Everybody Likes a Challenge pt3

Nov 03, 2007 12:59

Title: Everybody Likes a Challenge  3/?

Author: Meg-chan (xme_chanx)

Pairing: Tora/ ? , SagaxShou,

Bands: アリス九號, bis

Rating: NC-17 (in the future)

Genre: yaoi, AU, some angst

Warnings: man sex, angst, hot boys, test anxiety, gratuitous fluff, no beta.

Disclaimer: I do not own these boys, I wish I did. I do own the story and will use brute force if you steal it. I have no money. At all. So if you sue me I’ll be really sad.

Summary: Tora likes a challenge; his comes in the form of an attractive man.

X-Posted: My journal, Alice in Loveland

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Ch 1


Ch 2


Chapter 3

Tora arrived at the music building at the same time as Hiroto, and Shou was already there with Saga. Saga was reading a dull-looking textbook, and Shou was making origami frogs. He smiled brightly when he saw them.

“Hi Tora, Hi Hiro, I made you guys frogs, too!” Shou handed them each a small green paper frog.

“Thanks Shou,” Tora said as he examined the delicate frog.

“Cool, Shou! I’ve never seen you make this one before.” Hiroto set the frog down on the table and rummaged through one of the broken lockers, finally pulling a battered notebook out. He handed it to Tora.

“Here’s some rough tabs of our songs.” Hiroto then pulled out his guitar and checked the tune.

“How come Nao’s not here when he told us we’d be in trouble if we were late?” Shou asked.

“Because you insisted we get here AT LEAST an hour early, Shou.” Saga said from behind his textbook.

“Well, you’ve gotten lots of homework done, so stuff it. You never would’ve done that otherwise.” Shou said. Saga shrugged and grinned at him.

“I might’ve.”

“You wouldn’t.” Shou affirmed, chucking a paper frog at Saga’s head. Instead Saga caught it in his textbook and closed it with a loud “THUMP”.

“YOU KILLED HIM!” Shou shrieked. Tora and Hiroto looked up from their guitars to see Shou’s horrified expression. Saga looked guilty. He rapidly opened the textbook and tried to fluff out the squashed frog.

“Here, he’s all better, Shou.” Saga said gently, trying to hand Shou the frog. Shou glared at him.

“I don’t want your zombie frog. Keep it, I hope he drags you off to the other zombie frogs tonight.” Shou stuck out his tongue and waltzed out of the room. Saga sighed and picked his textbook up. Tora looked a Hiroto questioningly.

“He’s always like that.” Hiroto dismissed Tora’s concern with a wave of his hand.

A few minutes later Nao came in.

“Is there a specific reason why Shou is outside laughing like a maniac and speaking incoherently about what I understood to be ‘frogs’?” Nao asked with a raised eyebrow. Saga held out the so-called ‘zombie-frog’.

“I killed it, he was a bit dramatic, and now it’s going to drag me away to the other zombie-frogs tonight.” Saga said. Saga turned to the guitarists.

“Say your goodbyes now, boys, for tomorrow I will be but bleached bones in the lair of the zombie frogs.” Saga pretended to sob.

“Tora, go get Shou. Saga, get serious. Hiroto, keep doing what you’re doing.” Nao commanded. Hiroto gave him a thumbs up, Tora left and Saga laughed.

When Tora returned with Shou, the vocalist was still giggling.

“Saga, for my safety, since you’ve incurred the wrath of the frogs, you can’t stay with me tonight.” Shou tried his best to look serious before his laughter got the best of him again.

Saga grabbed Shou and placed a quick kiss on the vocalist’s lips.

“This is what you’ll be missing.” He grinned. Shou shook his head sadly.

“Kisses alone are not worth it. It has to be at least a blo-”

“OKAY! Let’s get to practicing!” Hiroto shouted, he was blushing furiously. Shou walked over and pinched his cheeks.

“Your fake innocence is delightful, Hiro.” He said with a huge smile.

Nao tapped a snare drum lightly.

“Let’s do this. Hiroto, did you go over the tabs with Tora?” Hiroto nodded.

“K, do you feel comfortable doing Haikaru naru rondo?” He asked Tora. Tora shrugged.

“I can follow Hiroto.” Nao nodded. “Let’s do it!”

~~Time shift~~~

After a rather exhausting session, Tora felt confident about this band. They had style, enthusiasm and were very interesting people. He started to feel like he belonged with them. Even Saga had been considerably nicer, though Hiroto had told him it was only because Shou got mad at him for being so rude to their new guitarist. Tora’s mind began to wander as he walked back toward the dorm.

Tora sighed when he thought about the bassist. He was very good-looking, and he had a certain aura that Tora found extremely attractive. Tora felt guilty being attracted to the bassist, since he was clearly enamored with Shou.

~~ZOMG *gasp* Another time shift!~~

Saga woke up slowly. His first action was prying Shou’s long limbs from his naked body. Shou groaned and rolled over. Saga kissed his neck and stood up to go use the restroom.

When he returned, Shou was sitting up and rubbing his large eyes.

“Ohayou, handsome.” Saga grinned. Shou glared at him.

“It’s too early to be handsome, or any other some-thing.” Shou moaned and fell back onto the bed.

“Wake me up when you have coffee.” Shou muttered. Saga laughed as he was putting on jeans.

“Ok, morning glory, I’ll do that.” Saga affirmed. Shou groaned again. By the time Shou spoke again, Saga had finished dressing himself.

“You owe me for last night. Go make me coffee, and then get me a bagel, or a doughnut. Why I am I obsessed with breakfast foods with holes this morning? I blame you, Saga.” Shou said sleepily. Saga laughed and wandered into his apartment’s tiny kitchen.

“Shou, I’m going to go out for doughnuts!” Saga called as he slipped his shoes on. Grabbing his keys and his phone, he shut the door and made his way to the small doughnut shop near the apartment.

When he arrived, he felt his heart pound in his chest. A familiar head of black hair was seated inside the doughnut shop.

~Nota Bene~

Nyahahahahaha. Comment, or I will be sad, and nobody wants that.

I’m distracting myself from the 15 page policy analysis I have to turn in Tuesday. Yaoi is the best way to procrastinate EVER.  ^-^b

everybody likes a challenge

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