Scrambled Post-Ota-Post

Aug 12, 2008 21:44

I started with Verizon this week, so forgive me if I'm a bit squeegly in the brain-noodles right now:

Otakon was AMAZING!!!!!  I had SUCH a good time!  I had a blast with everyone I saw, and wish I'd ran into some other people I didn't (like you Liz :)  I'll post something a little more detailed later, but I just wanted to say thank you to everyone I saw there for making my first Otakon, and my birthday, something really amazing.

I didn't win anything in Hall Judging, but I wasn't really expecting to with how big a con it is, and my still neophyte skill level.  I'm pretty happy with how Doll turned out - and parts of her were good practice for Eve, along with some other things planned.  She hurt to wear after a while though, so she might only come out to play at one more con or so.

Thanks to
eurobeatking and
popecerebus for taking some really awesome pics of me - I totally forgot to get any for myself, so it's nice to have some documentation other than memory that I actually walked around that filthy for a day.


These all make me very happy, since Terra is now officially retired. She was a great gal, and I learned a lot from her, but it's time we move on in our lives.

I also had a surprise when a guy on the street with a camera asked if I'd pose in the shade of a convention stairway outdoors on Saturday.  I said sure, since I was with people, and it wasn't like we were going to the middle of nowhere to take them.  I gave him my email address.  This is what I got:

This made me SO happy.  I love how creepy I look in these!


Thanks to Al for these - I'm so sorry I missed popecerebus while I was in this!

I'll post more about the con later - now I gotta go look for health coverage :)
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