When You're the Best of Friends, 22/?

Jan 27, 2013 01:59

Title:When You’re the Best of Friends
Chapter Title Seize the Day
Author xLessxThanx3x
Rating: G-1
Character(s)/Pairing(s): urt Hummel, Noah Puckerman, Blaine Anderson, Lauren Zizes, Santana Lopez, Sam Evans, Mercedes Jones, Rachel Berry, mentions of ND, Warblers, Burt, and Carol
Warnings AU
Spoilers: othing past "Rumours"
Disclaimer: do not own Glee nor any songs mentioned
Author Notes: Part of a series. I just suck at updating, my apologies. It's chapter 22 but listed as 24 on ff.net because of two interludes. I will add it to A03 and LJ later.
Summary AU. Puck and Kurt hold hands, cuddle, know each other’s biggest secrets, and make the other a priority…but they’re not dating, they’ve just been best friends for years. Multi-chapter. Eventual Puckurt. Based off a Puckurt meme prompt
(Chapter Summary: urt and Puck have no idea where they stand in their relationships with Blaine and Lauren, respectively. Rewrite of "Silly Love Songs" and "Comeback".)
Word Count: 5,000+

Kurt wasn't sure how it really started happening, but him and Blaine started having these little coffee dates.

Okay, no dat dates, but friend dates, so dates nonetheless. While Noah was okay with having tea with Kurt and the occasional cup of coffee, he rarely if ever joined the two of them at the Lima Bean for whatever reason. Kurt didn't push it, especially since it left more time to get to know Blaine so he could, hopefully, win him over and be wooed off of his feet by the Warbler.

Well, that was the original plan. But as time went on, Blaine hadn't made any move like Kurt expected and he was getting quite tired and, he hated to admit it, cynical. Normally he loved Valentine's Day, or at least the idea of it, but as he prepared for yet another one alone, the decorations in the Lima Bean just made his eyes roll. Kurt picked up a pair of stuffed dogs kissing and gave a snort of derision. "Okay, I'm all for flair, but these are just tacky. I mean, what the hell are these supposed to be?"

"It's clearly puppy love! It's cute, come on," Blaine said, smiling his adorable smile as he looked at the creatures Kurt had in his hands. Kurt put it back, jolting when it made a loud kissing noise followed by a giggle.

"Oh, this is creepy."

"Adorable!" Blaine said as Kurt sai creepy.

"It's a simple excuse to sell candy and greeting cards on a holiday," Kurt said.

"Not true; people have been celebrating Valentine's Day for centuries," Blaine corrected, "And call me a hopeless romantic, but it's my favorite holiday."


"I think there's something really great about a day where you're encouraged to just lay it all on the line and say to somebody, 'I'm in love with you.'" He turned to face Kurt in the line, "You know?"

Kurt swallowed and nodded. He knew all to well how much he wanted to tell Blaine how he felt, of course other people had to feel like he did.

"And this year I want to do something really radical so I need your opinion on this." Kurt nodded and Blaine continued, "But there's this guy that I sort of…like." Kurt's heart literally skipped a beat as Blaine put his heart on the line, "And I've only known him for a little while," they had only known each other for a little while, "But I want to tell him that I think my feelings are starting to change into something…deeper," Kurt's feelings were deeper than friendship, were Blaine's? "So I have to ask…" Kurt had to remind himself to breathe until Blaine finally asked, "Do you think it's too much to sing to somebody on Valentine's Day?"

He felt his heart speed up at the thought. Getting wooed via song? If it was him that Blaine was talking about, of course. It took him a moment to finally reply, "Not at all." The two smiled at each other, Kurt hoping Blaine was feeling the same thing he was.

"What can I get you?" the barista asked, taking Kurt out of his thoughts.

"A medium drip and a grande nonfat mocha for this guy," Blaine said, nodding towards Kurt, "And maybe I can get him to split one of those Cupid cookies."

Kurt felt like his heart was actually smiling. "You know my coffee order?"

"Of course I do," Blaine replied, like it was the most obvious fact in the world.

"That'll be $8.40."

Kurt started to pull out his wallet but Blaine pushed his hand away, "Don't even bother, dummy, it's on me." He paid the barista, telling her to keep the change as Kurt was frozen, practically feeling the dopamine or endorphins o something ushing through his veins, like he really cared about biology at that moment. Blaine was obviously going to ask him out for Valentine's Day!

"I do believe I have a new favorite holiday."


"And you…shook me alllll niiiiiight looooong!"

Kurt was holding a possible shirt option in front of his body as he looked in his mirror at Dalton (not as good as his full length mirror at home, but he was making it work) when his phone started playing the old tune. With a large smile, he skipped over to his bed and picked up his phone, "Hey!"

"Someone is excited."

"I haven't heard your ringtone in a while, Noah, I'm glad to hear from you," Kurt chirped, his legs bouncing on his bed as he waited to tell his best friend his news. "So, to what do I owe the pleasure of this phone call?"

"Hey, I can't talk to my best friend?" Puck asked. "It sucks how busy we both are, ya know, hard to find time to talk and you aren't home every weekend."

"Yeah…" Kurt said with a sigh, "But I guess getting out of our comfort zone is good. As long as you're aware if anyone else tries to claim the title of your best friend I will be forced to do unspeakable things to them."

Puck laughed quietly before admitting, "Okay, but I also need some advice, if you don't mind."

"What else am I here for?" Kurt said, lying back on his bed.

"I like this girl and I need to know-"

"Wait, uh-uh, you don't get off that easy," Kurt interrupted. "Who is it? Please tell me you're not going after Santana again, you know you were more hurt by her breaking up with you than you'll ever admit-"

"No, it's not Santana," Puck sighed, laying down on his own bed. "It's Lauren."

It took a few moments for Kurt to realize who he was talking about and then a bit longer to find out how he wanted to react. "…I guess I shouldn't be surprised. You said she was a good kisser," Kurt said, something upsetting him that he couldn't quite recognize.

"Yeah, but not just that; she's a total badass! She doesn't care what people think and she's so independent. Like Quinn and Santana act strong, but underneath they're all vulnerable. Lauren is all strength, it's so different from anyone I know. She doesn't need people taking care of her."

Kurt felt an odd pang in his chest. Of course Noah loved the idea of being with someone who actually didn't need to be taken care of after having to take care of Kurt for years. Sara, Mae, Santana, Quinn, Kurt…all people who needed more help than they let on. "Yeah, cool."

"You okay?" Puck asked, noticing Kurt's tone.

"Of course," Kurt said, shaking himself out of his funk.

"Okay…" Puck said, still unsure, but he launched into the rest of his dialogue. "The problem is that when I gave her chocolate, y'know, for Valentine's, she said it was a bad gift despite eating them all. She just, like, yanks me along. She has me whipped already and I don't know how to get her to like me since she's so different than the girls I've dated. I can't just use my usual charms because she demands more than that, she won't spread her legs if I just look her way, I don't know what to do."

"Noah, you really like her, right? It's not just about kissing and all of…that?"

"Yeah," Puck said, nodding (even though Kurt couldn't see it)

"Okay. On one hand, you need to treat her differently because you actually like her. On the other hand, you can't treat her differently because of who she is. What have you done to get other girls in relationships?" Kurt asked, trying to lead Puck in the right direction.

"Well…Santana kind of asked me in middle school and it wasn't much of a relationship. With Quinn I kept talking to her and tried to be there for her. I wanted her to know I wasn't a Lima Loser, but Lauren won't give me the time of day," Puck thought out loud, "…And I sang for Rachel and that just got her going."

"When you sang for Rachel, don't you think it made her feel special?" Kurt asked. "It means you practiced and put together something just for one person, that you put effort into wooing them. Singing for someone? Very romantic." Kurt thought briefly of Blaine singing for him and smiled, though he wasn't as excited as he had been earlier at the thought.

"I guess since Schue wants us to sing love songs anyways I could do that. Something that explains how I feel about her."

Kurt nodded, "She'd be crazy not to love it."

"Awesome. Thanks, Kurt," Puck said, pulling out his old iPod so he could look through songs to sing. "So, what's up with you?"

"Not much," Kurt said before admitting, in a sing-song voice, "But I think I'll be getting a boyfriend soo-ooon!"

Puck sat straight up, "What? Who? Blaine?"

"Blaine!" Puck didn't get to even process the blow as Kurt launched into an explanation, "We were getting coffee, like we do, and he was talking about how he wanted to sing for someone for Valentine's Day, someone he was starting to like more than just friends, and he bought me coffee-he knew my order! Of course, he hasn't asked m officially, but don't be surprised if I call you with the news soon!"

"Oh…" He corrected himself, "That's awesome, Kurt. Congrats. As long as you tell me first; I don't wanna be surprised again."

"You'll be the first to know, I promise," Kurt said. "Same with you and Lauren."

"I promise." Puck remained silent for a moment longer before saying, "I'd better go, I actually have to cook dinner tonight 'cause Ma has work. Sara will be calling any min-" He was cut off by the sound of sister calling out to him. Kurt and Puck both laughed and he finished, "Yeah, I guess I should go. I'll see you this weekend, right?"

Kurt sighed, "Mercedes and I are having a sleepover Friday night…at Rachel's house-don't say anything, Puckerman, just because we're getting along better doesn't mean I cared about her last year like you said I did."

Puck held back a chuckle as best as he could. "Uh huh. Sure." Then he frowned slightly, "So no traditional Friday night sleepover? I'm guessing her dads wouldn't approve of me coming over."

"Even if they did, you can't come over; Mercedes and Rachel want a girls night," Kurt explained. "But unless something happens I plan on staying until Sunday afternoon so we will definitely hang out before I go back."

"Yeah, we better-"


Puck sighed at his sister's scream, "Gotta run. Bye, see ya soon. Love you."

"You, too."


"I should call Noah and break the news that we won't be hanging out tomorrow after all," Kurt said, pulling out his phone. "Sorry, girls, I know it's girls night and everything, but…"

"No, it's fine, just don't take too long," Rachel said.

"Yeah, we can't watch any French movie without you here," Mercedes teased, holding up the DVD case for the first movie on their marathon list Jeux d'enfants.

"True," Kurt agreed with a half-smile. "Singing back up as the guy I'm in love with sings to someone else. When did that become my life? Well, at least this time he's gay unlike the others. First time I had a chance like that."

Rachel bit on her lip as if holding herself back from saying something. Finally, as Kurt was heading towards the bathroom for privacy, she blurted out, "Just because he's the first out guy you've met doesn't mean no one else you know doesn't like you that way."

Kurt turned to her, one hand on the doorknob, and quirked a brow. He immediately thought of Karofsky, but there was no way Rachel knew about that. "Is there someone I should know about?"

Mercedes gave Rachel a small glare before saying, "I think she just means that there's hope out there." She turned back to Rachel, "Right?" Rachel nodded and Kurt looked between the two of them, feeling as if they were hiding something from him. When they didn't say anything else, he shrugged and went into the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

As soon as the door was closed, Mercedes hissed, "Rachel, I told you repeatedly that we cannot push the two of them together. It's failed for everyone!"

"I know, I know," Rachel whispered back, "I just…Kurt's becoming a friend now and I want him to be happy, same with Noah. It's hard not to push."

"Says the girl who tried to push herself onto Puck just over two months ago?" Mercedes pointed out.

"…I was desperate and upset, I wasn't thinking clearly," she said, avoiding eye contact. Then she perked up, "If Kurt knew how good Noah was at kissing, maybe he'd-"

"No, Rachel, don't even think about it. As someone who's been his friend for years, trust me, I know it's hard," Mercedes said with a sigh, "But if you do anything, it has to be subtle at least. They're obvious as all hell and they don't even realize it, an obvious action won't help them at all."

Rachel frowned but nodded as she hugged a pillow to her chest. In between not forcing herself on Finn and not forcing Kurt on Puck, things were going to get hard.


"So, how was the Gap Attack?" Puck asked into his cell.

"Awful," Kurt said, looking down at his lap. "It was awful. I mean, Blaine sounded great and the rest of the group provided great harmonies, but…it hurt."

Puck made a sympathetic noise. "I'm so sorry, Kurt."

"It didn't work out for him, though; the guy turned him down and lost his job, apparently," Kurt said. "He wasn't out and the public display pissed off his boss, I guess. So Blaine definitely lost that one. But do you realize how hard it is to cheer up a friend for losing a guy when the guy must be an idiot to not even like him?"

"Now you know how I feel," Puck said with a laugh.

Kurt rolled his eyes, "You know what I mean. Blaine doesn't even realize how happy he could be with me. I feel like I'm stuck in a Taylor Swift music video."

"Ah, so you're 'Tired of Drama'?" Puck asked, proud of himself for being able to make a reference to that.

Kurt finally let out a small laugh, "Exactly that, yes." He lay down on his bed and sighed, "As nice as it was being able to say I helped him out, I wish I had spent the time with you, instead. I miss you."

"Same. I guess there's always next weekend, right?" Puck asked.

"Definitely. So do you need any help on the Lauren front?"

"Actually, no, I think I got this down. I'm going to ask her out tomorrow for a pre-Valentine's date, show her I'm good at making out when I haven't been stuck in a Porta Potty for a night, and then we'll be solid," Puck said. "And, I promise, no more 'Fat Bottom Girls'. I got this shit down."

"Well, if you say so," Kurt smiled, "Tell me how it goes, okay? Minus the making out parts. I don't need to hear about that."

"Because you have those books to supply those stories for you," Puck teased.

Kurt made a scandalized noise, glad that Puck wasn't there to see that one of the books was sitting on his bedside table, just waiting to be read that night.


"Hey, Kirstie-Lauren," Santana called out, reminding herself to not call her anything rude. She was actually going to try to be helpful for once, she couldn't be her usual self.

Lauren turned around and nodded at her, "Lopez?"

Santana stepped closer to her and looked around her, making sure Puckerman was nowhere in sight. "So Puck seems pretty…into you."

"I guess he came to his senses and realized I'm a hot piece of ass. Why?"

"You just should be forewarned that, since you weren't in Glee club earlier and you don't know…Puck is kind of attached to someone else," she said.

"Who? You?" Lauren asked with a slight laugh.

Santana rolled her eyes. "Ugh, no. I'm over him; it was all about sex with him anyways, and he's not that great." She cleared her throat and continued, "You may not notice this as much because they're…different when they're in the choir room, but him and Kurt? They're as much of a couple as you can be without being official. They're touchy feely and emotional and flirty and all of that. Everyone thinks they're just best friends, but, trust me, they aren't. I wouldn't be surprised if Kurt has sat on more than his lap if you know what I mean."

Lauren shut her locker and gave Santana a quizzical look. "Sounds a lot like two other people I know. You sure you aren't describing you and Brittany instead?"

Santana exhaled sharply before looking up at Lauren with a fiery glare. "This is not about me and Brittany. We're just friends and that's all we'll ever be. I'm trying to actually be nice and warn you so you don't get hurt like the rest of us girls have, but, whatever, Zizes, go and get your fat ass burned, I don't care anymore," she spat out. She turned around on her heel and marched off, cursing herself for even trying to help someone out. She wouldn't even hold Brittany's pinky anymore if that's what people really thought of her.


Kurt looked over at his phone as it started playing Puck's ringtone. It was way too early for Puck to be back from his date. With eyebrows furrowed together in thought, he picked it up. "Hello?"

"She stood me up!" Puck yelled out immediately.


"Lauren! She stood me up!" he said, pacing in the cold air outside of Breadstix. "I asked her out, she said yes, and she's over an hour late!"

"Oh my God, Noah, I am so sorry-"

"God, Kurt, I di everything ight, she loved it so much, I could tell from that look in her eye, and she still said no! What did I do to deserve this? Why am I already being whipped by her when we aren't even dating?"

"I don't know, Noah-"

"I'm just s pissed!"

"I can tell," Kurt said with a sigh.

"It's just…why do people suck so bad, Kurt? And why, just because I'm a guy, have to make all the moves and why does she, as the girl, have to have all the power?" He ranted. "Girls can make moves on guys, you know! Girls don't have to tease, they can be straightforward! This is the twentieth century after all, right?"

"Twenty first," Kurt corrected.

"See, even better! I'm tired of this shit!" He kicked over a nearby trashcan and sat down. In a slower pace, he continued, "I don't get this whole being coy bullshit. She likes me, I like her, why is she acting like this?" He sighed and ran a hand through his Mohawk, not even thinking as he said, "You're so lucky that you like just dudes, Kurt. Guys don't have to worry about that. You both can be straightforward, you both can make the move, there's no need to hold back about it."

"Well, not unless you want romance," Kurt pointed out, even as his the wheels in his mind started turning.

Puck snorted. "What's the point of having some elaborate getting together moment? The sooner you get with someone, the sooner you can fall in love and actuall do he romantic shit. The sooner you hook up, the sooner you can have anniversaries and big dinners and stuff like that. Holding it off for The Perfect Moment or The Perfect Kiss or whatever? That's stupid as hell. You can't have an epic romance until you're together, those movies are full of lies, Kurt. It's creepy to pull off romantic moves on someone you just met! Trust me, seizing the moment is the best choice you can make That's ore romantic than waiting."

Kurt sat in a stunned silence for a while. Puck was absolutely right. He had been waiting for Blaine to make the moves even though he had no reason to wait. He had longed for a perfect romantic moment, but that wasn't going to happen if they weren't even together. He had wanted an epic romance, but he couldn't, have one if they weren't even together. Why was he waiting? If he kept waiting, Blaine might never make the move.

"You're right," Kurt said softly.

"Hell yeah I'm right," Puck agreed, looking over his shoulder. Over by the kitchen doors there was a waitress he had noticed earlier. He gave her a flirty smile and she gave one back.

"I've got to go," Kurt said, standing up and looking in the mirror.

"Me, too. I'm going to get some tail to make up for tonight."

Normally Kurt would've told him off for that, but instead he just said, "Have fun. And thank you."

"Yeah, no prob," Puck said as he stood up, not even thinking about what Kurt could be thanking him for. "See ya soon."

As soon as Kurt was off the phone, he stuffed it into his pocket and walked out the door. He walked in a determined manner to the Warbler's practice room, knowing somehow that Blaine would be there.

Blaine looked up from his homework and smiled at Kurt. "Hey, Kurt, thanks for the pep talk yesterday-" His words were cut off as Kurt leaned over the table and fiercely pressed his lips against his.

Kurt pulled away as he realized, Oh God, he was being as bad as Karofsky, he was forcing someone to kiss him without his permission. "Oh my God, Blaine, I'm sorry, I…" he sat down next to Blaine on the couch and put his head in hands for a brief moment. When he looked back at Blaine, the boy was watching him with wide eyes full of…was that lust or was Kurt seeing things?

"I like you, Blaine," he said, feeling heat rise to his cheeks. "A lot. I had hoped you were going to sing to me. I've been hoping since I met you that you'd feel the same. I…I'm so sorry that I did that. I shouldn't have forced you, I just…I decided I should make the first move."

Blaine blinked several times before speaking. "Kurt…I'm not good at romance, you've seen that. And I'm so glad to have you as my friend. I know nothing about relationships, though."

"Me neither," Kurt said. "I just want one, with you."

"…I think I do, too," Blaine said, "But we're great friends. What if I ruin that?"

"What if you don't?" Kurt countered back. "Shouldn't we seize the moment?"

Blaine continued to look at Kurt for a moment before slowly smiling back. "Valentine's is still my favorite holiday, after all. I wouldn't mind it being an anniversary," Blaine said. Kurt smiled back at him as the two leaned in again until their lips were pressed together in a calm, sweet kiss.


"Then you're on for Valentine's Day. As friends," Lauren said before leaving Puck and his smiling face.

She would never tell it to Santana, of course, but the girl had a point. She never saw the two of them together in the choir room, of course, but she had seen them around school. She wasn't an idiot, even if most of the school was. And no way was she going to step between those two, no matter what.

But in the mean time, she didn't see what was wrong with making a friend out of him. He was cool and a badass like her and she needed connections in Glee club so she could make that solo she was planning. She didn't need to be in his pants to be hanging out with him.


As soon as the Warblers finished their set for the audience at Breadstix-mainly Kurt's crowd of friends from McKinley-Kurt rushed out into the audience to Puck. The two hugged, Kurt's arms around Puck's neck as he spun him around, causing Kurt to get dizzy much sooner than he expected.

"It's been way too long," Kurt said as Lauren raised her eyebrows, definitely getting Santana's point from earlier. Giggling as he returned to his feet, he grabbed Puck's hand, "I need to tell you something." He looked over at Blaine and held up a finger, mouthing he'd be back in a minute. Blaine smiled and nodded, sitting down with Mercedes and some people he didn't know from Kurt's old school.

When the two were outside, Kurt said, "So we agreed to tell the other first if anything happened with our relationship status."

"Yeah. Lauren and I are just friends for now, she wants to take it slow," Puck said, assuming Kurt was going to reprimand him.

"Good. I'm sure you can turn her around," Kurt said, still grinning. "But I have something to tel you," he said in a singsong voice. With a slight squeal, he announced, "Blaine and I are dating!"

Puck felt like all of the air had been punched out of him. "What?"

"Uh huh!" Kurt said, assuming Puck couldn't believe it much like he couldn't believe it himself. "After we got off the phone last night, I realized I just couldn't wait for him to make the moves. You're right; even if I was a girl, which I'm not, I can make the moves and if I want romance, I can't just wait around for it to happen to me. So I marched up to him and kissed him and we talked and kissed and talked some more…I've kissed a boy now, Puck! A boy I actually like who likes me and I get it, I get why you like it so much, and I get why people love it and make out, I get it! And I have a boyfriend! I actually have a boyfriend on Valentine's Day! And all because of you!" He smiled brightly at Puck, "Thank you."

Puck smiled weakly. "I'm happy for you," he said, thought he wasn't sure he meant it. On one hand, it was awesome that Kurt was with someone, but, on the other, he didn't think that Blaine kid deserved to be with him.

"We decided we'll take it sort of slow, but we're telling people tonight and we're making it Facebook official tomorrow. Then I'll be back this weekend to talk to dad about it so he doesn't freak out, so we can still hang out this weekend," Kurt said. "Don't worry. No matter who I'm with, I'm not going to give up spending time with you. I'm great at balancing schedules out."

The other boy nodded. "Good. Because bros before hoes, right?" Puck said, knowing he wasn't always the best at that rule as he pulled Kurt in for a hug.

"Totally," Kurt agreed, closing his eyes and absorbing up Puck's warmth as best as he could in the chilly night air. After a few moments, he pulled away, "I better go inside so Blaine can officially meet everyone. As my boyfriend." Kurt smiled again and flounced inside

As the Valentine's Day party went on, Puck watched as Kurt chatted easily with Mercedes and Rachel, the whole room now aware that Kurt was no longer single. He took a long sip of his Coke, wishing it was accompanied with some rum, when Blaine sat down next to him.

"Hey," he said cheerfully. Puck gave him a nod and his best attempt at a not glare. Blaine's smile fell a little bit. "Look, Noah-Puck," he corrected, "I wanted to talk to you."

"Well, look at you, getting what you want," Puck said sarcastically.

"Yeah…Puck, I'm not an idiot," Blaine said, "I'm aware you don't like me. It's pretty obvious, even if Kurt doesn't see it." Puck looked back over to Kurt as Blaine did, watching him laugh at something Mercedes had said. Blaine looked back to Puck and continued, "But I don't hate you and I'm not trying to get in the way of you and Kurt. I admire your friendship and how open you are. Most straight guys can't be friends with gay guys, they get all freaked out. I lost a lot of friends when I came out; even my family had a hard time with it."

"Is there more to this than some sob story?" Puck asked.

"What I'm trying to say is that…we don't have to be friends, but can we at least get along? For Kurt's sake?" Blaine asked. "I'm not good at this stuff, Puck, I don't know how relationships work, but I want to try, and Kurt does, too. Could you at least give us a chance?"

Puck glared him down as he thought on it. It was nice seeing Kurt so happy and bubbly about it, that was true, and the truth was, he didn't really know Blaine. Maybe he'd be good for Kurt. "I'll do my best," Puck finally said with a nod.

Blaine grinned and held out his hand, "Thanks, Puck. I'll do my best to be a good boyfriend for Kurt." Puck shook back, not noticing Kurt looking at his two boys with a smile. It was definitely the best Valentine's Day he had ever had.


"Kurt, it's been, like two weeks since Valentine's Day, are you already so attached to Blaine's mouth you can't call me?" Puck joked, knowing he was busy, too.

Kurt groaned and shook his head, even if Puck couldn't see him. "No," he said in a raspy voice, causing Puck to raise his eyebrow. Kurtnever ot sick. "Blaine's not even in town right now-family vacation." Kurt sniffed and continued, "I must have accidentally had the same glass as Finn or something; the nurse says I probably have mono."

"Shouldn't you come home if you have that?" Puck asked.

"I don't have the energy to drive home," Kurt pointed out, "And Carole and my dad are having a little getaway since they didn't have a honeymoon. The nurse gave me permission to stay here until Finn can get me, so I'm just hiding in my room, eating whatever food she brings me. No one can even visit me since the Warblers can't get sick right before Regionals."

Puck frowned; he sounded completely miserable. "How about I visit you tomorrow? I've had it, I'm like, immune. That way you can have a visitor. I can stay the night and drive you home the next day so you can sleep in your own bed."

"I don't want you to miss school for me-"

"When was the last time I learned anything in school?" Puck asked with a raised eyebrow. "Plus I need to get you caught up on drama. Mercedes and Rachel had a fight and Sam is datin Santana ow."

It was a true testament to how tired Kurt was that he didn't fight it off after that. "Okay. I'll email the housing people so they know you're coming. Thanks, Noah." He sniffed again and groaned, "I finally get a boyfriend and I might have infected him."

"At least it's not crabs," Puck said thoughtfully.


"You know you love me, you know you care!" Puck sang, trying to give the little bit hair attached to his hoodie the most movement possible. It was awesome making Kurt laugh, even if it didn't seem to affect Lauren's decision on their relationship.

"You have to stop, Noah, I can't…" he gasped for air, lighting holding onto his throat. Puck graciously sat down next to Kurt as he started to calm down. "Even laughing hurts. Mono sucks."

"There's a reason people don't like being sick," Puck said as Kurt sat up a bit, "And look who actually is taking care of their hair for once while you don't? I'm just that awesome." He adjusted his fake bangs a la one Kurt Hummel.

"Take that stupid thing off," Kurt said with a quiet giggle, pushing the hood off of Puck's head. Puck laughed with him as Kurt's phone went off with an obnoxious Katy Perry song.

Puck rolled his eyes but let Kurt answer. "Hi Blaine," he said in the most flirtatious voice he could manage while sick. He giggled quietly, "I'm fine, thank you for asking. Noah volunteered to stay with me, so we're hanging out, waiting for our pizza to get here…yeah, it's great of him, isn't it?"

"I'm a pretty great guy," Puck said in response, putting the hoodie back on as Kurt continued to talk. He knew he'd only talk for a bit, especially since their pizza would be there any moment because the only awesome part about Kurt being sick was that he didn't care about his diet.

Kurt was still talking a few minutes later as there was a knock on the door. Kurt sat up, about to get up, but Puck shook his head, "I'll get it." He took the money they pooled together off of the bedside table and opened the door, giving his best Bieber look as it opened. The look, however, soon fell off his face when he saw who was there.

"…Sam?" Puck asked.

The blond boy blinked in shock, his mouth slightly open. "Puck?" Kurt peered around from his spot in bed and Sam realized he was truly caught.

"…I have to go, Blaine," Kurt said quickly into his phone before turning it off.

"Um…here's your pizza? I guess I should, um, head home…" Sam said, pushing the box into Puck's hand.

"Dude, don't forget the money and tip," Puck said, holding it out.

"Are you done for the night?" Kurt asked as Sam took the money back.

Sam looked up at Kurt and slowly nodded. "Yeah. I'm done."

Kurt nodded, "Want to join us, then? I don't really feel well enough to eat that much…" He couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong and he wanted to help however he could.

Sam looked in between the two of them. Puck nodded, so he said, "Um…sure."

In between bites of pizza and breadsticks, Kurt got Sam talking. Sam told him how his dad lost his job and how he was looking, but work was hard to come by. He told him how they could barely afford their house and would probably move back to Tennessee as soon as the school year was up; his parents didn't want to interrupt his or his siblings' education. Sam was doing everything possible to make his parents' life easier; he was working, he watched his little brother and sister, and, to Kurt's shock, he had sold a lot of his clothes.

"I mean, they weren't much, but it was something, you know? I didn't want to make them pay for something I don't need. But I may have sold too much; I've been wearing a lot of the same shirts over and over, but I've put sweatshirts over so people don't notice…we're probably going to tell the church soon so we can get some help. I don't want to, especially since Quinn goes there with us…" Sam swallowed roughly, not wanting to think about how Quinn would pity him even more and how Quinn was the whole reason why Kurt even had mono to begin with.

Kurt frowned and stood up as best as he could, his legs wobbling for a moment from lack of use. He quickly went over to his wardrobe and pulled out some shirts, throwing them on the floor. "Kurt…?" Puck asked as he threw his old, floral coat onto the ground.

"I don't need them," Kurt said. He turned to look at Sam, "Take these. Use them. Do whatever you want with them. I want to help in anyway I can, and dressing is my strongest suit by far. I promise I won't give you anything too chic or too much like, well, me. I have clothes at home that are too large that should fit and I know Puck has some extras he can give you. Maybe Sara has some old clothes your sister can wear, too."

Puck nodded, "Yeah, she has a lot of old stuff." He gave Sam a sympathetic look and pulled off his hoodie. "Kurt and I used to be next door neighbors until my dad left. We had to move to a new place to afford it and I had to give up a lot of things so my sister could have stuff instead. I buy everything I can with my own money. I know the feeling."

"You guys don't have to help me…"

"But we want to," Kurt said, picking up his shirts and sitting back down on his bed; that whole standing thing wasn't work out too well.

Sam looked between the two of them yet again before finally caving. "Thanks, guys. I appreciate it. Just…please don't tell anyone."

Kurt smiled brightly, "Of course." He started folding the shirts and said, "So, now that you're here, can I get a full performance from half of the Justin Bieber Experience?"

After just one performance and about half an hour of talking, Kurt passed out on his bed, the shirts neatly folded in his lap. Puck smiled softly at him and took the shirts, handing them to Sam.

"Thanks again," Sam whispered, taking them in his hands. "I really appreciate it."

"No prob," Puck said, holding the door open for him. "I'll text you when I have the rest of the clothes."

Sam nodded and left. As he walked back to his car, he smiled to himself. It felt nice having help from friends, even if his original feelings for Kurt were slightly more than that. All that mattered was that he finally had people he could trust in Lima.

fanfiction, livejournal, rated: pg-13, story: wytbof, author: xlessxthanx3x

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