Productive day!

Mar 26, 2010 22:10

Had a busy couple of days.

Yesterday morning I had my second interview which was at the veterinary hospital in Jenks. I got along well with the staff there and felt like the interview went really well! The vet told me there were six interviews later yesterday and that he would probably make a decision yesterday afternoon. Well.. I called today to check on the status and they are still reviewing everyone they interviewed. I am a bit impatient to find out if they are interested in hiring me because well.. I got offered the job at Goddard School yesterday evening! I asked if they would give me a couple of days to think it over because I was waiting to hear back on another job. They were nice about it. I really hope that did not give them a bad impression of me. :S If I get offered the vet clinic job, I will choose it over the Goddard School for a few reasons.. 1)the health benefits sound better 2)it is only a few miles from my apartment and 3)the pay is better. Either way, I have a job, so I am rejoicing in that news! And I think I would be really happy with either job!

Oh, big news yesterday is that Pat and I made the mistake of going to Petco because we found out one is really close to our apartments. WELL, they happened to have several animals up for adoption (like the animals people bring in when they are moving or cannot have the animal anymore for some reason). We made the big mistake of asking if they still had the chinchillas they advertised were for adoption. They did. Of course they did. Ha ha. Anyway, we thought "oh, maybe one or two chinchillas" but we ended up bringing home ALL THREE chinchillas! They are all females supposedly and are littermates/sisters. They are all the same color (beige/tan with red eyes) and they are soo gorgeous! About 5 months old and they look to be really healthy. They came with a large cage, food dishes, water bottle, shelter, etc. We ended up buying them a multi-level cage, though, and food, another water bottle, toys, treats, bedding, another shelter, dust bath and dust, and some other miscellaneous things. They are soo perfect! We named them "Iris" (I chose that name because she has a mark on her right eye and I think Iris is pretty), "Duchess" (I chose that name because she is the best eater and acts like queen bee - she would not let anyone else in the dust bath ha ha), and "Taz" (Pat thought of that because she is always evading capture and hops around the cage like a tasmanian devil! I call her "Taz the spaz"). They are hard to tell apart looks-wise, but you can already see their personality differences. Iris loves hanging out on the top level of the cage. She is also more petite than her sisters. Duchess likes hanging out by the food and will come over to you, sniff you, take treats from you, etc. She is also easy to catch. Taz loves hanging out on top of their hay manger and she is super quick and screams at you if you try to catch her ha ha. We have not been able to catch her since we got them. All in good time.. Lol.

Pat and I also got a bank account started in Oklahoma yesterday. Figured we needed to do that pronto so when I start working, I can have my paychecks direct-deposited to a local bank.

Today, Pat, Connor, and I ran around doing various things. Pat got financial aid stuff taken care of at his college, we visited my close friend Amanda and got to see the boys she nannies, ate lunch, went to the DHS to see about childcare assistance (they ended up giving us the forms to fill out at home - we can't apply until 3 days before we need childcare which will be 3 days before I start working), and went to the WIC office to get back on Oklahoma WIC.

Connor *was* in a great mood earlier but then he got really cranky this evening and had to pretty much cry himself to sleep ugh. I don't know if he was overtired, teething, or if he is maybe coming down with something? Hope it's teething though.. That boy needs need to get his first tooth/teeth so he can start eating *good* food lol.

Anyway, I need to get going.. It's getting late and I'm hungry and tired!
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