Feb 22, 2005 03:17
I got therapized yesturday yay... im so happy for myself lol next app. is next tues. and I can't wait...I just got done watchin haunting in connecticut(sp?) it was some scary shit...and now im just sittin here awake as can be once again...im so very happy with my life...new friends,the best boyfriend in the world (lol),and my new decisions in life....I was very much informed that I have to walk away from the situations with friends/family etc. and take time before I act and talk it out with people because right away I can like taste their blood it's just how angry I get....but some things are just not worth fixin and u realize more when u walk away from the situation and process it first...and I was left with this "You can never take back words,once there out there n u just throw them at someone you can never take them back.It's like a scar in someones mind it fades...but never goes away!" How true are those words!...Well im off to go feed my pets on some new website I found (im such a nerd)...guess im not goin to bed cause whats the point now rite only 3 hrs of sleep neway...xOxO