Title: Regrets
Starring: 15members
Rating: G
Genre: Family, Friendship
Warnings: None
Words: 553
Part of 100 Super Junior Fics Challenge - 100. Regrets, WC * 15members
There were so many times we cried. Happy tears and sad tears, we remember them all. The pain and the laughter we shared, it made the connection we felt from the start even stronger. The squeeze of a hand, wiping away the tears, giving a playful pat or wink. A hug or a punch, we have experienced it all and it's okay.
How long has it been since the first day with the awkward meetings and smiles? Oh, we will never forget that day, it was destined for us to meet and create something great. One big family, forever together though not in each other's presence. When there are twelve of us, thirteen, fifteen or just ten, we will always be one. We all have our choices and we accept that, we all aim for the sky to join the big stars. And even if it means we will have to let go, you are not alone in this.
Umma. Dear leader, we owe you so much. From the moment you first told us what to do till the day we will hold back our tears because you tell us to. We will hold our heads high, just like the time people questioned us, poor Hangeng, Henry and Zhoumi, Kyuhyun too. You did not only have faith in them, but also in the ELF. We should know by now our leader is always right, in one way or another. Sorry for ever doubting you.
You are the leader of something great, you will always be. There is no one we could ever lead us like you can. It doesn't matter if you call for us for no apparent reason, between the muttering and the grumbling we love you. We will always love you.
On our way up and beyond the clouds, there have been many troubles we have faced and more will most definitely come. As we grew older, we were each faced with a different path to take. You took yours, we took ours and we all have regrets some times. Whether we regret words, or actions, things we neglected or forgot it all reminded us of what we are. Life can be dark as night, but we are fifteen little stars, glowing brightest when together.
Don't ever regret the path you have taken umma, no matter how many tears you have yet to shed or how many scream you will have to swallow past the tight knot in your throat. We can't move the mountains for you, but you are not alone in this. As brothers we will stand shoulder to shoulder, we will hold your hand. There are fourteen ways to comfort you and we know there will be one able to make you smile once more.
We owe you so much, but when will we have the opportunity to truly repay you for all you have done? Perhaps our own regret will be that this is all we can ever offer you.
A smile.
A hug.
A pat.
A shoulder to cry on.
A listening ear.
A helping hand.
An honest opinion.
An open mind.
A joke.
A dance.
A song.
A friend.
A brother.
A family.
Together with our leader Leeteuk, one family forever: Heechul, Hangeng, Yesung, Kangin, Shindong, Sungmin, Eunhyuk, Siwon, Zhoumi, Donghae, Ryeowook, Kibum, Kyuhyun, Henry.