I got off my lazy ass...

Jul 17, 2008 21:31

So it's only taken me three weeks to put these pictures from Colossalcon up:

The costumes were REALLY cute - Higurashi.  Ilona's Reika, I'm Satoko, and Brian is our last-minute Keichii.  We had a LOT of fun handing out those cupcakes.  I put a stray pin we found on Ilona's costume in one of the cupcakes - in honor of the sewing needles in the rice balls (from the first story arc).  I'm not sure how I feel about how I look in this costume - mostly from the waist down.  But at least it's not an "Oh my god, what was I thinking wearing that" issue.

My mouth was kinda...agape...

Here's where the ribbon problem started - you can see them falling down - but doesn't quite fail as much as the two who did the schoolgirl costumes without WIGS.  Or at least, dying the hair.  They were kinda disinterested in us as well - pretty much my guess is that the photoshoot was orchestrated by a bunch of people on the Colossalcon forums or something, and we weren't a part of that "clique".

I Had More Fun With Terra Again Too...

That's Ilona's sawblade from her Doll costume (which I'm doing one for Otakon too! and it looked like this:)

I got some AWESOME outdoor shots with Terra.  I shoulda paid a little more attention to my arm flab, but I'm trying to work on that...

I decided I like the costume without the outer purple cape, so that's the way I'm keeping it!  I fixed the shoulder guards, and I added trim to the cape.  I'm putting beads on it for Otakon :)


We lipstick-ed our Locke (and put eyeliner on him too...)

Well, that's it for now!  I have to wake up EARLY to work - then, second interview with Verizon!  I REALLY hope things keep working out with this - it pays well!  But before I sleep...I'm gonna play a bit of the Medievil II for Playstation Brian got for me!  I loved those games!

terra, higurashi, makeup, colossalcon 2008, cosplay, medievil ii

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