back to reality

Jan 05, 2005 20:45


*craft* woah ure here again .. is this ure 2nd or 3rd day in a row
*jaimie* HA!!! YEAH RITE! second .. if that
*me* NUTAH .. its my THIRD!!

..haha i miss u jaime .. always givin me a hard time
MLK meet is gonna be AWESOME .. but im gonna miss RENAPPLE n ASHLEY probasco! :o(

(new convo)

*kerr* look @ my feet
*me* ya i have them too
*kerr* yea but mine tingle!!!

HAHA kerri .. missed ya

OMG ... i mite play 3rd session of indoor soccer @ the dome for the scorpions (ashley probasco's team!) how sick would that be!?! i havent played in SOOOOOOO long and i miss it .. and this mite be my chance to get back into SOCCER!!! :o) i cant explain how happy i am rite now!!!!!!
<3 me

'you gotta understand, when you let your dreams go .. you die' <3
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