Finding You Chapter 2

Sep 06, 2010 03:53

Title: Finding You
Chapters:  2/?
Pairing: EunHae
Disclaimer: I don’t own them, only the weird plot.
Rating: PG-13
Warnings:  My first attempt at writing. So please forgive me for any suckage
Summary: It started with a dream, then a silent wish, and the next thing I knew I found my soul mate.

It was around 5 o’clock when I finally got done with University. I was walking home deep in thought, and right as I passed in front of the High School I felt that familiar tingly burning sensation. I stopped and looked around, but no one was around, the school was completely deserted. Why was I getting that feeling now, I didn’t feel it this morning when I was running to school. But to be honest I was a little preoccupied thinking about how if I didn’t get to school on time Leetuek would kill me. I didn’t have time to dwell on it because my phone rang.

I picked it up “Hello” I said.

“Hyuk where are you? You should have been here 2 hours ago” it was SungMin. He’s always checking up on me, he’s like my 3rd mother Leetuek being the 2nd.

“Oh…sorry Min, I had to stay late because I got caught daydreaming and then I ran into ShinDong and we were both hungry so we went to get some food.”

“Oh ok but Hyuk you really should tell people where you’re going, I was worried” I could hear he was pouting, and I felt bad.

“Sorry Minnie I promise I will tell you next time.” And I meant it because you really don’t want to anger the little bunny unless you have a death wish.

“It’s ok Hyukie when will you be home?” he asked.

“I’m almost there, maybe like 5 minutes” That’s when I realized I was standing in the middle of the street talking and I probably looked like a fool. So I headed home, almost forgetting about the tingly feeling I just felt, almost.

“Ok see you soon, bye Hyuk” SungMin Chirped.

“Bye Min” I said, and I spent the next 5 minutes walking home thinking how strange it was to feel tingles in the middle of nowhere. “Maybe I’m sick” I unfortunately said as I was opening the door. Only to be greeted by a very worried looking Leetuek.

“Eh you’re sick? Why didn’t you tell me? I never would have scolded you for daydreaming if you told me you were sick. Why don’t you ever tell me anything? Do you hate me? You must hate me or else you would let me take care of you. What did I do? I can change I promise” A frantic Leetuek said.

“Wow Tuekie calm down, I’m not sick, I just said maybe I was, and there is nothing wrong with you, you’re perfect, and I love you” I said trying to calm him down.

“Really? Oh I love you to Hyukie” he said and hugged me really tightly. Yeah he was perfect except for the fact that he was completely crazy. “Yeah really” I said.

“Wait. Why do you think you’re sick” Crap I thought he would forget about that. Well there was no reason to lie and maybe he’d experienced it before to.

“Well when I was walking home, I felt this tingly feeling all over me” I said, maybe he could help.

“Ya what’s with all the noise?” Sungmin asked coming out of his room. Fallowed by a very annoyed looking Yesung “Keep it down, I just put my turtle to sleep”

“Hyukie says he felt sick, and I thought he hated me because he didn’t tell me, but it turns out he does love me. Oh and he says it was a tingly burning on his skin do you think it’s a rash?” he asks releasing me from his hug and jumping back like I had the plague.

“No it’s not a rash it’s a ghost possession” Yesung stated matter-o-factly.

“Yesung I think you spend far too much time with those turtles, I think its rotting you brain” Sungmin said. “And Hyuk maybe you should lie down and get some rest”

“No, rest is the last thing he needs. Haven’t you ever seen Nightmare on Elm Street? If he goes to sleep the monster will get to him, because you’re most venerable in your sleep. We need to call a priest. Except I don’t know any priest’s do you? Ah that doesn’t matter I'll call Siwon” Yesung ran back to his room after his little tirade.

“God he’s lost it” Leetuek said.

“I don’t think he ever had it” Sungmin retorted.

On any other day I would have agreed with Sungmin, but not today because I did meet this mystery being in my dreams. Maybe for once in his life Yesung was right about something, as crazy as that sounds. Maybe this DongWhatEverHisNameIS was in fact a ghost.

Needless to say the rest of the night was spend in terror. Terror because 1 I had to go to sleep in a few hours and 2 Yesung might actually have said something pertinent.

Yesung came out of his room saying that tomorrow we were going to visit Siwon for some spiritual something or other. I wasn’t really paying attention I was just thinking about my ghost. So when it was finally time to go to bed I have to admit I was a little scared, but if anyone asks I will deny it. But mostly because Yesung had spent the whole night trying and succeeding in making me think I was haunted. And as I lay there in bed I was having an internal war with myself about whether or not I should go to sleep.

My head was saying no, stay awake if you want to live; but my heart was saying yes, sleep, sleep and dream of the boy with the chocolate eyes and the smile made just for me by god himself. In the end I decided that my brain was wrong, mostly due to the fact that it was actually siding with Yesung, and secondly because I think I might die if I didn’t get to see those eyes again.

So I lay down and tried to fall asleep so I could meet my beautiful ghost.

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Here is part 2 I hope it's better then the 1st part.  Again thank you for reading, it's my first time writing like this so I hope it's adequate.

So basically I made everyone from Super Junior super crazy in this fic. I love Yesung especially when he fails.

finding you, pairing: eunhyuk/donghae

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