Challenge Roundup!

Sep 06, 2010 15:25

~ Black & White Icons: Get your icon on. (TODAY | Time Left)
~ A piece of Ambrosia: Easy jigsaw challenge - perfect for a spot of procrastination! (Tue 7th | Time Left)
~ 10 Commandments of Xena: Warrior Princess: Thou shalt participate in this challenge (Wed 8th | Time Left)
~ Miss Known World (Round Two): Vote for the next 4 contenders (Thu 9th | Time Left)
~ Miss Knwon World (Betting Pool, Round Two): You've voted who you want to get through, but who do you think will get through? (Thud 9th | Time Left)
~ Lucky Dip Big Bang Alt: Sign-ups are open till the submission deadline passes - Info/Sign upSubmission (Oct 5 | Time Left)

xlamphipolis - A social community! Head on over and fraternise with the enemy ;)

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