Challenge Roundup!

Sep 20, 2010 15:40

Sorry for the lack of reminders. Been busy - y'know how it is :S There are quite a few challenges ending soon, so do your best!

~ Episode Posters: Make a poster (800x600 px) for  a Xena episode. PS: They don't need to be as good as the example (mine certainly isn't!!), so don't let that put you off! (TODAY | Time Left)
~ Rock, Paper Chakram: Just pick any trio combination of the 3 options. Then we'll be randomly paired and see who gets the most points. Easy! (TUES 21 | Time Left)
~ Xena Journal: Think up LJ usernames for (max.) 4 Xena characters (WED 22nd | Time Left)

~ Time is also ticking away for the Big Bang Lucky Dip challenge, so go ahead and sign up / submit! (Due OCT 5)

There's also the Wherefore Art Thou, Chakram? challenge, but I think I'm the only one on this team participating :(

current challenges

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