have u ever been in love?

Jan 03, 2005 15:53

ever know sumthing before it happens?
ever know that that something is gonna change ure life?

well i did .. and i was right

january 3rd 2004
kevin asked me out
.. after 6 months of me patiently waiting :o)
HA! (cuz of KRISTEN) *shhhhhh*

the year flew by and i couldnt of imagined it any other way
i have had some of the best memories of my life with him
a lot of firsts have happened and i definately wouldn't be the same w/o him
he's changed my life
we've gone thru so much together and we've been there for eachtother every step of the way
..i'm not saying it was always easy
cuz if i did i would definately be lying
but thats okay .. all relationships have there good times and bad times
the important thing is we got thru it .. together

i just want to let you know i love you kevin
and i couldn't imagine myself without you in my life

1 year has come and gone .. lets make it more


365 days till my 2 year anniversary HAHAHA .. JP JP
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