See Ya Soon Part 2/2

Dec 24, 2012 14:41

Title:See Ya Soon
For: lydiasmartin
Author xLessxThanx3x/Puckmesoharditkurts 
Rating: G-13 
Character(s)/Pairing(s): urt Hummel, Noah Puckerman, Finn Hudson, Carole Hudson, Burt Hummel, Sam Evans, miscellaneous ND member Pairings: Barole, Puckurt
Warnings AU (season two happened without Kurt getting with Blaine), lots of fluff and schmaltz for the holiday season, sleep deprivation occurred 
Spoilers: othing past season two, takes place in an AU of season three, brief mention of a story told in the last Christmas episode
Disclaimer: do not own Glee nor any songs mentioned
Author Notes I got super carried away and this is way too long I am so sorry.
Summary On the first of December, Kurt finds a small gift in his locker from someone claiming to be a secret admirer. The same thing happens the next day. And the next and the next. 
Word Count: 11,773+

Kurt really didn't want it to be important to him, but it was. It was his favorite Christmas movie and he wanted everyone important to him to like it. He knew Sam would love it if only for the voice work of that guy who was Yoda i Star Wars, but Puck? Puck might have lik The Life & Times of Santa Claus, bu The Muppet Christmas Carol as a whole different type of Christmas schmaltz.

He found himself sneaking glances at him throughout the movie. As much as it pained him to realize the night before, he was falling for Noah hardcore and he wanted him to at least approve of his movie choices. He'd just watch the movies a safe distance away from him, sitting on the floor next to the loveseat that Burt and Carole were sitting on.

As the credits started to roll, Kurt heard Puck humming along to the chorus. "Not too bad," Puck said, but in that tone of voice that implied he really loved it but just couldn't admit it, like how he said he loved th Rugrats pecial.

"Dude, Frank Oz? I forgot he did the Muppets, too. Now I gotta work on my Animal voice," Sam declared, soon muttering to himself as he tried to figure out how to do it.

"Nice socks," Finn said with a nod towards Kurt's feet.

"Thanks," Kurt said, "They're from the secret admirer." He had worn them in hopes that he'd remember that there was a guy who actually wanted him and that he had to get over Puck. Obviously it hadn't worked out for him.

"Did you get those today?" Finn asked, trying his hardest not to look directly at Puck.

"No, they're from yesterday. Today I got chocolates and a DVD of the first Muppet movie. It's like the guy knew about how much I like them," Kurt smiled, excited to finally have it on DVD even if his emotions were all jumbled up.

"Mmm," Burt hummed, raising an eyebrow at Puck. Puck resisted the urge to shrink down in his seat.

"Normally I wouldn't wear socks like these…but it's Christmas," Kurt said, standing up, "I appreciate that he shares my love of fashion and that he realizes it has no gender." He asked, "Anyone want apple cider? Finn? Dad? Carole?" They all nodded. "Sam?"

"Cider, cider!" Sam cried in an imitation of Animal.

"I'll take that as a yes," Kurt said. Then he turned to Puck and tried to keep it casual, "Noah, you've yet to try it out, so you don't have a choice."

"I'll help you bring it down," Puck said before anyone else could, getting up and following a smiling Kurt up the stairs. On the way up, Sam and Finn could hear them talking about the Muppets and the new movie that was out and maybe they could catch a showing at some point since it was "holiday cheesiness at its best."

"Finn has brother-in-law," Sam said, still imitating Animal.

"Shut up, Sam."


Puck expected to sleep in for the first time that month, so when he heard Kurt repeating his name, he assumed he was having some sort of super nice dream. Thankfully he managed not to embarrass himself before he realized Kurt was actually waking him up to open presents with the family.

Kurt had made sure that both Puck and Sam had gifts to open with them on Christmas Day so they wouldn't feel left out. While they didn't have quite as many as Kurt and Finn did (Carole and Burt both loved to spoil their kids), they had quite a few to open. Kurt even got Puck a DVD that had both the Hanukkah and Passove Rugrats pecials.

You can pretend you don't like it if you want, I won't tell anyone, he had written in a card. Puck looked down on it and considered it for a moment, but he knew he had to be honest and open if he wanted to be with Kurt.

"Thanks, Kurt; it's much better than watching them on tape," he said, just playfully punching Finn in the arm when he started to make fun of him.

When the presents were all opened, Kurt took Sam's hand and led him to the kitchen. Sam followed in confusion, not returning when Kurt came back in a few minutes later, shutting the door to the kitchen. He explained, "Since Sam couldn't get home, Dad got his parents a web camera so they could Skype each other."

"It was Kurt's idea," Burt insisted when Carole kissed his cheek.

Kurt shrugged and smiled as he looked at the tree. "It's the best time of year."


After dealing with being hugged and thanked by an emotional Sam, Kurt just wanted to change into sweats (his Christmas pajamas weren't nearly as comfy) and lie down until Christmas dinner (and an actual outfit). As soon as he was in his room, he stripped himself of his Christmas pajamas, put them in his hamper, and climbed into his sweats. Then he collapsed onto his bed without a second thought.

Until he felt himself lying on some paper, that is. He whined and pulled it out from under him, expecting to find some spare wrapping paper or something. But it definitely wasn't that. In the same handwriting of the notes he had been receiving for weeks were the word Look in your closet.

Kurt bolted up, his eyes darting to the closet. His dad had been right; the guy was obviously a creeper. And now he was like Emily Fields being corned by the mysterious A. Except he was more like Aria since Emily was gay but Aria was the fashionable one. Well, maybe he was like Spencer since he tried so hard and Aria was annoying-

Okay, which one of th Pretty Little Liars e was wasn't the issue. The issue was that someone had been stalking him-and he had been naked! Well, in his underwear, but still! The door was slightly open, the stalker could've seen anything!

Trying to look as natural as possible, Kurt grabbed his nearby twirling baton and walked to his closet. His grip tightened around it as he grabbed the knob. He slowly turned the door opened and raised his baton, ready to attack-

"Noah?!" Kurt nearly screeched, dropping his hand. "Noah, what the hell? I thought someone had been spying on me, the note and-" He gasped as his brain finally made the connection. "You? You're…you're the guy with the notes and the winking faces and…you're the secret admirer?"

Puck nodded bashfully, "Yep, that would be me."

The baton fell out of Kurt's hand, "Oh." He slowly moved to his bed and put his hands in his lap. "I…nice joke," he said.

Puck groaned, "Jesus, not you, too."

"It's great. You were nice to me and opened up to me so much I thought you liked me. And then you gave me those gifts and you knew you could get me to fall for you. Such a great prank. Thanks, Noah, for being such a great friend-"

Kurt's words were cut off as Puck sat next to him and pressed his lips against his, his hand cupping Kurt's cheek. It was a simple kiss, but when Puck pulled away, his eyes stayed closed for a moment longer than necessary. He finally understood what people meant by seeing fireworks.

His eyes opened to see Kurt's looking at him in confusion, his mouth slightly parted but unspeaking. "Kurt," Puck said softly, letting his thumb run softly over Kurt's lips, "I promise this isn't a joke. This is me. This is Noah Puckerman telling you, Kurt Hummel, that I have a massive, raging, stupid-as-fuck crush on you. Sam found out, Finn found out, and even your parents found out, but now the most important person has found out and I need to know. I need to know if you'll go out with me. I don't know how gay I am or bi or whatever, all I know is that, if you say yes, this will be the best Christmas a Jew could ever have, and I'll do my best to make it the best one for you, too."

Kurt looked at Puck through his eyelashes. His lips started to form a smile and he whispered, "Yes." Puck smiled back as the two slowly closed the space between their mouths, the kiss slightly difficult with the corners of their lips turned upwards.

When they pulled away for air, Kurt groaned and rested his forehead against Puck's shoulder. "You saw me changing from there, didn't you?"

"Wait, you were naked? Just a few feet away from me?" Puck moved so he could look Kurt in the eye. "You don't mind replaying that moment just for me, right?"

Both of them laughed as Kurt him upside the head.


Kurt found himself on the loveseat with Noah yet again, all cuddled up to his side a White Christmas layed on the TV screen. Sam was watching in contentment after talking to his parents and siblings. Finn was texting his girlfriend holiday wishes as he sipped some warm milk. Carole and Burt were on the couch, Carole stopping Burt from keeping an eye on Puck too much.

Kurt couldn't help but press his lips against Noah's as Betty and Bob finally kissed on screen. His Christmas may not have been white, but it was definitely merry and bright.

"Kids, we talked about this already, don't make me separate you two!"

Kurt groaned; he should've let Puck take him out to a movie instead.

puckurt, author: xlessxthanx3x

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