WoW stuff - rambling, nerd-only post

Sep 07, 2009 01:19

In all the years I've played WoW, I never really found a class I love. I got a priest up to 60 before the expansions and it was fun solo, but healing raids was a weird mix of boring + stressful. I have an 80 warrior and have enjoyed playing him to varying degrees, but I hate fighting in groups - especially raids - because being in the middle of mobs and everyone's spell effects makes it hard for me to see what's going on. It doesn't help that he's a Tauren, taking up a lot of the screen.

So I concluded I wanted a DPS caster class. I've played warlock a few times and it was alright. I played a fire mage up to about 30 and enjoyed it, but when we moved to a Horde server I never re-rolled. After Alex & Matt explained to me how the refer-a-friend thing works, I decided to try levelling up 2 characters by dual-boxing. I figured a mage and a druid would be a good combo.

I never thought about speccing my mage in frost until I googled how to spec. Waaaaay back when I played my original mage everyone said frost wasn't very good. The intervening years have been kind to frost since now it seems pretty great. The big appeal to me is the amount of crowd control frost allows. I've always liked CC classes in other games because I like being able to control the pace and focus of a fight. While WoW has very little in the way of CC-centric classes, I think frost mages are pretty close.

So mine is at 22 now and I'm having a lot of fun with it. Having a pet druid to heal & buff me is nice too. Most likely I'll get it to mid/high levels and get bored with WoW again, but for now I am having some renewed fun with the game.
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