It's Official...

Apr 18, 2010 10:08

It's been a while, hasn't it...?

As many of you know, a LOT has changed.  There's a lot of uncertainty at the moment, but a bigger plan at work.  I've found that some of the best things to ever happen to me have been preceded by a HUGE leap of faith, and I have no doubt that my current future that I hope to have will have been started by my recent jumps.

For starters, because it's what most of you know/have been asking questions about is my relationship status.  On March 29th, 2010, Joel and I got married.  We signed the paperwork, then went to a little Victorian-esque "teahouse" to have a certified judge-like person officiate it.  We'd been talking about it for a while, and he'd actually brought it up jokingly before I even thought about it.  I was scared at first, since this was faster than I'd ever moved in a relationship, and I'd had two long term ones before this which had never reached this certainty; but then I got to thinking - I'm really a one-guy kind of gal, and he's the same way.  He listened to everything I said, and responded to everything accordingly.  We talk about things in general -- we can both discuss current events, we can talk about psychology/sociology, and even spirituality. He adores me, first and foremost for who I am, and is very physically responsive to me.  We're both at a point in our lives where we've gone through a lot, but are at the independent point where we both know who we are and where we want to go in life.  I got to thinking -- this is everything I've ever wanted in a guy and more -- and he feels the same of me.  We lived in an apartment together for six months of stress, some VERY hard financial times, times where we couldn't really afford food, and almost not rent - and it didn't tear us apart.  Those six months were some of THE fondest times for me, and the fact that we came out stronger for it was a sign for me that this was the real thing.  We started looking at the benefits to us being married - me being able to get auto coverage under his USAA coverage for less than what I was paying now -- a USAA bank account with fabulous customer service, and no shitty overdraft policies -- two of THE best people I could er ask for in In-Laws, and a steady income from at least one of us -- The G.I. bill will give us $1300 a month while he's in school, and I'm planning on working as well - plus the fact that we're living with his parents until the addition gets built onto the house, which means free rent, free HEALTHY food (for us and the cats), and free tv/internet.  His father bought me a zoo membership for the two of us, and my Mother-In-Law is looking into getting us a membership at the local community center which has a pool AND a fitness center.  They're also using the excess from the home improvement loan to pay off the remaining $2,000 of my car loan to help us with finances even further.

I really couldn't ask for anything more, nor did I even expect this.  I suppose it goes without saying that Joel and his family have THE best luck I have EVER seen people have - and it's a continuous spring.  I really, really, really am fortunate.

...though I have NO idea how/when to tell my mother or father.  I will most likely spring the news on my father when I go to visit him in the summer, but I still have NO idea how I'll tell my mother.  I'm guessing that's gonna come in the fall, whenever we actually figure out the "official" celebration for us and our friends.

And Lindsey's been talking about a wedding registry - which I'm still getting used to how this concept isn't considered "freeloading"

But for now, getting a job - even a little throwaway one to get me some income until July (when I go to Beirut to visit my father for three weeks, followed by Otakon)  - filing all the remaining legal stuff for my name change, taking care of some loose income tax ends, and getting my Lebanese visa when the passport arrives will be MORE than enough to keep me busy...

I took some pictures that night, but they're on my camera right now, and I don't have the cables unpacked.  I'll post them as soon as I find that stuff, even though they're not amazing (I'm just wearing a dress Joel likes, prolly because that's what I wore the first night he took me out when I visited him in Idaho), but they're cute nonetheless.

I love all of you guys, and I really really thank you for all the outpouring support and affection I received from those of you who were on Facebook when I made the announcement.  I REALLY do have THE best friends I could ever ask for, and now, THE best husband I could expect to have.

P.S. -- No worries for my guy friends who like my boobs - Joel is A-O.K. with you guys getting as much of an eyeful as you like, and as long as it's not overtly sexual, he doesn't mind copped feels or butt slaps - so everything is good for you guys too :)

happy, giggleshits, luck, friends, wedding, marriage

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