Still alive

Jun 10, 2013 23:56

I'm still alive. After the darkness of the last few months I can start to live again. Work, life and hopelessness took over my life. I was depressed yet again and had to throw the towel and admit I needed help. I haven't posted because I though " why bother?" My life was shit, I felt hopeless and the entries would be an endless loop of self pity and sadness. I lost myself. Being at school again, the same school I went ten years ago as a happy 18 year old, and I feel angry everyday . Angry that my life is the same after 10 years. I can no longer find happiness in the things that made me happy. I can't find a decent job, and therefore can't travel like I wanted... Hungary and Poland will have to wait. For how long I wonder... I hope I can come back for good, I used to love livejournal... Where is the person I used to be?

via ljapp

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