Jan 12, 2004 20:22
wEll wEll...i'll start off w/ yEstErday! okay so as EvEryonE should know by now VIENNA IS GETTING MARRIED!! yup thats right thE lil ditz viEnna is gEttin marriEd on JunE 5, 2004. i'm ExcitEd for hEr but yEt again i fEel shE's makin a hugE mistakE! ugh anyways i'vE known about hEr lil marriagE thing for a whilE now but didn't say anything just in casE things fEll thru. OKAY but anyways back to yEstErday! mE, kElli, kira,(all of us briadsmaids), Kayla(Maid of Honor/ViEnna's lil sis) *n* ViEnna all wEnt up to thE mall to sEe if wE could find drEssEs for us briadsmaids..aftEr tryin on LOADS! of drEssEs..mE *n* kira pickEd out somE @ dillards that wE likEd *n* wErE so cutE! *n* guEss what?!?! VIENNA LIKED THEM SO MUCH SO WE GET TO WEAR THEM! whoo hoo i'm ExcitEd! plus i'm gonna wEar it to prom cuz its so cutE *n* nobody ElsE will havE it cuz wE got thE last onEs! haha! so i was ExcitEd about that yEstErday..
Now for today! classEs wErE a borE likE usual! oh yEah! i got my schEdulE rEquEst form bac..*n* yEah it was REJECTED! ugh i'm likE supEr pissEd about that! ugh..haha anyways..7th pEr. is probably thE only good class i havE now..wEll 1st pEr. is pretty good. thEn i had LACROSSE CONDITIONING! whoo hoo! it was aight..not as bad as i thought it was gonna bE w/ all thE runnin *n* stuff..but thErE is likE 13 nEw girls! ahh!...but thEir alrEady startin to makE mE mad b/c its gonna bE just likE last yEar! frEakin lazy girls! i swEar thEy don't try for crap! it makEs mE so mad! cuz i'm not gonna bE a tEam likE wE wErE last yEar..didnt' try..didn't carE about anything..always thought wE wErE gonna losE..yEah sorry that doEsn't work for mE anymorE i'm tirEd of all thE nEgativE attitudEs..so hopEfully it will changE somEhow!..but i'm pissEd about that cuz i mEan i workEd so hard today w/ our milE, crosscountry, sprints, *n* thE othEr stuff whEn a lot of thEm WALKED! our milE..WALKED our cross country..*n* EvErything ElsE just didn't try to do it!.. ugh that shows thEy won't do it whEn thE sEason rEally starts! blah! okay wEll i'm gonna go now..cuz i'm tirEd from all thE runnin i did today..so latEr! *RyRy*