse the wide-eyed singer.

“You’re still naked?!” Saga exclaimed. Shou glared at him.

“At least I’m out of bed.”

“Right, well, I have food. But nobody eats naked at my table.”

“Pffft, whatever Saga.” Shou kissed his cheek and moved to find some pants.

“Alright, nobody eats food naked at my table.” Saga declared.

“Fine, fine, sheesh.” Shou mumbled as he pulled on a shirt. He yawned, then looked expectantly at Saga.

“What? It’s in the kitchen. Come on.” Saga lead the taller man out of his bedroom.

Shou dropped into a chair and then yelped. Saga raised an eyebrow at him. Shou narrowed his eyes at Saga.

“Someone battered my backside yesterday.” He whined.

“It was your turn to bottom!!” Saga protested. Shou continued to glare.

“Fine, you know what, as soon as you wake up, you can top. Got it?” Saga asked cheerfully.

“I’m awake.” Shou responded.

“Fuck,” Saga muttered.

“That is what I intend to do!” Shou cheered.

“You are so adorably stupid.” Saga said to the grinning brunette.

“Shut up and take your clothes off.” Shou commanded, pointing at the bassist. Saga grinned at him, and started walking to his bedroom, pulling off his t-shirt as he did.

Saga was taken completely by surprise when Shou ran up behind him and literally tackled him into bed. Shou was cackling wildly and Saga just stared.

“Shou, did you have any coffee yet?” Saga asked. Shou held up his thumb and forefinger.

“Maaaaaaaayyyyybe.” He giggled. He pressed his lips to Saga’s before Saga could say anything else.

Shou slowly slid his tongue against Saga’s lips, which immediately opened to him. Their tongues intertwined and slicked against each other. Saga pulled back.  Shou whined.

“Saga, come back.” He kissed Saga’s neck, running his tongue up to the brunette’s ear. Saga shivered as Shou’s breath ghosted across his skin. Shou giggled as goose bumps popped up on Saga’s neck and arms. Saga grinned and flipped their positions, so he was over the vocalist, pinning his wrists to the bed.

“Saaagaaaaaaaa, you said I got to top!” Shou pouted. Saga kissed the singer passionately before sliding off him. Shou took the opportunity to divest Saga and himself of their pants. Shou’s pajama pants were rather tented already, he shucked them before working on removing Saga’s jeans. Shou’s erection curved up towards his stomach in a proud arc. Saga stared at it as Shou threw his jeans across the room.

“You are so amazingly gorgeous, Saga!” Shou announced as he surveyed Saga’s naked body. Saga kissed him in thanks. Shou pulled back and pushed Saga down on his back.

“Don’t move.” Shou ordered. Saga nodded. Shou stole Saga’s lips in a kiss, exploring the familiar cavern of Saga’s mouth with his tongue. Saga moaned into Shou’s mouth as Shou’s hand brushed over his erection. Shou trailed kisses down his chest and abdomen, stopping to shower his nipples with kisses and gentle nips. Saga gasped. Shou chuckled as he bit down harder on the small nub of flesh. Saga gasped again, bucking his hips into Shou’s, causing their erections to brush together. They both moaned loudly at the sensation. Shou leaned forward to kiss Saga, tasting the shorter brunette. Shou pulled back and slicked his tongue all the way from Saga’s neck to his inner thigh, carefully avoiding the area he knew Saga wanted it most.

“Shou, please?” Saga asked. Shou nodded and darted his tongue out to lick the tip of Saga’s erection. Saga moaned loudly as Shou’s lips engulfed the head, and Shou slowly slid his mouth down to encase all of Saga’s hard member. Saga groaned and wrapped his hands in Shou’s hair. Shou stuck his fingers up to Saga and Saga obediently took them in his mouth. He sucked on them momentarily, until Shou withdrew them. Saga’s cock leaked at the prospect of what was to come. He gasped and arched upwards as he felt Shou slide a finger inside him. Shou grabbed his shoulder and crushed their lips together in a passionate dance of tongues as he inserted the second finger. Saga dug his nails into Shou’s back. He pulled away and looked into Shou’s eyes.

“I’m ready.” He whispered. Shou nodded and pointed at the nightstand. Saga grabbed the lube and squirted some of the cool liquid onto his hand before rubbing it onto Shou’s length. Shou gasped at the attention. Saga finally pulled his hand away and Shou positioned himself at Saga’s entrance. He pushed himself into Saga slowly, both of them moaning loudly. Saga wrapped his arms around Shou’s neck and pulled him into a kiss. Shou let Saga dominate the kiss as he slowly thrust in and out. He sped up as Saga let out a loud shout. Shou rocked back into the spot, causing Saga to close his eyes and continue to moan. Shou grabbed Saga’s weeping length in his hand and started to pump him as he thrust.

“Shou, god, keep going. I’m so close!” Saga whispered. Shou grunted in reply. They were both sweat-soaked and near release. Saga came first, spilling sticky fluid all over his stomach and Shou’s hand. Shou came inside Saga as the tight walls contracted. They panted as they rode out their orgasms. When Shou pulled out, he collapsed next to Saga.

“I’m exhausted. How about you?” Shou asked. Saga hugged him.

“Yeah.” He panted.

“Can I eat my doughnut now?” Saga rolled his eyes, and shoved Shou playfully.

“You are ridiculous. I’m going to shower. Save at least one for me, ok?” Saga asked. Shou nodded. Saga stood up and stretched. His eyes widened as a naked Shou ran past him and slammed the bathroom door shut.

“You dirty little brat! Open the door, we can share, ok?” Saga pounded on the door. Shou was laughing uncontrollably. He opened the door and stuck out his tongue at Saga.

“If you hog the water I’m throwing you out.”


Hiroto shifted uncomfortably in the hard seat of the restaurant. He had been waiting ten minutes already.
“Where is he?” he wondered aloud.

“Hey handsome, are you looking for me?” Hiroto smiled at the man, who sat down across from him.


Poor Tora.

Look *points up there*

SEX! Ous.

I also realized that there is no concept of what day it happens to be in most of my fics. Sadly, I live like that in real life most of the time. We’ll say it’s Saturday morning when all this is going down. Okie doke.

I keep cliff-hanger-ing it up. Don’t hate me. *throws cookies and runs*

Koto, just for you, this is 3 pages. :P

Comments are fantastic. ^_^b

everybody likes a challenge

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