I accepted the job!!!! :)

Mar 29, 2010 22:27

I got fed up about the vet clinic job today and decided to play it "safe" and follow my instincts and accept the daycare job at the Goddard School! I am glad I called them to accept today, too, because they were interviewing people still in case I did not accept the job. So I could have lost the job! Anyway, I don't start until April 19th unless my Minnesota background check takes less time to come back than anticipated. I guess the out-of-state background checks have been coming back as late as three weeks. Ugh! I was hoping to start April 12th. We'll see, though. Marta asked me if I would mind starting sooner if the bkgd check comes back earlier. I am really excited about my new job though. The pay is not great, that's for sure. $8.50/hour. But I will be full-time and my benefits will kick in after the 90-day probation period. I am going to be the assistant teacher in the First Steps room, which is 12-18 months of age. I love that age! I talked to Marta and it sounds like Connor will for sure have a spot there when he turns one year, so he will be in MY room when he starts there in August or September! Yay! :) He will just be at the home daycare for four months.

On another happy note, Pat has a job interview at Target tomorrow morning! I really hope he gets the job. I love Target and it would be sweet getting a discount there, lol.

Pat has general orientation tomorrow for school and then Wednesday I think he registers for classes and Thursday he has his flight school orientation. He starts school on Monday (a week from today). Crazy! I am so happy for him, though. I hope he can make it through the whole program.

Right now we are just kicking back and relaxing, watching a movie.

I just found out today that my parents found a good home for my cat, Simon. He was one of our two cats we had to leave at my parents' house when we moved. I am glad they found him a good home. He has issues with spraying (I think it was mainly because he was with a lot of cats). He is the sweetest cat, though! And very outgoing and playful. I think his new owner will enjoy him and he will be the only cat, so that is perfect. I'm sure Polka will miss him, though. They were boyfriend/girlfriend or husband/wife LOL.

Anyway.. Guess that's all for now.
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